User:Wizardoest/Common Alterations to d20
From Drinking and Dragons
The goal of this page is to conservatively alter the d20 system in a fashion to enhance game balance and fun in my campaigns.
- Fighter
- A fighter may choose to have a strong reflex save instead of fortitude.
- A fighter gets one extra skill point per level that must be placed into a craft or profession skill.
- This is identical to Daryl's fix.
- Sorcerer
- A sorcerer receives one of the following feats as a bonus feat at second level: Eschew Materials, Arcane Disciple, or any of the "Bloodline/Heritage" paths (draconic, celestial, fey, aberration, etc), including ones that require Sorceror 1st as a prerequisite.
- This differs from Daryl's fix in that any bloodline/heritage feat may be taken at second level.