Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 19:52, 22 April 2008 by Wizardoest (talk | contribs)

Lone Rock City: DM

Iron Kingdoms: Caitlyn Viscario

You can contact him here

Character Concept for Dragonstar

  • Terraformer: Sarthoni race, Factotum class


D&D 4e Costs (June release -- Dec)

Manual of the Planes $30 Draconomicon $40 Martial Power $30 FR Players $30 Tome of Treasures $30 FR Campaign $40 Core Books $105

DDI (@$10/month) $70

Total: $375 ($54/month)

Sample Wikis

Wiki maintenace stuff

Combat Spam [1]

Recently installed Dynamic Page List

List of Iron Men



List of Woodsmen