Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 06:59, 11 August 2008 by Wizardoest (talk | contribs)

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To Do

Edit http://www.drinkinganddragons.com/wiki/Image:Anicomp.PNG


House Rule Links


  • Familiars
    When gaining any familiar you may select either a +3 to a single skill, +2 to a save, or +3 hit points. Alternate Familiars may be selected.

Feats and Skills

  • Combat Casting by be replaced by Skill Focus (Concentration) for prerequisites


  • Polymorph, Wild Shape, and shapechanging
    My campaigns use the "Polymorph Errata" to the core rules, except that a change in your Con score changes your hit points. Have your forms ready in advance to keep the game moving.
  • Save or Die spells are requested to be used sparingly.

Notes & Links

Sample Wikis