Drinking & Dragons

IK:Freeing the Trollkin

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 06:42, 24 March 2006 by Wizardoest (talk | contribs)

Attendance: Randy, Joe, Herman, James, Ryan

Caitlyn scribed Friendly Face as a scroll.

We discovered a guard critter, Argus, a two-headed dog.

Caitlyn used a Magic Weapon scroll on Jamison's Cleft Greatsword.

Tirotin kills the two headed dog with a crossbow bolt. We drew out the doggie, then killed it. We tried to sneak in but pots and pans made noise and the bad guys knew of our presence. We fought all the bads and won.

There was an old Trollkin who we met, named Elder Stershan of the Boomhowler clan. There was a raging Trollkin, Gorec. We can arm and armor 50 trollkin.

Tolmek was asked to kill Gorec, to stop him from charging into battle. Caitlyn abstains from this. Gorec is slain and we try to talk them into coming with us to Fellig. We will meet them in the forest in a few hours.


  • 500 gp (83.33 gp each, including Slush)
  • Journal written in Khadoran
  • Trappings of a Druid
  • Small locked box: 10 pristine rifle shots + note in Khadoran