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Revision as of 10:30, 9 February 2012

1 Bears on Unicycles

  • 708.5gp each to Duen, Cameron, Rynn, & Slush

Wiki recap rewards:

  • Rynn: Circus clown (Usable once): Your acrobatic stunts amaze the audiences and you are adept at directing their attention. When this ability is used you may use Acrobatics instead of Bluff to create a distraction to hide. - Used
  • Duen: Sprint (Usable once): Your prey does not escape. As a full-round action you may sprint, moving ten times your normal speed when making a charge.
  • Cameron: FAL-CON (Usable once): You are an excellent distraction. As a full-round action you may attempt a DC 12 Perform check against a single opponent. If successful, the target is distracted and is flat-footed for the next round or until the next attack against it. - Used

Being on good terms with Bernaditi allows you to use the Midnight Circus as a "home base". Bernaditi also has goods for sale, so you may purchase items here.

2 Agony of De Feet

  • scarf gem: feet
  • scarf gem: lily
  • wand of fireballs (damaged): ?? charges

Wiki recap rewards:

  • Rynn: Actorial Fortitude (Usable once): As a free action you may draw on your mental memories of Cameron's performance at the Sanguine Playhouse and add a +4 bonus to any Will save. This must be used prior to knowing the success or failure of the roll. - Used
  • Duen: Death's Door (Usable Once): As an immediate action you may activate this spell-like ability. While under the effect of this ability you may not die from hit point damage but does not prevent you from entering the dying state. This effect lasts for 4 rounds.
  • Cameron: Thespian assault (Usable Once): As a standard action you may make an impromptu performance that stuns the target on a failed Will (or Shaken if the save is successful). The DC is 14. If a Perform (Acting) DC14 is made the duration is 1d4 rounds, otherwise the duration is one round. If stunned for more than one round, the target receives a Will save each round to reduce the effect to shaken. - Used

3 Wokka Wokka

From Algon
Potion Cure Serious Wounds
Potion See Invisibility
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 - Cameron
Cloak of Resistance +1 - Cameron
Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 - Duen
Dust of Appearance - Rynn
From Marzalee
Red Sceptor (+1 heavy mace) - Cameron
Cloak of Resistance +1 - Duen
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (3) - Duen, Rynn, Cameron
From Barrow King
Potion Water Walk - Duen
Elixir of Fire Breath - Zandor
+1 brass dragonhide breastplate - Broken condition
Throwing Axe, masterwork - Rynn
Ring of Protection +1 - Rynn
Cloak of Resistance +1 - Rynn
1360gp of books, scrolls, etc.
Gold gained (total of struck values above)
+396.75 each for Duen, Cameron, Rynn, and Slush
+340 each for Duen, Cameron, Rynn, and Slush

Wiki recap rewards:

  • Duen, Cameron: Gain a +2 single ability boost item (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, or Cha) of your choice.

4 Tick Tock Man Man

  • Five Fingers (glove, operates as a chime of opening 5/day) - Rynn
  • +2 Bastard Sword (small, 1d8) - Sold for 4,400 (+1,100gp for Rynn, Cameron, Duen, Zandor)

Among the clutter of the Tick Tock man's workshop are a variety of raw materials. Each player may have one (1) of the following made by the Azer Worker's Union:

  • Adamantine—light armor or a weapon (Cameron: Scizore, Zandor: Katana, Duen: Scimitar)
  • Cold Iron—two weapons (Rynn: Dagger (2))
  • Mithral—light or medium armor or a shield

Wiki Rewards:

  • Duen: Playing with your food (Usable Once, swift action): At the end of each round if you missed with any attack, you may make another attack (of the same kind) with a +2 bonus. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier.
  • Rynn: The Good Stuff: You have been given a packet of smokable herb by Onguar. This may be lit in a pipe using a standard action and you may blow smoke into an adjacent square. Any creatures in this square must make a Will DC16 or be confused (per the spell) for 1d4 rounds. Using this ability causes you to be dazzled (–1 penalty on attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks) for the same duration as the confusion.
  • Cameron: Union Card (Usable Once): As a swift action to may use your Smith's Caldera Union Card to summon forth an illusion of a Azer union member in any square within 25'. This illusion threatens adjacent squares verbally and with a large pick, providing a flanking bonus to any allies (including yourself). This lasts one round.