Drinking & Dragons

IK:On The Road Again

From Drinking and Dragons
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Attendance: Joe, Herman, Ryan, Randy, Joey
XP: 300. Hope you had fun. More at end of segment. Level 'em up.  

Leaving Corvis

Caitlyn: As we gathered our things to leave the city of Corvis, Dook brought with him lil' Jannis Riordan Junior who looked the part of an angel. He was so cute and I so looked forward to babysitting him during the trip. I had baked some oatmeal cookies, so that he could have a tasty snack during the journey.

It turned out that lil' Jannis' parents are "absentee" parents, at least in the area of discipline. Caitlyn had to repeatly remind the boy that a lady was present and that he should watch his mouth and behaviour. After a few unsuccessful days of chastising him Caitlyn took the liberty of spanking the boy, which seems to quiet him up, as least as far as in his interactions with Caitlyn.

Fortunately the boy had found comfort with Tolmek, which was odd, but then boys like strange things. If only Tolmek had felt for Caitlyn what she felt for him, they could have felt like a family for the journey.

Encountering a Thief

Caitlyn: In the Thornbrush forest we saw a fresh trail crossing our trail. Always believing himself invisible, Dook went to scout. He found a campsite but we decided against looking into it, fearing a similar encounter to the one with the mechanothralls.

During the next sunny afternoon, we heard a shrill cry from ahead in the forest. Since Dook was present and accounted for, we assumed it was a women in distress. Approaching carefully we encountered the poor lass and created a defensive ring around her to defend her from the strong, mean-looking men chasing her. Caitlyn consoled her, telling her that it will be alright and that seems to calm her down, as she took deep breaths and slowly stopped shaking. During the combat the soldiers informed us that she was a thief. Caitlyn didn't believe it until they pointed out that the woman had removed Caitlyn's potion of Hide from Undead.

Caitlyn was furious. It wasn't that the woman was a theif, it was that the woman used her feminine wiles to trick us into defending her frail female form from the big strong men. How were women to be respected as equals if they continued to pretend to be weak. She was immediately turned over to the soldiers. They introduced themselves as Sgt. Harrison Gale, a marshall and Gregor Fisk, a cleric. Fortunately they didn't bring Dook up on charges for blowing the head off one of their mates, though I think that Dook should be careful interacting with soldiers in the future.

Jamison: Crud. I knew there was something wrong with the Ordish woman when she was being chased by Caspians and Thurians. I just wish one of the soldiers wouldn't have lost his life in the fight.

Harlet: They were empassioned by the heat of battle and lost their diplomatic sense. Sometimes humans can appear very Trollkin on the surface, but we always maintain our wit.

Dook is lucky the soldiers don't want to bring him up on charges. Hopefully, we'll not have this sort of bad luck much more.

Arrival in Fellig

Arrive in Fellig. Largest building, stone, is the church to Morrow. Streets are not paved, they are muddy. (Think Nordic architecture.) Other large building is a huge tavern that was converted to a military HQ, named Flagon Mist. City is walled and built with wood and every few blocks there are jacks.

Our Riordan kid wants to visit Uncle Lenny and winds up staying with him while we go with the Trollkin. We approached the military about trying to get us across the border. We see Lord General Olan Duggan, Duke of the Northwood. We present our plan to Colonel Decker and he agrees to help us.

Jamison: I'm glad I recommended that we ask the Military for help. The disguises were a great help. Hopefully, we'll have some good luck crossing the border.

Crossing the Khadoran Border

We cross the border with everyone disguised as prisoners except for Caitlyn and Jamison. Caitlyn casts Tongues from a scroll and talks a scout party into allowing the party to pass. C'mon, you didn't even note your boyfriend's name? IK:aleksandr oksa

We find the Trollkin village abandoned and we follow the trail of the 300 members of the village. We pass by a labor warjack who was lumbering. we find the Trollkin in a concentration camp. Tolmek makes a fell call and there are responses. Caitlyn casts invisibility on Dook and he goes to scout. Finds 8 guards, in two groups of 4. Heavily armed and armored.

Two groups of four: All eight wearing scale mail. Each group has a commander with a ranseur and a backup of pick/shield. The group at the front gate have double axes. The group inside at the wooden structure has tower shields and warhammers.

Jamison: Raiding a Khadoran outpost. Not an easy task. But, between the seven of us, I think we can manage. Silence plus a night raid seems like a good start.


  • Acid sold for 210 gp and added to slush.
  • We find valuable furs in the empty village of the Trollkin.