Drinking & Dragons

Category:Disposable:Lunch Hour Heroes

From Drinking and Dragons


Lunch Hour Heroes is an experiment in weekly, lunch hour gaming. We all have busy lives so why not enjoy a lunch hour of RPGs?

Session 1 — Fri, 20 June from noon–1pm on Google Hangouts

Link to Google Hangout: https://plus.google.com/u/2/events/c2lp14huksqh213hdipu3r76l5s

For session 2, tell us what lunch hours you are available: http://doodle.com/cb88td79wt4xhywm


Randy (GM), Tim, Todd, Mark, Joe D., and possibly Joe K.
Location (online)
We'll be meeting together in a Google+ Hangout (link with the session above) and using the following Roll20 campaign: https://app.roll20.net/join/431903/IYRU9Q
Fate Accelerated, modified as outlined below.
We'll determine what kind of game we'd like to play as a group.


The game system will be Fate Accelerated (FAE) as modified here. The full rules are available at http://fate-srd.com/ or at DriveThruRPG as Pay What You Want (including free). In book form FAE is only 40 pages. Reading it all is an evening however if crunched on time read the following:

Character Creation

The following may change slightly as we determine a setting.

  • Aspects—Five of them (High concept, Trouble, plus three more)
  • Approaches—ranked according to the usual starting values (+3, +2, +2, +1, +1, +0)
  • Stress—this will deviate from the norm. Given the short sessions I'm thinking that we set it to one stress box and only use Mild and Moderate consequences. Stress and Mild consequences will disappear at the end of each session. Moderate consequences will disappear at the end of the following session.
  • Stunts—Three stunts each. This Guide to Stunts is the best text to use for how to build them. It is from the Atomic Robo RPG.