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Delirium, done South Park style.

Delirium Harpell, Court Arcanist
Psychic Warrior/Fighter | 2/1
Eventually she will be Psychic Warrior 3/Fighter 2/Exotic Weapon Master 1/Pyrokineticist X
Race: Human
Chaotic Nuetral | Size: M | Type: Human
Female | Height: 5'2 | Weight: 115 lbs. | Hair and eyes: Every color of the rainbow, naturally
Patron Deity: ---, family god is Mystra
Abilities Str 14 +2 | Dex 14 +2 | Con 14 +2 | Int 12 +1 | Wis 12 +1 | Cha 14 +2

AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17, Mobility 23 | (+2 Dex, +5 Armor, +2 Shield)
The Dodge feat adds +1 AC against a single foe
HP 26 (HD: 2d8+1d10+6)
Init +2
Speed 20' (normally 30')
Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +1


  • Whip Dagger [mighty +2] +5 | 1d6+2 | 19-20x2 | Range: 15' | S
    Special: The whip is treated as a melee weapon with 15-foot reach, though you don’t threaten the area into which you can make an attack. In addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, you can use it against foes anywhere within your reach (including adjacent foes). Using a whip provokes an attack of opportunity, just as if you had used a ranged weapon.
  • Morning Star | 1d6 | X2 | Range: - | P/B | 6 lbs.
    Special: Other weapon details
  • Crossbow | 1d10 | 19-20x2 | Range: 120' | P | 8 lbs.
    Special: Other weapon details

Please choose a melee and ranged weapon to use. Record the purchase in equipment below
Base Attack +2 | Grapple +4 (+2 BAB, +2 Str)


  • 1st: Combat Expertise
  • Human: Gentry
  • 1 PW1: Exotic Weapon (Whip)
  • 2 PW2: Dodge
  • 3rd: Weapon Focus (Whip)
  • 3 F1:Mobility

*5 F2: Spring Attck

  • 6th: WW

Eventually getting Spring attack and then Whirlwind Attack and able to hit all foes within 15' with the Pyro's fire lash! Striked feats Delirium has not yeat gained.

PW: 25 | F: 5

Languages: Common, Draconic (Harpell family language), and Ignan
Note the high Diplomacy.

Psionic Powers Known 1st:
Grip of Iron

Power Points per day: 3 (1 base, +2 bonus for Wisdom)


  • Breastplate (+5 AC) | 200 gp | 30# | Armor check penalty -4 | Move 20'
  • Shield, Heavy Wooden (+2 AC) | 7gp | 10#
  • Whip dagger [mighty +2] | 325 gp | 5#
  • Heavy Crossbow | 50 gp | 8#
  • Morning Star | 8gp | 6#
  • Bolts (20) | 2gp | 2#
  • Alchemist’s Fire | 20gp | 1#
  • Candle | 1 cp |
  • Flint and steel | 1 gp |
  • Bedroll | 1 sp | 5#
  • Waterskin | 1 gp | 4#
  • Rations, trail (10) | 50 sp | 10#

Total Load: 81 | Load: 58 | 116 | 175
GP: 108 total

Delirium is one of the twin daughters of Lori Harpell, and as a noble in the lands of Lone Rock City. As such, for minor magic items she does not require a permit. She is a minor noble in the city and holds little sway, but sometimes that can be enough. She has been to Court only a few times and only for minor events. Delirium has a room at Scarletstone that she shares with her sister, Meriae. As a member of the Harpell family, she enjoys a discount on magic items that her family will craft for her and her friends. Heh.

Delirium Harpell:Logsheet

• Full name: Delirium Harpell

• Birth date: 14 years ago

• Birth order (eldest, second, youngest, etc.): First of two.

• Parents (or Guardian) and parent’s occupations as well as additional family information: Delirium is one of a set of twin daughters to Lori Harpell and Barney Fife. Barney Fife is a cowboy from the future that Lori Harpell slept with as a reward for helping her. When Lori was returned to her own time she finished with the Quest of the Ten rings (Ten Years Ago) and decided that she wanted to perform experiments on the local sun. So she left her children and Lone Rock City for the Moon where she could perform her "experiments". With both parents unavailable the Harpell family gathered around the children to raise them as their own. Peek - A - Boo Harpell, a druidic flower child, earth mother type, stepped in as the girls mother. Peek - A - Boo raised the girls while trying to become more attuned with nature by randomly transforming herself into a variety of different animals and plants. She even tried transforming the girls several times when they were having emotional problems to see if becoming one with nature would help them. It never would. Peek - A - Boo is a loving woman, some what large, and flighty. She is always jolly.

• Major childhood influences, traumas, events, emotional wounds: Being that Delirium is only fourteen, in all reality she still is a child in many ways. Of course the greatest trauma she's suffered so far is that she will never know her father, being that he's a cowboy from the future, and her mother is more interested in her various works with fire then she is with her own children.

• Talents: She was effected in the womb by the ring, one of the ten, that her mother was wearing.

• Flaws, vulnerabilities: Delirium wants nothing more then to have her mother's full attention and love. She's become obsessed with this goal and being a Harpell on top of it makes her a little.... strange. Delirium associates fire and her mother as almost one. She tends to treat fire as a living entity, and even refers to it at times as 'Mother'.

• Strengths: She is an accomplished fighter and has had some experience in court making her a fine diplomat, as long as she can keep herself on task.

• Religious affiliation/Patron Deity: Mystra

• Attitudes, personality type–introvert or extrovert, optimist or pessimist: Delirium is an extrovert but her teenaged mood swings tend to make her flip flop between and optimist and a pessimist.

• Primary relationships, marital status and capacity for intimacy: Being fourteen relationships are something that Delirium is starting to think about. Having her first crushes and the such. Delirium is VERY protective of her twin sister.

• Occupation: Noble

• Education: She has the average education that a noble of her age would have.

• Taste in clothes: The more colorfully outlandish the better. Although reds, yellows, oranges, and some blues are a favorite.

• Food preferences: The finer and stranger the food the better.

• Health habits: She takes very good care of herself although it is common to see her with several burn marks on her hands.

• Recreation activities or hobbies: Playing with fire. Spending time with her sister. Training to one day be a great adventurer, just like her Mother.

• Pets: None any more. She kept trying to "send them to her mother".

• Favorite possessions: The candle she keeps that she lights when she wants to "talk with her mother".

• Mannerisms, expressions, gestures: Delirium is the typical teenager. Often brooding and moody from the chemical changes in her body and plain old every day life. She is not a linear person. She jumps from subject to subject on a whim and yet it all seems to make sense to her.

• Worst physical trait: Her multicolored hair, although it is very beautiful it is not something easy to hide when your the member of an adventuring party.

• Best physical trait: Delirium's eyes are both beautiful and hypnotic.

• Reason he or she is motivated: She wants to gain her mother's full attention and feel her full love. She will do ANYTHING in an attempt to obtain those two things.

• 2 Enemies: The Devil Elves as they tried to kill her mother.

• 2 Friends: Outside of the Harpell family she has many extended family members and friends. Her "Uncle" Jones Hernysson has taught some rather unique ways to defend herself. Her "Aunt" Alicia Humphrey is often the closest physical contact Delirium has to her mother.

• Reactions under stress: It would depend on her mood of the moment. Delirium could do anything from break out in to tears to a near battle frenzy.

• Lifestyle (poor, moderate, rich, luxury): Rich, she is a noble after all

• Goals, long and short term: Delirium's short term goal is to become as much like her mother as possible. Her long term goal is to one day be able to be one with fire itself and in her mind then one with her mother.