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== Kazimir Volev ECL5 ==
See [[IK:Caitlyn Viscario/Cohort]]
NG Medium human<br/>
'''Aura''' Allies within 60' gain +2 Reflex<br/>
'''Init''' +0; '''Senses:''' Listen/Spot +4
'''AC:''' 12; '''Touch:''' 12; '''Flat-footed:''' 10<br/>(+2 dex)<br/>
'''HP:''' 13+4d6 (1d8+4d6+5)<br/>
'''Fort:''' +4, '''Ref''' +2, '''Will''' +5<br/>
+3 Reflex with Aura<br/>
<!-- ==============================
Marshall: Good Fort & Will
Warmage: Good Will
=================================== -->
'''Speed:''' 30'<br/>
'''Melee:''' Touch +1 <br/>
'''Ranged:''' Touch +4 <br/>
'''Space:''' 5'; '''Reach:''' 5'; '''BAB:''' +2; '''Grapple:''' +1<br/>
'''Warmage Spells''' CL4 '''DC''' 12+lvl<br/>
'''Close''' 35' [7] '''Medium''' 140' '''Long''' 560'<br/>
*'''2nd (x)''' Spells here
'''Abilities''' Str 9 -1| Dex 14 +1 | Con 12 +1 | Int 14 +2 | Wis 13 +1 | Cha 14 +2 <br/>
'''Feats''' Point Blank Shot; Precise Shot; Skill Focus (Diplomacy)<sup>Marshall</sup>; Arcane Disciple (War Doman)<sup>CD</sup>; Skill Focus (Concentration)<sup>Daryl</sup><br/>
'''Skills''' Concentration +12; Diplomacy +8; Intimidate +5; Sense Motive +4; Knowledge (Tactics) +5; Knowledge (Religion) +6; Ride +5; Profession (Military) +4; Spellcraft +10<br />
'''Languages:''' Khadoran (native); Cygnaran; three more
<!-- ========================
Marshal: (4+int[2]+hu[1])*4 = 28
          3 ranks in 8 skills = -24
            Dip, Intim, Listen, Spot, Sense, K-tactics, K-rel, ride
          Cygnarian, three more languages (already speaks Khardoran)
Warmage: (2+int[2]+hu[1])*4 = 20
          8 ranks in 2 skills = -16
            Conc + Splcrft
          1 rank in K-rel = -1
          3 rank in Profession (Military) = -3
============================= --><br/>

Latest revision as of 09:21, 4 July 2008