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Soulknife 5/Illumine Soul 1
Race: Human
NG | Size: M | Type:Human
Abilities Str 16 +3 | Dex 10 +0 | Con 15(17) +2(+3) | Int 14 +2 | Wis 11 +0 | Cha 13 +1


AC 15 (with +3 studded leather, +1 soul shield, +1 amulet of natural armor) | touch 10 | flat-footed 15
AC 16 (with +3 studded leather, +2 heavy wooden shield, +1 amulet of natural armor) | touch 10 | flat-footed 14
HP 55 (61) (HD:6d10+12[+6])
Init +0
Speed 30
Fort 5, Ref 6, Will 6 (add'l +2 vs poison/spells)


  • Mindblade (with Mind Shield) +7 | 1d8+3 | 19-20x2 | Range: 30' | S
  • Mindblade (Short Sword) +8 | 1d6+4 | 19-20x2 | Range: 30' | S
  • Mindblade (Longsword [full-rnd]) +8 | 1d8+4 | 19-20x2 | Range: 30' | S
  • Mindblade (Bastard Sword [full-rnd, 2 handed]) +9 | 1d10+5 | 19-20x2 | Range: 30' | S
    Special: Considered magic for overcoming DR
    Dissapates after throwing, must "redraw"
    Psychic Strike, +2d8 dmg, see below for details
    Valid target for Magic Weapon until it dissipates
    is +1 enhanced
    Can draw once a round as a free action
  • Heavy Mace +6 | 1d8+3 | 20x2 | B
  • Scimitar +6 | 1d6+3 | 18-20x2 | S
    Special: Cold Iron and MW

Base Attack +3 | Grapple +6 (+3 BAB)

Psychic Strike (Su)
As a move action, a soulknife of 3rd level or higher can imbue his mind blade with destructive psychic energy. This effect deals an extra 2d8 points of damage to the next living, nonmindless target he successfully hits with a melee attack (or ranged attack, if he is using the throw mind blade ability). Creatures immune to mind-affecting effects are immune to psychic strike damage. (Unlike the rogue’s sneak attack, the psychic strike is not precision damage and can affect creatures otherwise immune to extra damage from critical hits or more than 30 feet away, provided they are living, nonmindless creatures not immune to mind-affecting effects.)

Shape Mind Blade (Su)
At 5th level, a soulknife gains the ability to change the form of his mind blade. As a full-round action, he can change his mind blade to replicate a longsword (damage 1d8 for a Medium weapon wielded as a one-handed weapon) or a bastard sword (damage 1d10 for a Medium weapon, but he must wield it as a two-handed weapon unless he knows the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword) feat). If a soulknife shapes his mind blade into the form of a bastard sword and wields it two-handed, he adds 1½ times his Strength bonus to his damage rolls, just like when using any other two-handed weapon.

Positive Energy Conduit
Your Psychic Strike ability has forged a link with the Positive Energy Plane and allows you to damage undead with your Psychic Strike ability.

Mind Blade Enhancement (Su)
At 6th level, a soulknife gains the ability to enhance his mind blade. He can add any one of the weapon special abilities on the table below that has an enhancement bonus value of +1. <Insert Table>


  • 1st: Power Attack
    On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your next turn.
  • Human: Improved Sunder
    When you strike at an object held or carried by an opponent (such as a weapon or shield), you do not provoke an attack of opportunity. You also gain a +4 bonus on any attack roll made to attack an object held or carried by another character.
  • Soulknife 1: Weapon Focus (mind blade), Wild Talent
  • 3rd: Mind Shield
  • 6th: Lightning Reflexes


Languages: Common, two other languages not yet selected


Belt of Dwarvenkind: This belt gives the wearer a +4 competence bonus on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks as they relate to dealing with dwarves, a +2 competence bonus on similar checks when dealing with gnomes and halflings, and a -2 competence penalty on similar checks when dealing with anyone else. The wearer can understand, speak, and read Dwarven. If the wearer is not a dwarf, he gains 60-foot darkvision, dwarven stonecunning, a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution, and a +2 resistance bonus on saves against poison, spells, or spell-like effects.