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                From the desk of Ludtrac
            2nd in command of the Red Rouges
          swarn protector of flying blue eyes
Yang’s report
Mission 1 : Myself ,Bob and David in the middle of  receiving orders for actions against the rouge consortium, mission 2 interjected and because of priority mission 2 was undertaken.
Mission 2 : infiltrate a primitive world and recover a top secret technology
Our team was lead by team leader rayann who was in charge protecting the rear.  David who confronted any problem.  Bob who took care of anything that needed fix.  Myself who recorded what took place for more information gathering to improve tactics and teamwork. 
When entering the orbit of the planet there was already empire dreadnaughts  surrounding the world.  We  landed on the planet  then investigated a large gathering on the way to the signal for the technology .  We happen upon a crowd of people who was listening to a grandly dressed  person with a crown and a big golden chocker where an empire military man was to her right .  She spoke of struggle and hard times and pulling through in the end when you can stick together.  Then she talked about  ushering in a new era of rule of the dragon empire. Then in the speech she made it clear that she is against this and that her people should fight to the death .  When her big gold chocker exploded then riot incurred.  Our team then entered the castle through a entrance where empire had killed the guards.  During the fight with the empire a war wizard name Flinn aided us in entering the empire occupied castle. 
Flinn is a wizard who could have been just a person of this world who was aiding us against the aggressors of his world. No lies was detected when he asked us about our technology.  Or Flinn is a scout who was implanted by the empire before the take over to supply the empire with valuable information on security to make the empires job easier to render the planet defenseless.
After entrance  into the castle our team happened onto empire troops fighting empire troops.  On side of the battle was 4 empire troops lead by a doctor (who was taken prisoner ) with cover. They was engaged with one empire guard and a doctor defending two bodies laying on the floor one woman and a child.  Opening the door I gave the order to attack the winning side of the empire vs. empire troops only because team leader was defended the rear and could not completely understand the reality of the situation.  We help secreted the room and assisted the empire doctor with the two fallen people.  The story the doctor La Cutous  and  Venessa the empire trooper told our team that there captain had already wounded the woman who would have died if not for Dr. La Cutous.  The captain then order the troops to kill the child and when Dr la Cutous and Venessa disagreed  the captain order them to be killed along with the child and woman.  During the fire fight our team herd the laser fire and hurried to the room.
Dr. La Cutous seems non evil and chaotic because of regard for life and disregard for orders even if they bring up of the dilemma of following bad orders.  Talking to the doctor makes me think we can trust him although he did slip something past our team on to Captain Lanesses’s ship . Reason for his mistrust of us is his displaced mistrust for his former employers the Empire.  Long term he may loose his mind to cutting edge experimental research  that is morally lacking.  Sexual preference is any most likely due to wanting to be excepted by anyone and deep fear of rejection for his unusually views on humanity
Venessa fought well against the empire her actions tell that she is most likely non evil and chaotic for her regard for life and disregarded for orders. Again the dilemma of following bad orders.  Her appearance is pleasant on the eyes and her domineer is reserved and seductive.  Talking to Venessa makes me think we can trust her. Her other occupations and practices may help raise moral of male portion of the population.  She could be part of a bigger empire plan to have her gain our trust and to betray our organization knowing that we would also be after the technology they would have been expecting us also on the scene to implement this plan with in a plan
Sharleen, the woman who was dying before Dr La Cutous stabilized her.  She claims to want revenge on the captain who killed her son and nearly killed her. There is no signs of lies coming from her story but her story raises lots of questions why was she in the castle.  If she was just a washerwoman or slave then there would be no need for the wasting of ammo on her and her child but he had to take care of the situation himself instead of just letting these common people to flee.  Which leads me to believe that she is a high ranking official of the government. Because of the zealot behavior of the queen in the start of the invasions leads me to believe that she is the real queen and her son is heir to the throne  being a high level diplomat she would have ability to speak as if she was telling the truth all the time and her weapon of choice is a rapier
Our team then carried out the people who had fallen in battle to the artifact room where we propped them outside the room.  When the door opened we seen the captain who ordered the woman and child dead . He then ordered this underling to set off the trap so that he could take it unharmed. After doing so he grabbed the technology  our team charged the room to fight him for possession of the technology.  there was artifacts covering the walls and when we almost reached the captain  an explosion tore through the room after the dust cleared there was a female drow standing there challenging us to come take the object.  Only being in the front of the group I gave the order to retreat after throwing a grenade at them to help in our escape.
The female drow picture will be sketched at the end of the report .  She gave the impression of ispd although she didn’t identify herself .  She acted like she was expecting us when she told us was too late.  She looked powerful and with the help of the captain of the empire guard we though it best to flee. Only because of lack of powers, healing and ammo. Our team would have been killed and if we did manage to retrieve the object there would have been more pursuit
During the escape team leader was killed in the collapse of the ground and he fell to his death (unconfirmed death) could be alive but chances was not good on that bet.
After making it back to the shuttle craft we asked for our new guests to hand over any weapon type object. All except the doctor handed over everything.  Sharleen was not searched for weapons since she was not awake.  After take off our shuttle was attacked by another small ship.  Venesa  with our rocket launcher eliminated the threat of the other shuttle craft. 
Meeting up at the Captain Lanessess’s ship our team was fully healed, supplied and accommodated.  Lanessess persuaded the doc to hand over some object but captain lanesses didn’t see any harm in our guests having their things back and gave them limited access to different parts of the ship.
Request forms was filled out for assignment and requests .
Doc request medical granted
Venesa requested crew granted
Flinn requested security granted
Shaleen requested security granted
Yang requested transfer out of crew into medical, security or engineering rejected
Request form for miracle
Miracle requested from sharleen to have a raised dead or higher to be preformed on her child
Request form for advancement
Yang  request for evaluation for squad leader vacancy
In conclusion I don’t really trust my partner David because of the stories of the programming braking down and the person is sent into a state of confusion because of the mind flayers programming.  If this happens I will just leave him and get myself or anyone I can to safety.  David is the strongest member of our unite.  Because of the ispd knows of our goals of retrieval of the technology every step there is a chance of a trap every situation we enter in.  So everything brought up in this report doesn’t mean its can’t be wrong.  Even if our weapons were better and we could have gotten to the target first.  I don’t believe that the drow would have stop following us.  Until everyone one was dead she looked that powerful.
Yang’s report
Mission 2 (previously mission 1): Myself, Bob ,Flinn, Shaleen, Doc la cutis, David and Venesa received the orders.  Acting on the intel provided by our superiors we replaced ourselves with the new recruits guards.  work papers and orders were faked.  An attempt for a prison brake to cover the fake and real virus infection in the RMC database. 2nd system backup defense of the mind for gassing prisoners prevented the attempt because the senseless death would have occurred for prisoners and others in the mine.  Since an attempt was made it will give more of a diversion from the priority objective.  Power should have been cut off to the 2nd system  to complete the freeing of the slaves.  This set back will give a better intel for the next mission for freeing of slaves from the RMC.  Being chased from the 2nd system to the abandon mine passage I possibly killed the driver with Psionics making their shuttle crash would have finished him off if I didn‘t.  My plan was to capture their shuttle.  Then drive it farther down the mine.  where I would have some one crash it against the wall. in a rift or against the wall  where the shuttle would as if a grenade would have exploded and caught the shuttle on fire and it crashed where the bag with all our info and the location of the tied up guards in the woods, would have been switched with their info to frame them for all of this is left out of the fire contently.  My plan was not enacted because of a fear of time constraint by my comrades.  Finally we made it to the shuttle.  Where we meet back with our commander
At one point in the mission each of the members of the unit was separated from the group.  Then each of us had an encounter with the shape shifter named commander Dorn.  Insert Dorn’s report here. 
My interaction with Commander Dorn was that I also agreed to put the tracking device on the ship so that I could also have 100 credits I also used Psionics to draw a picture of the form he was in.  Before I could use Psionics to call on David’s help Commander Dorn showed me he was on our side and just testing me
Requests for bigger guns
Request for reassignment to beyond any open position of engineering , security or medical
Because of my team has no faith in my leadership ability
Request for counseling about the death of the tied up guards in the woods, for working through their death on my mind
Request for promotion would be David this party would rather follow  a strong leader then a smart leader because of  conflicts with egos
Request for an alchemy lab
Request for metallurgy area
Request for armor assembling station
Request for gun assembling station
Request of more books on subjects the higher ups feel is prevalent to up coming missions
Yang’s Report
    Mission  3
Team and myself meet at 11:30pm for team meeting before shift.  We discussed what the night will have in store for us, where we are headed for our shift and secret word in case of emergency for stealth.  After the team meeting , we then reported to the bridge for instructions of our working of the night shift 12:00am -7am.  We discussed in detail what we was going to do for all the time periods through out the night for equipment maintenance and what problems would arise.
Nurse Hojo reported to sick bay.  David and Flynn patrolled the ship.  Vanessa and I manned the bridge.  Bob and his crew worked on the ship from engineering.  Sharleen had a day off for grieving over her dead child.  Working with the skeleton  crew to run the ship while upgrades are taking place making it difficult for communications.  Directions was given for these emergences.
12:00 am on the bridge ran internal sensors sweep.  Downloaded the prints for the ship and memorized all rooms, passages, ducts, work tunnels, ventilation shafts and catwalks. 
1 am on the bridge an external sensors sweep.  Read the book that Nurse Hojo recovered from the palace on the planet from mission 1.  Memorized the books info about nobility and their family in the recent years.  I came up with questions I could ask sharleen to give away her identity if she is the real queen of the primitive world that the RMC occupy.  The questions are of her mother, her mothers life and her accomplishments. 
2 am on the bridge a internal sensors sweep was ran started with the holds where the freighter crew was housed.  Read all the reports that I could find on the  non-secured files. 
3 am, I put Vanessa in charged for 10mins while located the sites that I could contact key members of the crew using Psionic one way messages in case of not having the communications.
3:30 am on the bridge an external sensor sweep was started. 
4 am on the bridge I read about the each station and its function.  We all on the bridge introduced our selves and told about their jobs.
5 am communications went down. I started a internal sensor sweep and tracked the members of my team coming to check in for a visual confirmation then back to their stations. 
5:15am we found out that dead bodies had been energized by the nebula that the ship was parked in, while repairs was being completed.  5 am bob was sending in a report about the radiation that was getting through the shields and how it need to be refrequenced to counter the frequency that was getting through.  Our team went to medical bay first so that the doctor could check the medical emergency that had accrued while the communications was down.  On our arrival subject one or zombie one had already been bitten by subject zero.  Subject zero or zombie zero was the child of sharleen who had been frozen in cryogenics chamber.  Zombie zero (Z0) then killed the nurse who was on duty with nurse Hojo.  After entering the chamber we spotted zombie one (Z1) and not knowing that she was a zombie we grabbed her and got her into the shield chair thinking we didn’t want to kill her or destroy her body.  While capturing zombie one (Z1) we sealed the ventilation system where (Z0) escaped before we got there.  Knowing that this threat was loose and there was no way of warning anyone ,we made our way to engineering in great haste so that the shield could be set to the right frequency before more people died.
Our team without nurse Hojo who stayed behind to study the (Z1) arrived at engineering.  As we are opening the door, nurse Hojo showed up and said started talking about through his research that he conducted on the subjects, they were in fact zombies.  In a long round about way.  Being long winded and wanting to hear himself talk he didn’t get to the point fast enough.  he didn’t state before you open the door you have to know this. I instructed him a simple “don’t open that door” will work in the future.  He had the info about the right frequency the guns need to be set at to destroy the zombies.  In the future I will think more of the reasoning powers of nurse Hojo.  Our team open the door and started to engage the zombie 2-5. As the fight progressed with the zombies nurse Hojo then told us what we needed to know.  Then (Z0) showed up with an icy aura around her from traveling in the coolant systems.  During the fight I had to impose myself between the attacking Z(0), other zombie and bob who was fixing the shields.  I dropped in the fight and nurse Hojo saved my life twice from the (Z0) and her icy aura. After using all of his spells Flynn took care of me during the combat and carried me to the environmental controls to emit the signal to the ship to cancel the radiation that the nebula had inflicted. 
Next day entered north star station for first time and was given shore leave.
Requests: an issued small slashing piercing weapon for creatures that are tolerant to smashing of the stun mace.  half the value of equipment and weapons plundered from away missions 1+2:
Pistols 6
Lazars 11
Combat fatigues  7
Land transport battery
2 stun grenades
2 nausea grenades
2 concussion grenades
7 long swords
1 machine tools
1 thieves tools
1 doc tools
Yang’s Report
Report 4 day one on north star
Volunteering for security under Arin.  Using the info net I researched : Psionic crew members, files on nonaligned Psionic personal, resources at our disposal, maps of station, ( information about north star, nonaligned personal of importance) and information for a back world druid named Nardu Miri.  The info was about his father’s uniform who was empire military and must have lost contact with Nardu at a young age.  By the fashion of the uniform it was 20-15 years ago.  Later I researched the planet Nardu is from and any available info about empire military in that area that many years ago.  After compiling Psionic files on people I invited all of them for a forum about Psionics information exchanged and open discussion about different magic types in comparison to Psionics.  Stories about experiences about anything Psionic welcome. 
Early shift after doing information gathering and memorizing.  I used the rest of first shift showing Nardu around the space station.  Answering questions about technology and life in space.  Spending more time with Nardu I believe there is something he is hiding.  Nardu gets upset when you explain something to him and says “ my world is not that back water” but he doesn’t know how to use indoor pluming.  Understanding guns and their function.  Nardu may just have spent his whole life in the woods abandon from his parents would also explain his behavior.  Neutral aligned with good tendency make him a very trusting addition to the red rouges.  Combat and choices showing his wisdom I would rate him 95% effective member of a squad.  Skills missing is communicating, knowledge of anything technical and no uses on a star ship.  Security and medical would be only divisions suitable for his talents.
While touring Nardu around the station we found out a request for security to clean out the rats at the café DM.  Since café DM is where the rouges eat for free I though before we eat off the menu we should help clean up the place.  The owner told me that I would need more men, using my communicator I called my team to come and assist Nardu and my self in this task.  All member except Funessia and Shar did not report being too busy reported for this mission.  This was ok with me since they had shore leave so they did not have to report for volunteer work.
Entering the storage room at café DM we was attacked by large dog sized rats and swarms of smaller ones.  Besides being diseased the rats seem to be radiated from where ever they are nesting.  Re-insulation of  the core or other radiated areas that the shafts connect to will need new gating for pest control.  This rat problem helped us find this radiation leak that could be a future problem.  Nurse Hojo has the info about what treatments from exposure, bites, and possible applications for a weapon this sickening effect the radiation as a weapon. 
Applications for weapons.  Radiation admitter of both the Nebula radiation under a RMC building in the sewers. If the sewers would not be available in high tech would, mission of entering the building under a maintenance disguise  of some system in the building.  Also radiation that mutated the rats to that size.  So you would get large undead radiation rats plaguing a building.  Then another cover of rat exterminators using the frequency weapons designed by nurse Hojo to take care of the rats and any other zombie created grab the device and any information needed then be gone.  Finially getting paid to fix the problem.  After using this  plan enough then we can spread word about the zombie rat problem to cause evacuations from area that needs infiltrated.
In one week we or another security team can follow up the rat problem and investigates into the vents to the radiated nesting area for these rats.  These rats should be studied and not completely eradicated for applications for bio warfare.  Later the druid Nardu could possably control these rats.  If able to be controlled the rats could replace guard dogs and other war animals. 
That night I worked the door and walk about security for the show.  All went well, I memorized all the important looking people at the preformance and I will be researching the files from security and learning more about these people.  During the performance I ran possible security breaches and what would be the best plan of actions for every scenario.  Before bed I study the maps of the station and looked for problems with security that could arise with the nonaligned population that live on the station. 
Request :  being part of the team that re maps the station , being maps now are not 100% correct on dimensions. 
Request : starting equipment for Nardu if he is joining the red rouges.
Yang’s report
Report 5 day 2 not star station
Before my volunteer shift I emailed every profile that fit psycraft in some way.  The directions are for an open table at café DM 10pm - 2am.  Emailed Café DM about reservation of a table with a signs stating Psionic Meeting.  for the meeting at café DM.  Sending payment for to 4 sampler platters, 4 bottle of wine, glasses of water,  and any resorvation fee then also a 15% tip paid in advanced. 
After receiving orders to investigate a power drain on the space station.  I looked for volunteers for the mission.  First I went to find  Nardu he would not understand a communicator call over the communications network.  Nardu was on my list because he wouldn’t have anything else to do and the longer he is left unsupervised more likely he will get into trouble .  Then I called the rest of the team  over the communicator.  All the team except bob, who was busy doing repairs and shar who was still grieving over her child. 
Going to where the map ends and the old sections of space stations continues.  We turn on the power to the old sections.  Security Robots who was still activated to defend the area attacked us.  With out any mechanics we were unable to deactivate the robots with out destroying the robots.  Found the power source then found a stasis chamber with two foes locked in an epic struggle.  Theory 1 they both got there by friendly fighting and accidentally trapped. Likely hood 5%.  Theory 2 they are foes, the winning side most likely  evil, trapped them there and being only way to deal with the situation is to use time to give the struggle to an another.  Likely hood 60%.  Theory 3 they are foes that a third party trapped them there. likely hood 50%.  Situation is we know neither suspect , can trust neither subjects, we have no frame of reference to situation that they happened into.  The importance of a separate high quality generator put there just to make sure the stasis field would not fail for over a thousand years.  The situation should be handed as if the good person in this struggle is only there to hold the greatly more powerful enemy. So that a collection of allies all less powerful then this enemy could pool their resources to get him into this trap.  Likely hood 98%. Them and all their belongings was sent to security.
Requests half value for 2 robot chasses  equipped with gun arm  no AI unit and no circuits.
Request to transfer to north star station security units
6th report of yang encounters with the shadow monster
Day 3 in space station . 
Started the day by doing diagnosis on security computers in all public security stations.  Stop down to café dm to pay tab for raising moral party for Psionic members of the space station for public relations with Psionic members of our non-Red rouges.  After other security procedures was followed for morning crew.  I was then approached by a security unit and was asked to go for a rutean quenteening after being exposed to a dead body.  Being that I and my team was around the two people in stasis and then one of them died from some unknown variable.  I and my team conducted our pre-work off duty meeting  while in containment.  After being clear of any harmful vectors, we was put on the case to try to retrace our steps to try to figure out what happed to the human that was trapped in the stasis chamber that was located in the hidden forgotten part of the space station.  During our investigation we heard screams to find robots attacking the general public.  Because of no engineers in our party we could not stop the robots without braking the robots.  After the attack we was introduced to the head of robotics a gnome named cog.  Seems that cogs robots was that cogs security bots was reprogrammed into a rampage on the public.  My team and I returned to the security office to review tape on the person who programmed those bots.  After getting our conformation from the video surveillance we confronted the engineer and was forced to use lethal force and noticed undead traits. 
This was attributed to the shadow creature who was seen and reported to the la-sha as an ancient shadow creature who is was the arch enemy of the la-sha in the end of the first age.  His power is to know what his host knows as he controls their bodies.  His body jumping started with the human in the stasis chambers then his second victum was an engineer who was working near or in medical.  Then the shadow then used the knowledge of the engineer to reprogram the bots to run a muck.  Then the shadow jumped into an engineer named van who was near the place the shadow was attacked by our team and escaped when we thought it was dead. 
Our doctor noticed a strange behavior in his friend van.  Engineer van was also near the area where the shadow got away.  We tracked down the engineer lucky for him the shadow left his body and tried to use David to destroyed the party.  After receiving dim weapons from the armory from the leader of the red rouges flying blue eyes and his second command  the Orc named Ludtrac.  Because of the weapons we had it made destroying this shadow easier then the first time we encounter it.
Being summoned to the command center of the red rouges, I and my team was briefed on the planet where these shadows was trapped by the la-shas at the end of the first age.  Our team needs to go to this planet  to investigate and record what had happen at this site. 
After the debriefing my team and I went to the party at café dm and met with red rouges and non red rouges Psionic who live and work on the space station.  The team and I strengthen the ties between this splinter of the population and the red rouges.
Cashing in master worked medical tools
Cashing in master worked engineering tools
Cashing in 2 pair of combat fatures
Cashing in 2 lazar pistols
Cashing in 2 communicators
7th report by latent yang
Day 4 on space station north star
I started off the day by reporting to Arin for daily work.  I then was ordered to give out  a ranking to my team for second leiutent. The team and I met for our morning meting , we did the researched on the planet .  After deep debate with my self, I had to appointed nurse Hojo the position.  Being that nurse Hojo fit the criteria for leadership being he is as smart as I, he has the problem of not having a good armor, lots of health to take a hit or two,  healing to keep the party going , skills , knowledge’s and spells.  But also knowing his past lying , and he by not  passing the loyalty tests of the red rouges.  This bit of responsibility could turn his behavior around to a positive aspect of our team. 
We was given rooming assignments on the Acnyx.  Caption Ben grim informed me that I was not responsible for my team while riding on his ship but once on the planet original red rouge protocol was enacted.  While on the trip caption Ben grim refused my requests for  any orders or jobs to work on for the whole trip there and back.
Landing on the planet was the a very skilled and sooth .  The planet was a thick jungle leading to the mountain .  The druid Nardu suggested we travel via the path with the river so that we could use the river as a landmark in case we are lost.  Being that it had more samples of flora , fauna and minerals. We settled on the river path for our mission.    Encountered large blood sucking bugs.
Found the temple where some kind of mass killing took place where runes was recorded and bone samples was collected.  Then we left the temple and collected more flora , fauna and minerals. During the fight with the undead , the druid Nardu was cursed with some kind of undead curse which ended the next morning.  While searching a dead body that was off on its own David touched a multi color crystal and it seam to enter his body.
Logging and cataloging of 2 days of  flora fauna and minerals samples from the trip in and the next day before and after the ruins.
Planet has a very wild and primitive environment the egg sample are of most likely ground birds, flight birds, ground lizards or egg laying mammals (example duckbilled platypus).  Best possible out come is that the eggs are of the largest eggs are of the same breed of the dinosaur that the druid befriend so that we could raise a possible breeding partners.
Plant samples was not interacted with in the harvesting process.  All safety protocol was followed and minimal contamination to no contaminations was observed.  Minimal contamination was only achieved because of the radius of the plant that had to be under taken for collection.  Most unique flora samples was in perfect condition and no plant life being eaten by animals suggests that properties may be poisonous.  Plants that was in perfect condition but others like it was eaten or bedded in suggests possible food source for us or any animals.  Mineral samples was of the hard rocks and medals encountered.  Panning of the river results should be positive for useful metals because of the lack of civilization for mining of areas. Skimming of the  swamp water was taken where the large blood sucking bugs attacked the party.
8th report by luetient yang
Day 3 on mission planet
During the beginning of day 3 gathering of more samples.  This magical sickness hit me then my crew with a communication scrambling effect.  Not writing , talking or hand signals could be accomplished.  Then the process of communication causes this curse to travel communicably.  Even writings of the infected persons could cause infection to any and all who looks upon it.  Three days of isolation cause me to became very productive in crafting useful parts for replacement parts of robots.
Request to transfer to cogs shop to crafts robot parts when no other assignment are in cue.
Thanks for the la sha who help me and my crew spread the news on how to treat this illness.  Refer to nurse la cutis for more details of the disease.  Being transferred to the next mission to the planet where the RMC has captured  the population living there.  As my team searched for clues.  I recovered a heavy auto pistol ,two hold out lazars and  100 gold value of goods at the adventuring store.  The team encountered a girl who was standing next to a body who had been bludgeoned to death with too much stun damage to his system.  The girl turned out to be an old acquaintance of the red rouges Akeem who was a very powerful looking drow who was testing us in our over all alignment of our party fit’s the M O of the red rouges and he seem to have more knowledge of myself and the team.  Akeem was very egotistical and over self confident he has given us a link to his security web link system. 
Recovered a trap to put the subject asleep that has an on off switch
Akeem had given us some quadrants to a crashed RMC colossal ship where a new secret weapon was developed by the RMC.  On board 3 genetically altered humans with grafted armor and strong Psionic ablitys of our own Elms rescued from the mind flayers ships.  The ship had a large room where mass operations could be preformed on asleep subjects. From what I have learned about our own elm and all clues discovered this is a exchanged in technology with the mind flayers. 
Recovered 3 bodies of the RMC elms and body armor.
3 master worked great sword
3 heavy auto pistols
Exchanged 5 hold out lazars
Art work Akeem
Body grafted armor
Recovered RMC ship “tug boat”
Report 9
Post discovery of RMC elms
After repair and exchanging the data from this captured RMC ship “ tug boat” to the Acnyx.  We will be making the jump after the last necessary repair is completed. 
end of contack??????????????

Latest revision as of 13:25, 17 December 2008

               From the desk of Ludtrac 
           2nd in command of the Red Rouges
          swarn protector of flying blue eyes

					Yang’s report

Mission 1 : Myself ,Bob and David in the middle of receiving orders for actions against the rouge consortium, mission 2 interjected and because of priority mission 2 was undertaken.

Mission 2 : infiltrate a primitive world and recover a top secret technology

Our team was lead by team leader rayann who was in charge protecting the rear. David who confronted any problem. Bob who took care of anything that needed fix. Myself who recorded what took place for more information gathering to improve tactics and teamwork.

When entering the orbit of the planet there was already empire dreadnaughts surrounding the world. We landed on the planet then investigated a large gathering on the way to the signal for the technology . We happen upon a crowd of people who was listening to a grandly dressed person with a crown and a big golden chocker where an empire military man was to her right . She spoke of struggle and hard times and pulling through in the end when you can stick together. Then she talked about ushering in a new era of rule of the dragon empire. Then in the speech she made it clear that she is against this and that her people should fight to the death . When her big gold chocker exploded then riot incurred. Our team then entered the castle through a entrance where empire had killed the guards. During the fight with the empire a war wizard name Flinn aided us in entering the empire occupied castle.

Flinn is a wizard who could have been just a person of this world who was aiding us against the aggressors of his world. No lies was detected when he asked us about our technology. Or Flinn is a scout who was implanted by the empire before the take over to supply the empire with valuable information on security to make the empires job easier to render the planet defenseless.

After entrance into the castle our team happened onto empire troops fighting empire troops. On side of the battle was 4 empire troops lead by a doctor (who was taken prisoner ) with cover. They was engaged with one empire guard and a doctor defending two bodies laying on the floor one woman and a child. Opening the door I gave the order to attack the winning side of the empire vs. empire troops only because team leader was defended the rear and could not completely understand the reality of the situation. We help secreted the room and assisted the empire doctor with the two fallen people. The story the doctor La Cutous and Venessa the empire trooper told our team that there captain had already wounded the woman who would have died if not for Dr. La Cutous. The captain then order the troops to kill the child and when Dr la Cutous and Venessa disagreed the captain order them to be killed along with the child and woman. During the fire fight our team herd the laser fire and hurried to the room.

Dr. La Cutous seems non evil and chaotic because of regard for life and disregard for orders even if they bring up of the dilemma of following bad orders. Talking to the doctor makes me think we can trust him although he did slip something past our team on to Captain Lanesses’s ship . Reason for his mistrust of us is his displaced mistrust for his former employers the Empire. Long term he may loose his mind to cutting edge experimental research that is morally lacking. Sexual preference is any most likely due to wanting to be excepted by anyone and deep fear of rejection for his unusually views on humanity

Venessa fought well against the empire her actions tell that she is most likely non evil and chaotic for her regard for life and disregarded for orders. Again the dilemma of following bad orders. Her appearance is pleasant on the eyes and her domineer is reserved and seductive. Talking to Venessa makes me think we can trust her. Her other occupations and practices may help raise moral of male portion of the population. She could be part of a bigger empire plan to have her gain our trust and to betray our organization knowing that we would also be after the technology they would have been expecting us also on the scene to implement this plan with in a plan

Sharleen, the woman who was dying before Dr La Cutous stabilized her. She claims to want revenge on the captain who killed her son and nearly killed her. There is no signs of lies coming from her story but her story raises lots of questions why was she in the castle. If she was just a washerwoman or slave then there would be no need for the wasting of ammo on her and her child but he had to take care of the situation himself instead of just letting these common people to flee. Which leads me to believe that she is a high ranking official of the government. Because of the zealot behavior of the queen in the start of the invasions leads me to believe that she is the real queen and her son is heir to the throne being a high level diplomat she would have ability to speak as if she was telling the truth all the time and her weapon of choice is a rapier

Our team then carried out the people who had fallen in battle to the artifact room where we propped them outside the room. When the door opened we seen the captain who ordered the woman and child dead . He then ordered this underling to set off the trap so that he could take it unharmed. After doing so he grabbed the technology our team charged the room to fight him for possession of the technology. there was artifacts covering the walls and when we almost reached the captain an explosion tore through the room after the dust cleared there was a female drow standing there challenging us to come take the object. Only being in the front of the group I gave the order to retreat after throwing a grenade at them to help in our escape.

The female drow picture will be sketched at the end of the report . She gave the impression of ispd although she didn’t identify herself . She acted like she was expecting us when she told us was too late. She looked powerful and with the help of the captain of the empire guard we though it best to flee. Only because of lack of powers, healing and ammo. Our team would have been killed and if we did manage to retrieve the object there would have been more pursuit

During the escape team leader was killed in the collapse of the ground and he fell to his death (unconfirmed death) could be alive but chances was not good on that bet.

After making it back to the shuttle craft we asked for our new guests to hand over any weapon type object. All except the doctor handed over everything. Sharleen was not searched for weapons since she was not awake. After take off our shuttle was attacked by another small ship. Venesa with our rocket launcher eliminated the threat of the other shuttle craft.

Meeting up at the Captain Lanessess’s ship our team was fully healed, supplied and accommodated. Lanessess persuaded the doc to hand over some object but captain lanesses didn’t see any harm in our guests having their things back and gave them limited access to different parts of the ship.

Request forms was filled out for assignment and requests .

Doc request medical granted Venesa requested crew granted Flinn requested security granted Shaleen requested security granted Yang requested transfer out of crew into medical, security or engineering rejected

Request form for miracle Miracle requested from sharleen to have a raised dead or higher to be preformed on her child

Request form for advancement Yang request for evaluation for squad leader vacancy

In conclusion I don’t really trust my partner David because of the stories of the programming braking down and the person is sent into a state of confusion because of the mind flayers programming. If this happens I will just leave him and get myself or anyone I can to safety. David is the strongest member of our unite. Because of the ispd knows of our goals of retrieval of the technology every step there is a chance of a trap every situation we enter in. So everything brought up in this report doesn’t mean its can’t be wrong. Even if our weapons were better and we could have gotten to the target first. I don’t believe that the drow would have stop following us. Until everyone one was dead she looked that powerful.

Yang’s report

Mission 2 (previously mission 1): Myself, Bob ,Flinn, Shaleen, Doc la cutis, David and Venesa received the orders. Acting on the intel provided by our superiors we replaced ourselves with the new recruits guards. work papers and orders were faked. An attempt for a prison brake to cover the fake and real virus infection in the RMC database. 2nd system backup defense of the mind for gassing prisoners prevented the attempt because the senseless death would have occurred for prisoners and others in the mine. Since an attempt was made it will give more of a diversion from the priority objective. Power should have been cut off to the 2nd system to complete the freeing of the slaves. This set back will give a better intel for the next mission for freeing of slaves from the RMC. Being chased from the 2nd system to the abandon mine passage I possibly killed the driver with Psionics making their shuttle crash would have finished him off if I didn‘t. My plan was to capture their shuttle. Then drive it farther down the mine. where I would have some one crash it against the wall. in a rift or against the wall where the shuttle would as if a grenade would have exploded and caught the shuttle on fire and it crashed where the bag with all our info and the location of the tied up guards in the woods, would have been switched with their info to frame them for all of this is left out of the fire contently. My plan was not enacted because of a fear of time constraint by my comrades. Finally we made it to the shuttle. Where we meet back with our commander

At one point in the mission each of the members of the unit was separated from the group. Then each of us had an encounter with the shape shifter named commander Dorn. Insert Dorn’s report here.

My interaction with Commander Dorn was that I also agreed to put the tracking device on the ship so that I could also have 100 credits I also used Psionics to draw a picture of the form he was in. Before I could use Psionics to call on David’s help Commander Dorn showed me he was on our side and just testing me

Requests for bigger guns

Request for reassignment to beyond any open position of engineering , security or medical Because of my team has no faith in my leadership ability

Request for counseling about the death of the tied up guards in the woods, for working through their death on my mind

Request for promotion would be David this party would rather follow a strong leader then a smart leader because of conflicts with egos

Request for an alchemy lab

Request for metallurgy area

Request for armor assembling station

Request for gun assembling station

Request of more books on subjects the higher ups feel is prevalent to up coming missions

Yang’s Report Mission 3

Team and myself meet at 11:30pm for team meeting before shift. We discussed what the night will have in store for us, where we are headed for our shift and secret word in case of emergency for stealth. After the team meeting , we then reported to the bridge for instructions of our working of the night shift 12:00am -7am. We discussed in detail what we was going to do for all the time periods through out the night for equipment maintenance and what problems would arise.

Nurse Hojo reported to sick bay. David and Flynn patrolled the ship. Vanessa and I manned the bridge. Bob and his crew worked on the ship from engineering. Sharleen had a day off for grieving over her dead child. Working with the skeleton crew to run the ship while upgrades are taking place making it difficult for communications. Directions was given for these emergences.

12:00 am on the bridge ran internal sensors sweep. Downloaded the prints for the ship and memorized all rooms, passages, ducts, work tunnels, ventilation shafts and catwalks. 1 am on the bridge an external sensors sweep. Read the book that Nurse Hojo recovered from the palace on the planet from mission 1. Memorized the books info about nobility and their family in the recent years. I came up with questions I could ask sharleen to give away her identity if she is the real queen of the primitive world that the RMC occupy. The questions are of her mother, her mothers life and her accomplishments. 2 am on the bridge a internal sensors sweep was ran started with the holds where the freighter crew was housed. Read all the reports that I could find on the non-secured files. 3 am, I put Vanessa in charged for 10mins while located the sites that I could contact key members of the crew using Psionic one way messages in case of not having the communications. 3:30 am on the bridge an external sensor sweep was started. 4 am on the bridge I read about the each station and its function. We all on the bridge introduced our selves and told about their jobs. 5 am communications went down. I started a internal sensor sweep and tracked the members of my team coming to check in for a visual confirmation then back to their stations. 5:15am we found out that dead bodies had been energized by the nebula that the ship was parked in, while repairs was being completed. 5 am bob was sending in a report about the radiation that was getting through the shields and how it need to be refrequenced to counter the frequency that was getting through. Our team went to medical bay first so that the doctor could check the medical emergency that had accrued while the communications was down. On our arrival subject one or zombie one had already been bitten by subject zero. Subject zero or zombie zero was the child of sharleen who had been frozen in cryogenics chamber. Zombie zero (Z0) then killed the nurse who was on duty with nurse Hojo. After entering the chamber we spotted zombie one (Z1) and not knowing that she was a zombie we grabbed her and got her into the shield chair thinking we didn’t want to kill her or destroy her body. While capturing zombie one (Z1) we sealed the ventilation system where (Z0) escaped before we got there. Knowing that this threat was loose and there was no way of warning anyone ,we made our way to engineering in great haste so that the shield could be set to the right frequency before more people died.

Our team without nurse Hojo who stayed behind to study the (Z1) arrived at engineering. As we are opening the door, nurse Hojo showed up and said started talking about through his research that he conducted on the subjects, they were in fact zombies. In a long round about way. Being long winded and wanting to hear himself talk he didn’t get to the point fast enough. he didn’t state before you open the door you have to know this. I instructed him a simple “don’t open that door” will work in the future. He had the info about the right frequency the guns need to be set at to destroy the zombies. In the future I will think more of the reasoning powers of nurse Hojo. Our team open the door and started to engage the zombie 2-5. As the fight progressed with the zombies nurse Hojo then told us what we needed to know. Then (Z0) showed up with an icy aura around her from traveling in the coolant systems. During the fight I had to impose myself between the attacking Z(0), other zombie and bob who was fixing the shields. I dropped in the fight and nurse Hojo saved my life twice from the (Z0) and her icy aura. After using all of his spells Flynn took care of me during the combat and carried me to the environmental controls to emit the signal to the ship to cancel the radiation that the nebula had inflicted. Next day entered north star station for first time and was given shore leave.

Requests: an issued small slashing piercing weapon for creatures that are tolerant to smashing of the stun mace. half the value of equipment and weapons plundered from away missions 1+2: Pistols 6 Lazars 11 Combat fatigues 7 Land transport battery 2 stun grenades 2 nausea grenades 2 concussion grenades 7 long swords 1 machine tools 1 thieves tools 1 doc tools

Yang’s Report

Report 4 day one on north star

Volunteering for security under Arin. Using the info net I researched : Psionic crew members, files on nonaligned Psionic personal, resources at our disposal, maps of station, ( information about north star, nonaligned personal of importance) and information for a back world druid named Nardu Miri. The info was about his father’s uniform who was empire military and must have lost contact with Nardu at a young age. By the fashion of the uniform it was 20-15 years ago. Later I researched the planet Nardu is from and any available info about empire military in that area that many years ago. After compiling Psionic files on people I invited all of them for a forum about Psionics information exchanged and open discussion about different magic types in comparison to Psionics. Stories about experiences about anything Psionic welcome.

Early shift after doing information gathering and memorizing. I used the rest of first shift showing Nardu around the space station. Answering questions about technology and life in space. Spending more time with Nardu I believe there is something he is hiding. Nardu gets upset when you explain something to him and says “ my world is not that back water” but he doesn’t know how to use indoor pluming. Understanding guns and their function. Nardu may just have spent his whole life in the woods abandon from his parents would also explain his behavior. Neutral aligned with good tendency make him a very trusting addition to the red rouges. Combat and choices showing his wisdom I would rate him 95% effective member of a squad. Skills missing is communicating, knowledge of anything technical and no uses on a star ship. Security and medical would be only divisions suitable for his talents.

While touring Nardu around the station we found out a request for security to clean out the rats at the café DM. Since café DM is where the rouges eat for free I though before we eat off the menu we should help clean up the place. The owner told me that I would need more men, using my communicator I called my team to come and assist Nardu and my self in this task. All member except Funessia and Shar did not report being too busy reported for this mission. This was ok with me since they had shore leave so they did not have to report for volunteer work.

Entering the storage room at café DM we was attacked by large dog sized rats and swarms of smaller ones. Besides being diseased the rats seem to be radiated from where ever they are nesting. Re-insulation of the core or other radiated areas that the shafts connect to will need new gating for pest control. This rat problem helped us find this radiation leak that could be a future problem. Nurse Hojo has the info about what treatments from exposure, bites, and possible applications for a weapon this sickening effect the radiation as a weapon.

Applications for weapons. Radiation admitter of both the Nebula radiation under a RMC building in the sewers. If the sewers would not be available in high tech would, mission of entering the building under a maintenance disguise of some system in the building. Also radiation that mutated the rats to that size. So you would get large undead radiation rats plaguing a building. Then another cover of rat exterminators using the frequency weapons designed by nurse Hojo to take care of the rats and any other zombie created grab the device and any information needed then be gone. Finially getting paid to fix the problem. After using this plan enough then we can spread word about the zombie rat problem to cause evacuations from area that needs infiltrated.

In one week we or another security team can follow up the rat problem and investigates into the vents to the radiated nesting area for these rats. These rats should be studied and not completely eradicated for applications for bio warfare. Later the druid Nardu could possably control these rats. If able to be controlled the rats could replace guard dogs and other war animals.

That night I worked the door and walk about security for the show. All went well, I memorized all the important looking people at the preformance and I will be researching the files from security and learning more about these people. During the performance I ran possible security breaches and what would be the best plan of actions for every scenario. Before bed I study the maps of the station and looked for problems with security that could arise with the nonaligned population that live on the station.

Request : being part of the team that re maps the station , being maps now are not 100% correct on dimensions. Request : starting equipment for Nardu if he is joining the red rouges.

Yang’s report

Report 5 day 2 not star station

Before my volunteer shift I emailed every profile that fit psycraft in some way. The directions are for an open table at café DM 10pm - 2am. Emailed Café DM about reservation of a table with a signs stating Psionic Meeting. for the meeting at café DM. Sending payment for to 4 sampler platters, 4 bottle of wine, glasses of water, and any resorvation fee then also a 15% tip paid in advanced.

After receiving orders to investigate a power drain on the space station. I looked for volunteers for the mission. First I went to find Nardu he would not understand a communicator call over the communications network. Nardu was on my list because he wouldn’t have anything else to do and the longer he is left unsupervised more likely he will get into trouble . Then I called the rest of the team over the communicator. All the team except bob, who was busy doing repairs and shar who was still grieving over her child.

Going to where the map ends and the old sections of space stations continues. We turn on the power to the old sections. Security Robots who was still activated to defend the area attacked us. With out any mechanics we were unable to deactivate the robots with out destroying the robots. Found the power source then found a stasis chamber with two foes locked in an epic struggle. Theory 1 they both got there by friendly fighting and accidentally trapped. Likely hood 5%. Theory 2 they are foes, the winning side most likely evil, trapped them there and being only way to deal with the situation is to use time to give the struggle to an another. Likely hood 60%. Theory 3 they are foes that a third party trapped them there. likely hood 50%. Situation is we know neither suspect , can trust neither subjects, we have no frame of reference to situation that they happened into. The importance of a separate high quality generator put there just to make sure the stasis field would not fail for over a thousand years. The situation should be handed as if the good person in this struggle is only there to hold the greatly more powerful enemy. So that a collection of allies all less powerful then this enemy could pool their resources to get him into this trap. Likely hood 98%. Them and all their belongings was sent to security.

Requests half value for 2 robot chasses equipped with gun arm no AI unit and no circuits.

Request to transfer to north star station security units

6th report of yang encounters with the shadow monster Day 3 in space station .

Started the day by doing diagnosis on security computers in all public security stations. Stop down to café dm to pay tab for raising moral party for Psionic members of the space station for public relations with Psionic members of our non-Red rouges. After other security procedures was followed for morning crew. I was then approached by a security unit and was asked to go for a rutean quenteening after being exposed to a dead body. Being that I and my team was around the two people in stasis and then one of them died from some unknown variable. I and my team conducted our pre-work off duty meeting while in containment. After being clear of any harmful vectors, we was put on the case to try to retrace our steps to try to figure out what happed to the human that was trapped in the stasis chamber that was located in the hidden forgotten part of the space station. During our investigation we heard screams to find robots attacking the general public. Because of no engineers in our party we could not stop the robots without braking the robots. After the attack we was introduced to the head of robotics a gnome named cog. Seems that cogs robots was that cogs security bots was reprogrammed into a rampage on the public. My team and I returned to the security office to review tape on the person who programmed those bots. After getting our conformation from the video surveillance we confronted the engineer and was forced to use lethal force and noticed undead traits.

This was attributed to the shadow creature who was seen and reported to the la-sha as an ancient shadow creature who is was the arch enemy of the la-sha in the end of the first age. His power is to know what his host knows as he controls their bodies. His body jumping started with the human in the stasis chambers then his second victum was an engineer who was working near or in medical. Then the shadow then used the knowledge of the engineer to reprogram the bots to run a muck. Then the shadow jumped into an engineer named van who was near the place the shadow was attacked by our team and escaped when we thought it was dead.

Our doctor noticed a strange behavior in his friend van. Engineer van was also near the area where the shadow got away. We tracked down the engineer lucky for him the shadow left his body and tried to use David to destroyed the party. After receiving dim weapons from the armory from the leader of the red rouges flying blue eyes and his second command the Orc named Ludtrac. Because of the weapons we had it made destroying this shadow easier then the first time we encounter it.

Being summoned to the command center of the red rouges, I and my team was briefed on the planet where these shadows was trapped by the la-shas at the end of the first age. Our team needs to go to this planet to investigate and record what had happen at this site.

After the debriefing my team and I went to the party at café dm and met with red rouges and non red rouges Psionic who live and work on the space station. The team and I strengthen the ties between this splinter of the population and the red rouges.

Cashing in master worked medical tools

Cashing in master worked engineering tools

Cashing in 2 pair of combat fatures

Cashing in 2 lazar pistols

Cashing in 2 communicators

7th report by latent yang Day 4 on space station north star

I started off the day by reporting to Arin for daily work. I then was ordered to give out a ranking to my team for second leiutent. The team and I met for our morning meting , we did the researched on the planet . After deep debate with my self, I had to appointed nurse Hojo the position. Being that nurse Hojo fit the criteria for leadership being he is as smart as I, he has the problem of not having a good armor, lots of health to take a hit or two, healing to keep the party going , skills , knowledge’s and spells. But also knowing his past lying , and he by not passing the loyalty tests of the red rouges. This bit of responsibility could turn his behavior around to a positive aspect of our team.

We was given rooming assignments on the Acnyx. Caption Ben grim informed me that I was not responsible for my team while riding on his ship but once on the planet original red rouge protocol was enacted. While on the trip caption Ben grim refused my requests for any orders or jobs to work on for the whole trip there and back.

Landing on the planet was the a very skilled and sooth . The planet was a thick jungle leading to the mountain . The druid Nardu suggested we travel via the path with the river so that we could use the river as a landmark in case we are lost. Being that it had more samples of flora , fauna and minerals. We settled on the river path for our mission. Encountered large blood sucking bugs.

Found the temple where some kind of mass killing took place where runes was recorded and bone samples was collected. Then we left the temple and collected more flora , fauna and minerals. During the fight with the undead , the druid Nardu was cursed with some kind of undead curse which ended the next morning. While searching a dead body that was off on its own David touched a multi color crystal and it seam to enter his body.

Logging and cataloging of 2 days of flora fauna and minerals samples from the trip in and the next day before and after the ruins.

Planet has a very wild and primitive environment the egg sample are of most likely ground birds, flight birds, ground lizards or egg laying mammals (example duckbilled platypus). Best possible out come is that the eggs are of the largest eggs are of the same breed of the dinosaur that the druid befriend so that we could raise a possible breeding partners.

Plant samples was not interacted with in the harvesting process. All safety protocol was followed and minimal contamination to no contaminations was observed. Minimal contamination was only achieved because of the radius of the plant that had to be under taken for collection. Most unique flora samples was in perfect condition and no plant life being eaten by animals suggests that properties may be poisonous. Plants that was in perfect condition but others like it was eaten or bedded in suggests possible food source for us or any animals. Mineral samples was of the hard rocks and medals encountered. Panning of the river results should be positive for useful metals because of the lack of civilization for mining of areas. Skimming of the swamp water was taken where the large blood sucking bugs attacked the party.

8th report by luetient yang

Day 3 on mission planet

During the beginning of day 3 gathering of more samples. This magical sickness hit me then my crew with a communication scrambling effect. Not writing , talking or hand signals could be accomplished. Then the process of communication causes this curse to travel communicably. Even writings of the infected persons could cause infection to any and all who looks upon it. Three days of isolation cause me to became very productive in crafting useful parts for replacement parts of robots.

Request to transfer to cogs shop to crafts robot parts when no other assignment are in cue.

Thanks for the la sha who help me and my crew spread the news on how to treat this illness. Refer to nurse la cutis for more details of the disease. Being transferred to the next mission to the planet where the RMC has captured the population living there. As my team searched for clues. I recovered a heavy auto pistol ,two hold out lazars and 100 gold value of goods at the adventuring store. The team encountered a girl who was standing next to a body who had been bludgeoned to death with too much stun damage to his system. The girl turned out to be an old acquaintance of the red rouges Akeem who was a very powerful looking drow who was testing us in our over all alignment of our party fit’s the M O of the red rouges and he seem to have more knowledge of myself and the team. Akeem was very egotistical and over self confident he has given us a link to his security web link system.

Recovered a trap to put the subject asleep that has an on off switch

Akeem had given us some quadrants to a crashed RMC colossal ship where a new secret weapon was developed by the RMC. On board 3 genetically altered humans with grafted armor and strong Psionic ablitys of our own Elms rescued from the mind flayers ships. The ship had a large room where mass operations could be preformed on asleep subjects. From what I have learned about our own elm and all clues discovered this is a exchanged in technology with the mind flayers.

Recovered 3 bodies of the RMC elms and body armor. 3 master worked great sword 3 heavy auto pistols Exchanged 5 hold out lazars Art work Akeem Body grafted armor Recovered RMC ship “tug boat”

Report 9

Post discovery of RMC elms

After repair and exchanging the data from this captured RMC ship “ tug boat” to the Acnyx. We will be making the jump after the last necessary repair is completed.

???????????????????????????? end of contack??????????????