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Category talk:IK:Characters

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Randy: I'm a big fan of party cohesion and as such suggest that we record our character tactics and figure out how to get the most from our team.

Herman: Jamison, until he gets some spellcasting ability, (IE: for a long time), is the heavy hitter of the party. "Find the best target and hit it with the sword" is the strategy. Preferably with backup right behind/beside. Protecting the less physical will be a priority. (Caitlyn, Dook and Tyrotin) The biggest helping hands he could get are bonuses to attack, defense and damage. Especially bonuses to attack and defense.

When spells come into play, certain strategies will change, but all are a variation of "Hit it till it stops moving." He will also not charge in first if he can help it. But he'll will probably attack in melee first or second. ;)

Ryan: Tolmek is not afraid to take a few bumps and scrapes (since he has the benefit of healing quickly), but he's aware that if anybody tries to bump or scrape him, it will most likely happen. Any defense buffs would help him, although personally, I think a %miss chance spell would help more than AC. Later on, he will be taking no caution, sacrificing his AC in order to make sure his swings connect.

Ideally, he will want to buff or debuff with a fell call before charging into combat. That will save him one round of being the primary target, and will also set up an opportunity for a combo. Tolmek will be a bull rusher before too long, and can help the party's melee members get in attacks of opportunity as he pushes foes into harm's way.

Randy: Since Tirotin is going for Mystic Theurge, I think that puts him in a great position to buff, having access to the best buffs of both worlds. And, he won't have to get into combat.

I think that even with the small spellcasting ability, Jamison will still be one of our frontline people. Don't give up that sword!

As soon as I get displacement, I'll be placing it on Tolmek, though I'm sure that Daryl will just start throwing bads with blindfighting. :)

Herman: Don't worry, Jamison will have that sword for a long time. That one or another one just like it, made of a special material if he loses the original. I was thinking Bull's Stregnth, eagle's splendor, Protection from arrows, Hound of doom (CW), Augment familiar (CW) and a few others (Like polymorph and Baleful Polymorph. Typically only one or two at the beginning of combat.

Jamison Replacement

Herman: Barb1/Fighter1 (In that order) Might change to neutral good. First level feats the same, second level feat (Fighter feat) either Dodge (for whirlwind attack) or maybe Power Attack. Will go down the Weapon Focus/Specialization/Critical lines of feats. I'll post a full write-up on Saturday.

The other option is to let me change the feats for the current Jamison. But to do that I'd switch to a Medium cleft Greatsword and go for Whirlwind attack. (No power attack feat though)

Randy: My question is, what is prompting the decision to change your PC?

Ryan: So, by changing the feats with Jamison, are you planning on getting Whirlwind Attack at level 16? He has neither the Dex nor Int required.

Herman: Let it be known that while I do not disagree with stat requirements for feats, I can still hate them. Now I don't even know what pair of feats I could use instead of Monkey grip and Power Attack. I could always switch to fighter after Hexblade Level 3.

Randy, for your question, It's a matter of the feel of the character in the setting/party and the some of the restrictions of working with only eight feats. The build that I'm working on could be done so much better with a fighter/barb because a barb's +4 str bonus in rage covers Monkey Grip's -2, not to mention the feat access.

Either that, or I need more sleep/better rolls in battle. Among other things.

Oh, yeah, I volunteered for overtime at work tomorrow, so I might not have time for putting the alternate online. I'll try to get it done though.

And would you guys please remind me to use the Hexblade's Curse!

Addendum: After some much needed sleep and some deep thought, I've decided it would be a LOT easier just to take the "Rage" spell or use true strike when I can. That and tough it out till after 5th level, when things start to get better hit chance wise. Besides, my printer is out of ink and I'm too lazy to get a new ink cartridge.  ;)

Fergus, the Artificer

Randy: Should he be moved from PC to NPC until Justin can join us?