Drinking & Dragons

User:Wizardoest/t20 sheet

From Drinking and Dragons

Name Namerson

Name Namerson stands an average height but his bearing makes him seem a beast of a man. He is never without his well-worn hunting knife.
Woodsman 1
Virtue: Honest | Vice: Arrogant
Patron Deity: The Father
Background: Tribesman


Str -1 | Dex 2 | Con 3 | Int 2 | Wis +1 | Cha -1

Initiative: +2
Speed: 30'
Conviction: 3

Name Namerson

Name Namerson stands an average height but his bearing makes him seem a beast of a man. He is never without his well-worn hunting knife.
Woodsman 1
Virtue: Honest | Vice: Arrogant
Patron Deity: The Father
Background: Tribesman



Defense 10 | Dodge 12 | Parry 9

Fort 4 | Reflex 3 | Will 1

Toughness + 6
(+1 feat(s), +2 armor, +0 misc, +3 Con)


Battleaxe + 2 (dmg 17 | Crit 20/+4)
Brass Knuckles + 2 (dmg 15 | Crit 20/+3

Unarmed + 2 (dmg 14 | Crit 20/+3)
Grapple + 2 (dmg 14 | Crit 20/+3)
Combat Bonus +0

Core Ability: Fearsome Presence—You can spend a point of Conviction to inspire fear in his nearest foe as a standard action. The foe must make a successful Will save (Difficulty = 10 + your level + your Intimidate ranks) or be shaken. This condition lasts for one round, plus an additional round for every 5 points by which the save failed.


Beast Link +5
You can forge a mental connection with an animal, allowing you to perceive what it perceives, using its senses. Make a power check with a Difficulty of 10, modified by familiarity. If successful, you can perceive with the animal’s senses and communicate with it mentally. The animal is not under your command, although you may be able to convince it, using your other skills and powers, to do things for you.


Skill Focus (Survival)B, TrackB, TracklessB, Tough, Weapon Training, Armor Training (Light)

Favored: Hide in Plain Sight, Tough
Favored feats may be taken at any time


Wealth +0 (+4 to start)

  • Battleaxe 9 (-1 wealth, +3)
  • Studded Leather 13 (-1 wealth, +2)
  • Backpack 4 (+2)
  • Thieve's Tools [Masterwork toolkit] 14 (-2 wealth, +0)