Drinking & Dragons

User:Wizardoest/Combat Action Points

From Drinking and Dragons
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The following is lifted from d20 Threshold and modified.

What are combat action points?

Actions in combat are performed by spending action points. This system replaces the usual immediate, swift, move, and standard actions.

Action Point Costs

All creatures gain 5 Action Points (AP) per round which they spend to perform various actions.

Following is a list of actions, grouped by number of action points it costs to perform. Fuller details for each sort of action follows this list.

Reactions (replacing Immediate actions)

Reactions are a special type of action a creature can perform anytime, even when it is not its turn. They usually may only be performed when triggered by some other action or event though.

Simple Action
A creature can perform any action that costs 1 AP or less as a reaction.
Provoking a Reaction
Two kinds of actions can provoke a reaction: entering a threatened square and performing an action that costs more than 1 AP to perform within a threatened square.

0 AP Actions

All of the following actions cost 0 Action Points to perform (but may only be done during the creature's turn):

Dismiss an ongoing effect or other action that requires concentration.
Drop Item
Change an items equipped status from wielded to dropped. The item drops to the ground in one square of the creatures space of its choice.
Speak a few words. Within reason, it can do so even when it isn't its turn.

1 AP Actions

All of the following actions cost 1 Action Point to perform:

Make one attack with a -4 focus penalty to attack and damage.
Control, command or direct an effect or subordinate to perform a Simple action.
Cautious Action
Perform an action that normally provokes a reaction more carefully such that no reaction is triggered.
Maintain concentration on an ongoing effect.
Gain a +1 focus bonus to one check or Defense until next Begin Phase.
Move one square or drop to prone position.
Manipulate Object
Change an items equipped position from wielded to equipped or from equipped to wielded. Reloading a weapon that uses ammunition requires this action.
Recover 1 pool point.
Use Talent, Ability or Item
Use or activate a Simple Talent, Ability, or Item.

2 AP Actions

All of the following actions cost 2 Action Points to perform:

Make one attack with a -2 focus penalty to attack and damage.
Control, command or direct an effect or subordinate to perform a Minor action.
Gain a +2 focus bonus to one check or Defense until next Begin Phase.
Gain MP equal to Base Speed x 1 or stand up from prone.
Manipulate Object
Change an items equipped position from either wielded or equipped to stowed or from either stowed or equipped to wielded.
Use Talent, Ability or Item
Use or activate a Minor Talent, Ability, or Item.

3 AP Actions

All of the following actions cost 3 Action Points to perform:

Make one attack.
Control, command or direct an effect or subordinate to perform a Standard action.
Gain a +3 focus bonus to one check or Defense until next Begin Phase.
Gain MP equal to Base Speed x 2.
Use Talent, Ability or Item
Use or activate a Standard Talent, Ability, or Item.

4 AP Actions

All of the following cost 4 Action Points to perform:

Make one attack with a +1 focus bonus to attack.
Control, command or direct an effect or subordinate to perform a Full action.
Gain a +4 focus bonus to one check or Defense until next Begin Phase.
Gain MP equal to Base Speed x 3.
Use Talent, Ability or Item
Use or activate a Full Talent, Ability, or Item.

5 AP Actions

All of the following actions cost 5 Action Points to perform:

Make one attack with a +2 focus bonus to attack.
Control, command or direct an effect or subordinate to perform a Complete action.
Gain a +5 focus bonus to one Defense until next Begin Phase.
Gain MP equal to Base Speed x 4.
Use Talent, Ability or Item
Use or activate a Complete Talent, Ability, or Item.

Action modifiers

Cautious Action
A creature can perform an action more carefully by spending 1 AP in addition to the normal cost of performing that action. By doing so, it does not trigger reactions when performing the action.
All items a creature carries on its body occupy one of three positions: wielded, equipped, or stowed. When a creature seeks to equip or unequip a piece of equipment it performs this action (see Carrying Things for full details.) This action also includes picking up unattended objects (items that are not currently in another creatures wielded, equipped, or stowed slots.)
Equipment slots
Wielded — equals number of limbs able to manipulate weapons. Two for most races.
Equipped — equals number of wielded slots × 2 + Str modifier.
Stowed — object is packed away in a storage container, such as backpack.

Not used

The following are listed here from the d20 Threshold site but not used.

Focus Action
A creature may apply a focus bonus to a check or challenge equal to the number of AP spent on it. A creature may also often spend less AP on a check or challenge than is listed but doing so incurs a penalty equal to the number of AP it spends less than the required number multiplied by 2. For example, spending 1 AP less than required causes the creature to incur a -2 focus penalty to the check. Spending 2 AP less incurs a -4 focus penalty (etc.)