Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons


The Hawk and Shield

The Coryani empire is fracturing under a touched Emperor and the never-seen Sorcerer-King of Ymandragore has started to feverishly hunt and capture more of the gifted arcane casters from his island prison. The Sanctorum of the Arcane fights back, but struggles internally between two major factions—the Hawk, a group that seeks to confront the Sorceror King directly; and the Shield, a group that seeks to hide the gifted and starve out the Sorceror King.

Wiki maintenance for the campaign

Please include at least [[Category:Arcanis]] on ALL pages within the set, including images. Other categories used:


I like pages treed with forward slashes (breadcrumbs are good). If, after each wikilink, you add a pipe (|), it will whack off the namespace in the text and thusly look better.

Example: [[A:PC|]] creates this PC.

Templates should include the relevant category tags (at least [[Category:Arcanis]]).

Quick and dirty info on the setting

Arcanis info on Wikipedia
An Arcanis Wiki. Lots of good info with a little more detail than the above link.


This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.

Pages in category "Arcanis"

The following 98 pages are in this category, out of 98 total.

Media in category "Arcanis"

The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.