Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons
< Wild:PC/Fuelwen
Revision as of 16:24, 25 April 2010 by >T3knomanser (Wiki bonus)



  • Cash: 1459gp

Weapons & Armor (16#)

  • Keen Falchion (2D4, 15-20x2)
  • Masterwork Aquatic Longbow +4(composite) (1100gp)/3#
  • Masterwork Trident (315gp)/4#
  • Net (20gp)/6#

Slotted Items

Head: ~ Eye/Goggles: Sundark Goggles (10gp) Neck: Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Vest/Torso: ~ Robe/Armor: Mithral Chain Shirt (1200gp)/10# Cloak: ~
Belt: ~ Arms/Wrist: Bracers of Mighty Fists Gloves: ~
Ring-right: Ring of Protection+1 Ring-left: ~ Boots: ~
Shield: Mithral Buckler

Carried (11#)

  • Backpack (2gp)/2#
  • Arrows(40) (2gp)/6#
  • Sea Arrows (2gp)/3#


  • Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds

Encumbrance 100/200/300

Current: 24#

Effects Active

  • Sundark Goggles: immune to dazzled effects from bright light.