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m (c/p from Facebook)
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[[Category:Disposable:Jesus and his superfriends save Xmas]]

Latest revision as of 12:35, 12 December 2009

Claus (ECL10) Sorcerer 5/Paladin5 N Medium Human Init +1; Senses: Listen +1; Spot +1

AC: 14; Touch: 11; Flat-footed: 13 (+1 dex; +3 armor)

HP: 63 (5D10+5 & 5D4+5)

Fort: +12, Ref +9, Will +12

Speed: 30'

Melee: Greataxe +8/+3 (1d12+1 / 20x3) Warhammer +8/+3 (1d8+1 / 20x3)

Ranged: Sling +8/3 (1d4 / 20x2)

Smite Evil: Twice per day, Claus may attempt to smite evil adding Charisma bonus (5) to his attack and dealing one extra point of damage per paladin level (5).

Space: 5'; Reach: 5'; BAB: +7/2; Grapple: +7

ACTIVE ABILITIES Turn Undead(12/day) Detect Evil (at will) Lay on Hands (25 points per day) Special mount (1/day for 10 hours)

Abilities: Str 11 +1 | Dex 11 +1 | Con 11 +1 | Int 11 +1 | Wis 12 +1 | Cha 20 +5

Feats: Sacred Healing: All living creatures within a 60’ radius Burst gain Fast Healing 3 for (1 + Charisma modifier) rounds.This effect requires a Full Round Action and consumes one of your Turn Undead uses for the day. Sacred Purification: As a Swift Action, expend one of your daily Turn uses to heal all living creatures within a 60’ radius Burst by (1d8 + Charisma modifier) hp –and– damage all Undead by the same amount. Extra Turning: Each time you take this feat, you gain an additional 4 uses per day of your Turning / Rebuking ability. Combat Casting: +4 bonus on Concentration checks to cast a spell defensively, while grappled, or while pinned Skill Focus: (Craft Toys) +3 bonus to all checks involving one skill.

Skills: Craft (Toys) +18 (+1 Int 13 ranks +3 skill focus + 2 Master worked tools) Concentration +11 Diplomacy +18 Heal +9 Ride +6 Sense Motive +8 Spell craft +8

Items: Ring of Sustenance, Bag of Holding III, MW Artisan tools, Slippers of Spider climb, Ring of Feather Fall, Bracers of Armor (+3)

Consumables: Potion of CLW (7), Potion of Tongues (1), Potion of Invisibility (1), Potion of Water Breathing (1), Oil of magic weapon (5),

Regular Items: Leather and wood for toy crafting (300lbs in sack), completed toys (500-1lb toys in sack), coal (50lbs in sack), Noble Outfit (Crimson with white fur trim)


Aura of Good Divine Grace Divine Health Aura of Courage

Magic: Spells Per day: 6/8/6/4 Spells Known: 7/4/2/1 Paladin spells per day: 1

0 level: Detect Magic, Light, Ghost Sound, Disrupt Undead, Mending, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost

1 level: Endure elements, Charm Person, Sleep, Summon Monster I

2 level: Hypnotic Pattern, Summon Monster II

3 level: Fly