Drinking & Dragons

User:Wizardoest/Common Alterations to d20

From Drinking and Dragons
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The goal of this page is to conservatively alter the d20 system in a fashion to enhance game balance and fun in my campaigns.


Undead Intuition (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a cleric can identify undead creatures during an encounter from any distance. The cleric gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks to identify undead creatures. Moreover, the cleric can make these Knowledge (undead) checks untrained. This bonus increases by +1 for each cleric level the character takes after 2nd level. (Modified from Source.)
A fighter may choose to have a strong reflex save instead of fortitude.
A fighter gets one extra skill point per level that must be placed into a craft or profession skill.
This is identical to Daryl's fix.
A sorcerer receives one of the following feats as a bonus feat at second level: Eschew Materials, Arcane Disciple, or any of the "Bloodline/Heritage" paths (draconic, celestial, fey, aberration, etc), including ones that require Sorceror 1st as a prerequisite.
This differs from Daryl's fix in that any bloodline/heritage feat may be taken at second level.
Dread Necromancer
The following spells are added to their spell list: Gentle Repose (1st), Disrupt Undead (1st)
Not likely to come soon, but needs to be altered. As written, it's NPC-only.
To come
Remove Trapfinding ability or trim skill points to 6 per level. Haven't decided which.
Levels in Soulknife count as levels of fighter for Weapon Specialization, and Greater Weapon Specialization.

Class Features

Instead of gaining a familiar, classes that grant one instead grant the feat Obtain Familiar from Complete Arcane.
A familiar grants special abilities to its master (a sorcerer or wizard), as given in the list below. These special abilities apply only when the master and familiar are within 1 mile of each other. Pick a tiny animal from the list of approved animals (either in the PHB or on the Alternate Familiars page) and select one of the following benefits: +3 bonus to a single skill, +2 bonus to Reflex, Fortitude, or Will saves, or +3 hit points.
Turning Undead
Use Variant Turning Rules: Destruction of the Undead from Complete Divine, p87. Quoted below in it's entirety.
Instead of the turn undead rules in the Player’s Handbook, some DMs might decide to use these turn undead rules. Instead of making undead run and cower, turn attempts deal positive energy damage to all undead within 30 ft. of the cleric. The goal of the system was to have the cleric contribute to the destruction of the undead in a fashion that interacts well with the other characters in the party such as the fighter and wizard. Sometimes when undead are turned they run away and are never seen again, or they are destroyed outright. Other times when undead are turned, there are no effects at all. Some DMs find the range of possibilities too widely varied or too complicated and for those DMs we provide this more consistent, simpler method of dealing with the turning of undead.
Turning undead is a standard action that deals 1d6 damage/cleric level to all undead within 30’ of the cleric. The affected undead get a Will save (DC 10 + cleric level + Charisma modifier) for half damage.
Evil clerics (any cleric that can swap out spells for inflict spells) instead heal undead within 30 ft. for 1d6/cleric level. Paladins work just as you would expect, they turn undead as a cleric 3 levels lower.
Undead with turn resistance may subtract that number from the damage that they take from each turn attempt. For example, a vampire with turn resistance 4 takes 4 fewer hit points of damage each time he takes turning damage. Turn resistance does not reduce the effects of the healing that evil clerics provide with their turn attempts.
When using this ability against incorporeal creatures, you do not have to roll a 50% miss chance; turning hits them automatically.

Sorcerors change

Sorcerers in the Lone Rock City campaign now have the choice of these two options:

Class changes

  • A bonus feat at 2nd level, and must be either a metamagic feat an item creation feat, or a feat that can only be taken by spontenous arcane casters (for example, Draconic Breath from Complete Arcane). The sorceror must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums.


  • 4 skill points per level plus the choice of one additional class skill.

A sorceror must also declare a type of heritage from whence thier power comes from, such as Dragons, Celestial, Fiendish, Fey, etc.

Familiar change

A familiar grants special abilities to its master (a sorcerer or wizard), as given in the list below. These special abilities apply only when the master and familiar are within 1 mile of each other. Pick a tiny animal from the list of approved animals (either in the PHB or on the Alternate Familiars page) and select one of the following benefits:

  • +3 bonus to a single skill
  • +2 bonus to Reflex, Fortitude, or Will saves
  • +3 hit points

Reserve Feats

Reserve feats (such as those from Complete Mage) have the following modifications.

  • They are changed from Supernatural (Su) to Spell-like (Sp)
  • When a spell effects a person(s), a saving throw is added.
    For example, Storm Bolt now has a Reflex save for half damage.