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Disposable:Lunch Hour Heroes/Description

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Fourth Wall Maintenance Crew (4W)

It is known to every scientist and comic book fan that the universe as we know it is only one of a multitude of universes. What they don't know is that these universes are threaded together, like a collection of multicolored playdoh.

Some worlds interact more closely with other worlds, blending in unforseen ways. In our world the other universes present themselves as comics, movies, and books. In other worlds they may seen as gods, religions, songs, or things even more bizarre.

This blending of universes is part of the nature of things. However, from time to time cataclysmic events or individuals threaten the integrity of whole universes, causing them to either dramatically change for the worse or to mix so thoroughly as to no longer be distinct and thus disappear.

A long time ago, in a universe far far away a group gathered from a variety of universes to work to prevent these events from happening, founding The Agency. Who originally founded The Agency is lost to time but its work remains.

These cataclysmic events have been happening with greater frequency in recent decades. The Agency has worked to keep pace and is pulling in more and more help from the allied universes. The best and the brightest are working to keep things together.

You are not the best and brightest. Your group has the nickname "Fourth Wall Maintenance Crew" and your work is handling and stopping routine Merge Events. At least, until last week when you got promoted.

Last week you were assigned the mission to go to Deep Space Nine and stop Starscream from extracting energon cubes. Seems like a straightforward mission...

Key Takeaways from Above

  • The Fourth Wall Maintenance Crew works for an organization that simply calls itself the Agency.
  • Crossing over into alternate universes is possible and harmless in brief doses.
  • Merge Events happen when elements from multiple universes gather for too long. This usually results in the end of that universe.