Drinking & Dragons


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Delirium Harpell, Court Arcanist
Psychic Warrior/Fighter | 2/1
Eventually she will be Psychic Warrior 3/Fighter 2/Exotic Weapon Master 1/Pyrokineticist X
Race: Human
Chaotic Nuetral | Size: M | Type: Human
Female | Height: 5'2 | Weight: 115 lbs. | Hair and eyes: Every color of the rainbow, naturally
Patron Deity: ---, family god is Mystra
Abilities Str 14 +2 | Dex 14 +2 | Con 14 +2 | Int 12 +1 | Wis 12 +1 | Cha 14 +2

AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17, Mobility 23 | (+2 Dex, +5 Armor, +2 Shield)
The Dodge feat adds +1 AC against a single foe
HP 26 (HD: 2d8+1d10+6)
Init +2
Speed 20' (normally 30')
Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +1


  • Whip Dagger [mighty +2] +5 | 1d6+2 | 19-20x2 | Range: 15' | S
    Special: The whip is treated as a melee weapon with 15-foot reach, though you don’t threaten the area into which you can make an attack. In addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, you can use it against foes anywhere within your reach (including adjacent foes). Using a whip provokes an attack of opportunity, just as if you had used a ranged weapon.
  • Morning Star | 1d6 | X2 | Range: - | P/B | 6 lbs.
    Special: Other weapon details
  • Crossbow | 1d10 | 19-20x2 | Range: 120' | P | 8 lbs.
    Special: Other weapon details

Please choose a melee and ranged weapon to use. Record the purchase in equipment below
Base Attack +2 | Grapple +4 (+2 BAB, +2 Str)


  • 1st: Combat Expertise
  • Human: Gentry
  • 1 PW1: Exotic Weapon (Whip)
  • 2 PW2: Dodge
  • 3rd: Weapon Focus (Whip)
  • 3 F1:Mobility

*5 F2: Spring Attck

  • 6th: WW

Eventually getting Spring attack and then Whirlwind Attack and able to hit all foes within 15' with the Pyro's fire lash! Striked feats Delirium has not yeat gained.

PW: 25 | F: 5

Languages: Common, Draconic (Harpell family language), and Ignan
Note the high Diplomacy.

Psionic Powers Known 1st:
Call Weaponry

Power Points per day: 3 (1 base, +2 bonus for Wisdom)


  • Breastplate (+5 AC) | 200 gp | 30# | Armor check penalty -4 | Move 20'
  • Shield, Heavy Wooden (+2 AC) | 7gp | 10#
  • Whip dagger [mighty +2] | 325 gp | 5#
  • Heavy Crossbow | 50 gp | 8#
  • Morning Star | 8gp | 6#
  • Bolts (20) | 2gp | 2#
  • Alchemist’s Fire | 20gp | 1#
  • Candle | 1 cp |
  • Flint and steel | 1 gp |
  • Bedroll | 1 sp | 5#
  • Waterskin | 1 gp | 4#
  • Rations, trail (10) | 50 sp | 10#

Total Load: 81 | Load: 58 | 116 | 175
GP: 108 total

Delirium is one of the twin daughters of Lori Harpell, and as a noble in the lands of Lone Rock City. As such, for minor magic items she does not require a permit. She is a minor noble in the city and holds little sway, but sometimes that can be enough. She has been to Court only a few times and only for minor events. Delirium has a room at Scarletstone that she shares with her sister, Meriae. As a member of the Harpell family, she enjoys a discount on magic items that her family will craft for her and her friends. Heh.

Delirium Harpell:Logsheet