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Difference between revisions of "Disposable:Jesus and His Superfriends Save Xmas/TreeTopper"

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m (cat tag)
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* 2 Candyfloss Bags (Tanglefoot)
* 2 Candyfloss Bags (Tanglefoot)

[[Category:Disposable:Jesus and His Superfriends]]
[[Category:Disposable:Jesus and his superfriends save Xmas]]

Revision as of 14:07, 8 December 2009

Tree Topper (Rogue 4)
Race: Pixie Nymph (Total LA+6)
Alignment: CG | Size: S
Patron Deity: The Spirit of Christmas
Str 8 (-1)| Dex 28 (+9)| Con 16 (+3)| Int 12 (+1)| Wis 10 (+0)| Cha 26 (+8)


AC: 25, Touch: 22, Flatfooted: 14
(+1 size, +1 Natural Armor (Pixie), +9 DEX, +2 deflection, +2 armor bonus )

DR 10/cold iron
SR 16

HP: 30

Initiative: +9 Speed: 20', Fly 60' good

Fort: 4 , Reflex: 13 , Will: 1


  • Mwk Light Xbow - +15 - 1D6+1 (+1 enhancement, +1 focus)
  • Dagger of Pick on someone your own size - +14 - 1d3-1 (min 1) (+1 enhancement)

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Base Attack: +3 (+1 size, for effective: +4) Ranged: +13, Melee: +3 (may use weapon finesse)


  • 1st: Weapon Focus (Crossbow)
  • 3rd: Crossbow Sniper: may use sneak attack at 60', may add 1/2 DEX mod to damage


Format: (ranks|bonuses|total)



Move Silently (7||16)
Open Lock (5|+2(Mwk Thieves' tools)|16)
Hide (1|+4|14)



Search (|+2|3)
Disable Device (2||3)
Know(Nature) (6||7)


Spot (7|+2|9)
Listen (|+2|2)


Diplomacy (7||15)
Bluff (7||15)
Sense Motive (7||15)
Perform (Decorate) (6||14) --This is not the act of decorating, but the act of BEING a decoration.

Languages: Sylvan, Common, Elven

Special Abilities



  • Sneak Attack: +2D6
  • Trapfinding
  • Trapsense +1
  • Evasion
  • Uncanny Dodge



  • Greater Invisibility
  • Spell likes (1/day): lesser confusion , dancing lights, detect chaos, detect good, detect evil, detect law, detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, permanent image (visual and auditory elements only). Caster level 8th, DC CHA based
  • Special arrows/bolts
Sleep: Fort save against sleep spell (DC CHA based w/ +2 racial bonus)
Memory Loss: Will save or lose all memory (DC CHA based w/ +2 racial bonus)
  • Feats
    • Dodge
    • Weapon Finesse
  • +2 racial to Spot, Search, Listen
  • Low light vision

Half Nymph

  • Awesome Beauty: any Humanoid within 30’ who looks at the

Half-Nymph is Shaken (WillNeg, DC is Charisma-based) for 1 minute. Continued looking results in additional saves, the failure of which resets the duration. The Half-Nymph can suppress or resume this ability as a Free Action. This is a [mind][fear] effect

Christmas Decoration

  • When perched atop an evergreen tree, the Tree Topper glows with an inner light (as continual light spell)
  • When perched atop an evergreen tree, the Tree Topper glammers the tree into being a decorative Christmas tree. The quality of the decorations is controlled by Perform (Decorate).
  • When moving through an area full of Christmas decorations (like Santa's Workshop) the Tree Topper may add its ranks in Perform(Decorate) to its Hide for the purpose of being undetected.


  • Magical Candycane Light crossbow (+1 attack/damage) (1D6 cold damage)
A candycane crossbow may fire a snowball as alternate ammunition. A snowball deals 1 point of non-lethal damage (type cold for bypassing DR), and no effect can stack damage on it. A crit deals no extra damage, and instead, covers the target creature's face with snow. For one round, the target creature is blinded. A snowball can never deal more than 1 pt of damage.
A candycane crossbow may fire candy as alternate ammunition. Candy attacks are ranged, touch attacks. Candy deals no damage, and no effect can stack damage on it. A successful attack against an intelligent, good aligned creature grants a +1 enhancement bonus to attempts to use diplomacy against it for 1 minute. A successful attack against an intelligent, evil aligned creature grants a +1 enhancement bonus to attempts to use intimidate against it. Once a creature has been successfully hit with a candy attack, it is immune to candy attacks for the rest of the day. Candy can never deal any damage.
All uses of alternate ammunition have a maximum range of 30', or 60' with the Crossbow Sniper feat.
  • Amulet of Mage Armor (command word) (+4AC, 5 uses/day)
  • Ring of Protection (+2 deflection)
  • Mistletoe Headband (+2 CHA, +2 Diplomacy bonus for seduction attempts)
  • Ermine Mantle of Daintiness (Reduce person on wearer, CL1, 2/day)
  • Mwk Thieves' Tools
  • Dagger of "Pick on someone your own size" (After a successful attack, the target may be shrunk as "reduce person" instead of dealing damage, use activated, CL1, 3/day)

  • 20 bolts
  • 10 bolts of Inflict Light Wounds (1D8 neg. energy instead of normal damage)
  • 3 bolts of Pixie Memory Loss
  • 3 potions Cure Light
  • 2 Candyfloss Bags (Tanglefoot)