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==For approval==
===Potential PrC for Review===
== Progression ==
'''Master Alchemist''' (MoF, p 34). This would require me to slightly change the feat progression for Caitlyn.
*Paragnostic Apostle (Complete Champion, p94)
*Hu: Spellcasting Prodigy
**Pre-req: K (Arcana) 5; K (Religion) 5; K (other[Planes]) 5; Able to cast 3rd-level spells
*Wiz1: Scribe Scroll
:# (9) Lore; Holy Texts (not relevant); and Knowledge is Power (Energy Supremecy +1 caster on Electric spells)
*1st: Spell Focus Illus
:# (10) Knowledge is Power (Discern Weakness +1 DC vs Railthorn's men)
*Daryl2: Spell Thematics
*3rd: Greater Spell Focus Illus
*Wiz5: <strike>Signature Spell</strike>  Brew Potion
*Daryl: Skill Focus Craft Alchemy
*6th: Magical Artisan [Brew Potion] (from PGtF, p41)

== Spells added when leveling up to 9 ==
===Scribing from scrolls to spellbook===
#Secret Chest
*24 hours per spell
#Spell Matrix, lesser
*Cost for 1st: 125gp@ (25 gp scroll, 100 gp for 1 pg)
#Fly, Mass
*Cost for 2nd: 350gp@ (150 gp scroll, 200 gp for 2 pgs)
#Ironguard, lesser

===Purchases after last game===
*16 scrolls (25 gp @ for a total of 400 gp).
# Distract
# Erase
# Expeditious Retreat, Swift
# Inhibit
# Mage Hand, Greater
# Magic Weapon
# Magic Weapon
# Magic Weapon
# Nerveskitter
# Net of Shadows
# Prot Evil
# Ray of Clumsiness
# Shieldbearer
# Targeting Ray
# Thunderhead
# True Strike
*Potion Belt (FR Campaign, p96) 1 gp
*Scroll Organizer (FR Campaign, p96) 5 gp
'''Total:''' 406 gp
== Discussion ==
For your reply, Randy.  -Daryl

"''Inhibit''?  I'm sorry miss, I cannot sell you that scroll.  That's a classified military spell.  Can I see your badge, please?  You don't have one?  I see.  I'm sorry, but it's for the good of Cygnar that we keep that spell out of Khador's hands." -Any scroll traders you could locate.
Suddeen Fell Animate

"Psst?  Over here.  Quickly, into the alley. Miss, what is it?  I couldn't help but to overhear your search for a scroll ''Net of Shadows'' that you were having difficulty finding. I could scribe one for you by tomorrow, but it'll cost you a bit extra.  It will be fourty five gold pieces.  A great spell it is.  Useful if you're in a pickle like I was last night.  I found myself surrounded by an unruly lot of Black Hands.  I don't know how they got to me.  I could swear I set ''Alarm'' on the doorway.  My name?  Gladly.  I understand your motives.  It's Neves Saila.  You can find me back at this place here tomorrow with the scroll, should you still want it."  -The only person who seemed to be familiar with the spell.  A shady-looking older man, dressed in black, quite inappropriately for the brightly lit alleys in the Quad.  His scruples didn't necessarily seem all too large.
== Mem'd Spells ==
*'''5th (1)'''
** Empty
*'''4th (3+i)'''
** '''Invisibility, Greater''': {{#var:CL}} rnds (D); Stay invisible while attacking
** '''Sensory Deprivation''': Medium, {{#var:CL}} rnds; Blocks all auditory, olfactory, taste, and visual sensations, as well as finely tuned senses such as blindsense, blindsight, scent, and tremorsense. Target is blinded and deafened.
** '''Bestow Curse (Spellcraft DC 19)''' OR '''Phantasmal Killer''': Medium; Fearsome illusion (Will Neg) touches opponent and kills them (Fort 3d6 dmg)
** '''Enervation (Spellcraft DC 19) ''' OR '''Defenestrating Sphere'''<sup>F</sup> Medium, {{#var:CL}} rnds (D); Creates ball of air, move 30' (move action, 3d6 dmg), knocked prone (Fort Neg), if prone then pushed 1d8 &times; 5' up (Fort Neg) and falls 1d6 squares away from original location.
*'''3rd (4)'''
** '''Lightning Bolt''': Line 120'; {{#var:CL}}d6 Elec (Reflex half)
** '''Lightning Bolt''': Line 120'; {{#var:CL}}d6 Elec (Reflex half)
** '''Sleet Storm''': Long, 40' radius/20' high, {{#var:CL}} rnds; Blocks all sight, icy ground req's Balance 10 to move at half (fail by 5 and prone)
** '''Vampiric Touch<sup>Evil</sup>''' Touch, {{#expr:{{#var:CL}}/2}}d6 dmg (No Save)
*'''2nd (4+i)'''
** '''Protection from Arrows''': {{#var:CL}} hours until consumed; DR10/magic from arrows and bullets until {{#expr:{{#var:CL}}*10}} dmg is blocked
** '''Phantasmal Assailants''': Close; Will Neg, else 8 Wis and 8 Dex dmg (Fort half)
** '''Phantasmal Assailants''': Close; Will Neg, else 8 Wis and 8 Dex dmg (Fort half)
** '''Scorching Ray (Spellcraft DC 17)''' OR '''Fox's Cunning''': Touch, {{#var:CL}} min; +4 Int
** '''Ironthunder Horn''': Cone 30'; Creatures fall prone (Reflex Neg)
*'''1st (5)'''
** '''Distract''': Medium, {{#var:CL}} creatures within 30', {{#var:CL}} rnds; Only take a single standard or move action each round and -4 Concentration, Listen, Search, Spot (Will Neg)
** '''Expeditious Retreat, Swift''': Swift; +30' mvmt for 1 round
** '''Magic Missile''': Medium; 5d4+5 Force dmg
** '''Protection from Evil''': {{#var:CL}} min; +2 deflection AC and +2 saves from evil sources
** '''Ray of Clumsiness''': Close, {{#var:CL}} min; 1d6+{{#expr:{{#var:CL}}/2}} Dex penalty (No Save)
*'''0th (4)'''

Latest revision as of 13:54, 14 August 2008


  • Paragnostic Apostle (Complete Champion, p94)
    • Pre-req: K (Arcana) 5; K (Religion) 5; K (other[Planes]) 5; Able to cast 3rd-level spells
  1. (9) Lore; Holy Texts (not relevant); and Knowledge is Power (Energy Supremecy +1 caster on Electric spells)
  2. (10) Knowledge is Power (Discern Weakness +1 DC vs Railthorn's men)

Spells added when leveling up to 9

  1. Secret Chest
  2. Spell Matrix, lesser
  3. Fly, Mass
  4. Ironguard, lesser

Suddeen Fell Animate

Mem'd Spells

  • 5th (1)
    • Empty
  • 4th (3+i)
    • Invisibility, Greater: rnds (D); Stay invisible while attacking
    • Sensory Deprivation: Medium, rnds; Blocks all auditory, olfactory, taste, and visual sensations, as well as finely tuned senses such as blindsense, blindsight, scent, and tremorsense. Target is blinded and deafened.
    • Bestow Curse (Spellcraft DC 19) OR Phantasmal Killer: Medium; Fearsome illusion (Will Neg) touches opponent and kills them (Fort 3d6 dmg)
    • Enervation (Spellcraft DC 19) OR Defenestrating SphereF Medium, rnds (D); Creates ball of air, move 30' (move action, 3d6 dmg), knocked prone (Fort Neg), if prone then pushed 1d8 × 5' up (Fort Neg) and falls 1d6 squares away from original location.
  • 3rd (4)
    • Lightning Bolt: Line 120'; d6 Elec (Reflex half)
    • Lightning Bolt: Line 120'; d6 Elec (Reflex half)
    • Sleet Storm: Long, 40' radius/20' high, rnds; Blocks all sight, icy ground req's Balance 10 to move at half (fail by 5 and prone)
    • Vampiric TouchEvil Touch, Expression error: Unexpected / operator.d6 dmg (No Save)
  • 2nd (4+i)
    • Protection from Arrows: hours until consumed; DR10/magic from arrows and bullets until Expression error: Unexpected * operator. dmg is blocked
    • Phantasmal Assailants: Close; Will Neg, else 8 Wis and 8 Dex dmg (Fort half)
    • Phantasmal Assailants: Close; Will Neg, else 8 Wis and 8 Dex dmg (Fort half)
    • Scorching Ray (Spellcraft DC 17) OR Fox's Cunning: Touch, min; +4 Int
    • Ironthunder Horn: Cone 30'; Creatures fall prone (Reflex Neg)
  • 1st (5)
    • Distract: Medium, creatures within 30', rnds; Only take a single standard or move action each round and -4 Concentration, Listen, Search, Spot (Will Neg)
    • Expeditious Retreat, Swift: Swift; +30' mvmt for 1 round
    • Magic Missile: Medium; 5d4+5 Force dmg
    • Protection from Evil: min; +2 deflection AC and +2 saves from evil sources
    • Ray of Clumsiness: Close, min; 1d6+Expression error: Unexpected / operator. Dex penalty (No Save)
  • 0th (4)