Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 22:37, 13 April 2006 by >Herman
Lukas, done South Park style.

Template:DMwiki Class: Warlock | Levels 6
Race: Human
Racial Abilities: Bonus Feat + Human Bonus Skill Points
Alignment: Chaotic Good? AKA: I'M NOT EVIL | Size: M | Type:Human
Male | Height: 5' 10" | Weight: 170 | Hair: White | Eyes: Gray
Patron Deity: Azuth, who should be a better God to serve than Velsharoon
Abilities Str 10 +0 | Dex 15 +2 | Con 14 +2 | Int 12 +1 | Wis 12 +1 | Cha 16 +3

AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 | (+2 Dex, +4 Armor, +1 Shield.)
HP 40 (HD: 6)
Init +2
Speed 30
Fort 5, Ref 5, Will 7, (+1 each for cloak of resistance)


  • Eldritch Blast +6/+7 (melee/ranged) | 3d6 (+1 till 30ft) | 20x2 | Range: 60' or 250' | Magic
  • Morningstar +5 | 1d8 | x2 | Range: Melee' | P/B | 6 lbs.
  • Dagger (melee/ranged) +4/+6 | 1d4-1 | 19-20x2 | Range: 10' | P/S
    Special: Masterwork, silver

Base Attack +4 | Grapple +4 (+4 BAB)


  • 1st: Point Blank Shot
  • Human: Precise Shot
  • 3rd: Skill Focus (UMD)
  • 6th: Leadership


  • Bluff +9 (Cha + Invocation)
  • Concentration +9 (7 ranks)
  • Diplomacy +11 (Cha + Invocation + Synergy)
  • Intimidate +9 (Cha + Invocation)
  • Knowledge Arcana +6 (5 ranks)
  • Knowledge Local (LRC) +2 (1 Rank, bonus rank.)
  • Knowledge Planes +2 (1 Rank)
  • Knowledge Religion +2 (1 Rank, Class Skill!)
  • Sense Motive +7 (6 ranks)
  • Speak Language [Draconic] (1 rank, 2 Cross Class Skill Points Spent.)
  • Spellcraft +7 (6 ranks)
  • Use Magic Device +17 (9 ranks +3 feat +2 synergy, extra +2 for scrolls for 19!)

Languages: Common, Dwarf, Elven, Draconic

Special Abilities

Eldritch Blast 3d6
Invocations: Least:

  • Eldritch Spear
    Blast range is 250'
  • See the Unseen
    See Invisible AND Darkvision for 24 hours
  • Earthen Grasp
    Calls unmoving hand that grapples enemies from soft soil. (Not stone or wood.)

Earthen Grasp stats: Medium Sized, 18 STR, +6 BAB, 1d6+4 pin damage, AC 15, 18HP, Hardness 4, 12 round duration, Range 40 FT,

Invocations: Lesser

  • Voracious Dispelling: As Dispel Magic, but does 1 damage per spell level dispelled that is active on a target. (1 damage for 1st level spells, 2 for 2nd level spells, etc, etc.)

See Lukas:Logsheet

See also Lukas:Personality Profile