From Drinking and Dragons
GP: 1,065.71
- Upkeep
- Average (10 gp/month): The PC lives in his own apartment, small house, or similar location—this is the lifestyle of most trained or skilled experts or warriors. He can secure any nonmagical item worth 1 gp or less from his home in 1d10 minutes, and need not track purchases of common meals or taxes that cost 1 gp or less.
- 2x Kukri [MW, Continual Light] (+1/1d4/18–20/x2/2#/S/martial light)
- Matching pair of two -- appearances crackling red fire and glistening blue ice 418
- Matching pair of two -- appearances crackling red fire and glistening blue ice 418
- Shortsword [MW] (2) (310gp ea) (+1/1d6/19–20/×2/2#/P/martial light)
- Dagger (2) 2
(1d4/19–20/×2/10'/1#/PS/simple light)
- Dagger [CI] 4
(1d4/19–20/×2/10'/1#/PS/simple light)
- Dagger [MW, Silver] (2) 322
(+1/1d4-1/19–20/×2/10'/1#/PS/simple light)
- Dagger [MW] (302 gp) (+1/1d4/19–20/×2/10'/1#/PS/simple light)
- Mace, Light 5
(1d6/×2/4#/B/simple light)
- Composite Shortbow [MW, +1 Str] 450
(+1/1d8/x3/110'/3#/P/Strength 12/martial)
- Leather armor [MW] 160
(+2 armor bonus AC/+6 max dex/0 ACP/15#/light)
- Cloak of Resistance +1 1000
(+1 resistance bonus to saving throws)
- Universal solvent 50
- Wand, Shocking Grasp [1@1] (28) 15
- Pot, CMW [2@3] 300
Recap Rewards
- Session 3: Madame Mvashti will brew you a tea that will effectively be Divination, once, with a 10 minute "brewing" time. (Counts as potion.) (Expires: Chapter 4.)
- Session 5: 1 free reroll, use better result, of a climb, acrobatics, swim, etc, check with natural terrain (etc.) in the Sandpoint vicinity. (Expires: Until used.)
- Session 7: Extra Trait from DM's offering & extra non-core spell (or similar) from DM's offering. (Expires: n/a; permanent)
- Session 8: Submit recap to get: You can gain the benefits of the Blind Fight feat for 1 round.
- Session 10: Submit recap to get: The sudden death of Haneet to Caizarlu's phantasmal killer lingers on your mind. Next time you would die, you are instead at -(CON/2), not stable. If the cause of death is something else (e.g., constitution damage), you remain at the minimum not to die by that effect.<-- 11, 12, 13 were non-individual -->
- Session 14: Submit recap to get: One attack roll against a giant is an automatic hit and threat, requires confirmation.<-- 15 was party -->
- Session 16: Submit recap to get: Get a +5 competence bonus to a single swim check.
- Session 17: Submit recap to get: Shadow Conjuration, once ever as an SLA with no material components. Filled by those who noticed your interaction with the devil.
- Session 18: Submit recap to get: A lesser blessing from Myriana, depending on the outcome of the chapter and if promises are kept.
- Elf ear necklace -- from Bruthazmus
- Backpack
- Bedroll
- Thieves' Tools [MW]
Non-Core Spells
- School conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 0
- Casting Time 1 standard action
- Components V, S
- Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
- Target one hook, branch, stone, or protrusion
- Duration 1 round/level
- Saving Throw Reflex negates (object); SR yes (object)
- A rope you hold coils to a fixed point and ties itself there. The rope can be commanded to tie or untie itself during the spell’s duration as a standard action; if left knotted on the final round, the knot or knots remain at the end of the spell.