Drinking & Dragons


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Lone Rock City: DM

Iron Kingdoms: Caitlyn Viscario

You can contact him here.


Cooperative Spellcasting (CA, p76) and Leadership build

Human | Base Chr 20 (24 with +4 stat boost item)

  1. Sorceror: Hu: Empower; 1st: Cooperative Spell
  2. Sorceror:
  3. Sorceror: 3rd: Spell Focus: Evocation
  4. Sorceror: +1 Chr
  5. Sorceror:
  6. Sorceror: 6th: Leadership (Sorc cohort 1; 15 1st followers; 1 2nd follower)
  7. Sorceror:
  8. Sorceror: +1 Chr
  9. Sorceror: 9th: Leadership (Sorc cohort 2; 15 1st followers; 1 2nd follower)

Cohort 1 and 2: Sorc 5th/Dragon Disciple 2 (Combat Cohorts)
Chr 12 only and MM feats of Empower and Cooperative Spell. All other feats would be Draconic/Combat feats. Figure on getting off 1-2 rounds of a cooperative spells.

  • DC 23 for evocation spells (DC 20 base; +2 for first pair and +1 for third caster)

Followers would be human fighters with cooperative fighting feats. (Haven't looked them up yet.)

Note that if I was an evil DM I could, by the rules, call this NPC a CR 9 encounter. :)