Drinking & Dragons

User talk:Ryan

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 12:11, 7 December 2005 by Wizardoest (talk | contribs)

Randy: I will be working in an opportunity for Brennel to learn Claws of Darkness in the LRC plot.

Both Critical Strike and Sniper's Shot can be taught to you by Roscoe and the Church of Misadventure.

FYI: See Annoucements for info on linking to the SRD

for lrc story: While on the trail in the forest, the party was engulfed in darkness, and subsequently attacked by three drow: two stealthy types and one divine caster. Despite their best efforts, the party suffered a pretty devastating defeat. The escaping Drow left the party with a crushed morale and a strong desire to stop searching for the heir.