Drinking & Dragons

Difference between revisions of "LRC:Robhim"

From Drinking and Dragons
m (spellcasting)
Line 14: Line 14:
POTW 6 to 7:
POTW 6 to 7:
+4+2+1 = 7 skills
+4+2+1 = 7 skills
gain a 2nd and a 5th level spell slot; +1 caster level

Line 115: Line 114:
<!-- ===============================
<!-- ===============================
0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 L
0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 L
6/4/3/3/2/~/~/~/~/~ +
6/4/4/3/2/1/~/~/~/~ +
0/2/2/1/1/1/1/~/~/~ =
0/2/2/1/1/1/1/~/~/~ =

Close  =  25 +  5 per2 =  25 +  5 *  5 =  25 +  25 50
Close  =  25 +  5 per2 =  25 +  5 *  6 =  25 +  30 55
Medium = 100 + 10 per1 = 100 + 10 * 11 = 100 + 100 = 210
Medium = 100 + 10 per1 = 100 + 10 * 12 = 100 + 120 = 220
Long  = 400 + 40 per1 = 400 + 40 * 11 = 400 + 400 = 840
Long  = 400 + 40 per1 = 400 + 40 * 12 = 400 + 480 = 880
==================================== -->
==================================== -->

==Cleric Spells and Abilities==
==Cleric Spells and Abilities==
'''Cleric Spells: (as 8th level caster) 6/6+d/5+d/4+d/3+d''' <br />
'''Cleric Spells: (as 9th level cleric) 6/6+d/6+d/4+d/3+d/2+d''' <br />
'''Caster level 11''' <br />
'''Caster level 12''' <br />

Line 134: Line 133:

==Druid Spells and Abilities==
==Druid Spells and Abilities==
'''Druid Spells: (as 8th level caster) 6/6/5/4/3''' <br />
'''Druid Spells: (as 9th level druid) 6/6/5/4/3/2''' <br />
'''Caster level 11'''<br>
'''Caster level 12'''<br>

Close 50, medium 210, long 840
Close 55, medium 220, long 880

Revision as of 14:52, 22 December 2008

Robhim, as stolen from Civic Wayfinder.
Quick links
Personality ProfileLogsheet

NAME Robhim Estis
Class Druid 3, Cleric 3, Priest of the Wild 7 (ECL 13)
Race: Chessentan (Human (Mulan))
Alignment NG | Size: M | Type:Human
Sex M | Height: --- | Weight: --- | Hair: --- | Eyes: ---
Patron Deity: Anhur (Mulhadori)
Str 14 +2
Dex 14 +2 (16 +3)
Con 14 +2
Int 14 +2
Wis 18 +4 (22 +6)
Cha 8 -1


AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 | (+3 Dex, +6 Armor, +1 shield)
HP 92
Init +3
Speed 20
Fort 10, Ref 6, Will 16


  • +2 Frost Falchion +11/6 | 2d4+5 plus 1d6 cold | 18 | Range: - | 2hSl | 8 lbs.
    masterwork, loses buckler, focus (+5bab +2str +2mag +1foc -1buck)
    +2, frost (+1d6 cold damage); Anhur's (shocking burst)
  • +1 Fire light mace +10/5 | 1d6+2 plus 1d6 fire | 20 | Range: - | LightB | 4lbs.
    +1 flaming (1d6 fire damage)
  • Heavy mace +9/4 | 1d8+2 | 20 | Range: - | 1hB | 8 lbs.
    cold iron
  • Dagger +9/4 | 1d4+1 | 18 | Range: - | LtSl/P | 1 lbs.
  • Sling +10 | 1d4+2 | 20 | Range: 50' | B | 0 lbs.
    7 bullets

Base Attack +7/+2 | Grapple +9

Feats & Abilities

  • Feats
    • Domain: Weapon Focus (Falchion)
    • Human: Scribe Scroll
    • 1st: Practiced Spellcaster (Druid)
    • 3rd: Practiced Spellcaster (Cleric)
    • 6th: Natural Bond
    • 9th: Natural Bond
    • 12th: Retributive Spell
  • Abilities
    • Electricity Resist 5
    • Nature Sense +2 knowledge nature and survival
    • Wild Empathy diplomacy-like check to affect animals
    • Woodland Stride ignore terrain hindrances
    • Trackless Step hard to track in natural environments
    • Turn undead as a 6th level cleric: 2/day (1d20+1, 2d6+5)
    • Animal Companion an 12th level druid (3dru+3potw+6natbondx2=12):
    • Divine Nature (Woodling) spend turn attempt, touch animal companion to imbue with Woodling template
    • Blended spellcasting any druid or cleric spell slot can be used to cast spontaneously summon nature's ally or cure (instead of only cleric slots for cure, etc)
  • Anhur's Gifts
    • Anhur's Fury All falchions wielded are shocking burst
    • Anhur's Protection 1/day add cleric level to electric resistance (immediate action)
  • Trained by the Dark Dogs
    • Panther Stance As a swift action, the character may activate Panther Stance, which grants the character Improved Unarmed Strike for a number of rounds equal to 3+dex modifier. Additionally the character may Deflect Arrows per the feat, but using this ability ends the Panther Stance. Panther Stance is usable once per day.
    • Way of the Panther You have access to the Ninja base class.

Proficient with all armor, shields (except tower), simple weapons, scimitar, falchion

Skills (max 15/7.5)

Languages: Common, Druidic, Draconic, Sylvan

Cleric Spells and Abilities

Cleric Spells: (as 9th level cleric) 6/6+d/6+d/4+d/3+d/2+d
Caster level 12

Domain: War Proficiency, Focus
Domain: Storm Electricity Resistance 5
Domain: Windstorm Less affected by weather. Rain/snow don't penalize spot, search. Move throw snow/ice unhindered. One size category larger for wind effects.

Druid Spells and Abilities

Druid Spells: (as 9th level druid) 6/6/5/4/3/2
Caster level 12

Close 55, medium 220, long 880