Drinking & Dragons

IK:Pendrake's Incredible Invisibility Imbibement

From Drinking and Dragons
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300 gold. Craft (Alchemy) DC 25.

This yellow powder needs to be mixed with warm water to dissolve into a drinkable potion. It is very bitter to taste and burns the throat (harmless, but unpleasant). The drinker will disappear as follows 3d4 rounds later and stay that way for another 3d4 rounds. Drinking another potion before the first one wears off will continue the effect for another 3d4 rounds without any delay in onset.

d% - effect
01-10: all body hair becomes clear. No actual effect.
01-25: outlines faint, shadows blend. 20% miss chance (similar to blur.)
26-50: hair, flesh, muscle and connective dissue become transparent. 50% miss chance (similar to displacement). However, all threats against the subject automatically confirm, and the target can be be sneak attacked without being flanked for flat-footed.
51-85: completely invisible (as invisibility)
86-00: completely invisible (as improved invisibility)

Since the effects are not magical, it is not subject to dispel magic or the noticible presense of a magical aura. However, glitterdust, see invisibility, invisibility purge, and similar do counter it.