Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons
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Revision as of 06:25, 3 May 2011 by Wizardoest (talk | contribs)

Name Namerson

Warden 1
Virtue: ??? | Vice: ???
Patron Deity: ???
Background: Roamer


Str 0 | Dex 3 | Con 1 | Int 0 | Wis 2 | Cha 0

Initiative: +3
Speed: 30'
Conviction: 3



Defense 10 | Dodge 13 | Parry 10

Fort 2 | Reflex 4 | Will 3

Toughness + 1
(+0 feat(s), +0 armor, +0 misc, +1 Con)


Longsword + 3 (dmg 18 | Crit 19/+3)
Whip + 3 (dmg 15 | Crit 19/+3)
Knife + 3 (dmg 16 | Crit 19/+3)
Bow + 3 (dmg 18 | Crit 20/+4 | Range 40')
Unarmed + 3 (dmg 16 | Crit 20/+3)
Grapple + 3 (dmg 15 | Crit 20/+3)
Combat Bonus +0

Core Ability: Fearsome Presence—You can spend a point of Conviction to inspire fear in his nearest foe as a standard action. The foe must make a successful Will save (Difficulty = 10 + your level + your Intimidate ranks) or be shaken. This condition lasts for one round, plus an additional round for every 5 points by which the save failed.


Armor Training (Light), Weapon Training, Sneak Attack, Talented (Acrobatics/Sleight of Hand)B, Skill Focus Perform (Foo)B, Skill Focus Perform (Foo)B

Favored: Evasion, Sneak Attack
Favored feats may be taken at any time.




Wealth +0



Total Skill Ranks 20

Shield icon.gif Armor Check Penalty 2


Shield icon.gif Acrobatics: 3
Bluff: 0
Shield icon.gif Climb: 4
Concentration: 2
Disable Device: 3
Diplomacy: 4
Disguise: 0
Shield icon.gif Escape Artist: 5
Gather Information: 2
Handle Animal: 1
Intimidate: 4
Shield icon.gif Jump: 4
Medicine: 2
Navigate: 4
Notice: 6
Ride: 4
Search: 0
Sense Motive: 4
Shield icon.gif Sleight of Hand: 5
Shield icon.gif Stealth: 7
Survival: 6
Shield icon.gif×2 Swim: 6

Craft (): 0
Craft (): 0
Craft (): 0

Perform (Type): 0
Perform (Type): 0
Perform (Type): 0


Architecture & Engineering: 0
Art: 0
Astronomy & Planar Cosmology: 0
Behavioral Sciences: 0
Business: 0
Civics: 0
Current Events: 0
Earth Sciences: 0
History: 0
Life Sciences: 0
Nobility: 0
Physical Sciences: 0
Popular Culture: 0
Streetwise: 0
Supernatural: 0
Tactics: 0
Technology: 0
Philosophy: 0

Language: Cyril, Beastongue (Nature calls used by the rangers of the forests)