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User:Wizardoest/PCs/Crystal Stonebreaker

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Revision as of 22:03, 22 December 2008 by Wizardoest (talk | contribs) (New page: == Crystal Stonebreaker (ECL6) == Bard 5/Marshall 1<br/> NG Medium dwarf<br/> '''Init''' +1; '''Senses:''' Listen +13; Spot +0 <hr> '''AC:''' 14; '''Touch:''' 11; '''Flat-footed:''' 13<br/...)
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Crystal Stonebreaker (ECL6)

Bard 5/Marshall 1
NG Medium dwarf
Init +1; Senses: Listen +13; Spot +0

AC: 14; Touch: 11; Flat-footed: 13
(+3 armor; +1 dex)
+4 vs Giants
HP: 37 (5d6+1d8+12)
Fort: +6, Ref +6, Will +7
+2 vs Poison/Spells

Speed: 20'
Melee: Touch +2
Melee: Greatsword +2 (2d6-1 / 19×2)
Melee: Maca +3 (1d8-1 / 20×3)
Ranged: Ray +4
Ranged: Whip +2 (1d3-2 / 20×2)
Ranged: Shortbow +4 (1d6 / 20×3)
+1 vs Orcs/Goblins
Space: 5'; Reach: 5'; BAB: +3; Grapple: +2

Class Spells CL5 DC 15+lvl
Close 35' [7] Medium 150' Long Far

  • 2nd (2) Summon Monster II; Suggestion; Tactical Precision
  • 1st (5) Inspirational Boost; Joyful Noise; Grease; Hideous Laughter

Abilities Str 8 -1 | Dex 12 +1 | Con 14 +2 | Int 12 +1 | Wis 10 +0 | Cha 21 +5

  • Feats
    • 1: Negotiator
    • 3: Moradin's Smile RoS
    • 6: Craft Wonderous Item
    • M1: Skill Focus (Diplomacy)
  • Skills
    • Bluff +17
    • Diplomacy +35
      • 9 ranks
      • 5 chr
      • 3 circlet
      • 6 synergy from bluff, sense motive, nobility
      • 3 skill focus
      • 2 negotiator
      • 2 moradin's smile
      • 5 relic
    • Disguise +10
    • Gather Information +16
    • Intimidate +10
    • Knowledge (Nobility) +6
    • Knowledge (History, Local, Religion) +2
    • Listen +13
    • Perform (Cheering) +19
    • Sense Motive +5
    • Spellcraft +8
    • Use Magic Device +10


  • Circlet of Persuasion
  • Amulet of Health +2
  • Elven Earring +5 to listen
  • Cloak of Charisma +4
  • Vest of Resistance +1
  • Relic of the Swan +5 Diplomacy
  • Pearl of Power 1st (2)
  • Wands
    • Cure Light Wounds (24)
  • Scrolls
    • Cure Light Wounds
    • Sleep
    • Comp Lang
    • Open/Close
    • Charm Person
    • Glitterdust
  • Potions
    • Cure Light Wounds (2)
    • Waterbreathing
    • Endure Elements
    • Shield of Faith +2
  • Oils
    • Bless Weapon

Bardic Knowledge d20+6

Bardic Music 5/day; Countersong, Fascinate, Competence, Courage +1

Minor Aura +5 bonus to damage while flanking