Drinking & Dragons

Shaman Spell List: Difference between revisions

From Drinking and Dragons
mNo edit summary
m moved Expanded Shaman Spell List to Shaman Spell List: For consistency in naming
(19 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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*0th Level
== 0th Level ==
:Ethereal Chamber - I cannot see this dropped as low as an orison, and even 1st is pushing it, despite it being an ethereal spell.
*1st Level
:[[d20:spells/cureminorwounds.htm|Cure Minor Wounds]]
:Anarchic Water {{Check}}
:[[d20:spells/Detectdisease.htm|Detect Disease]]
:Axiomatic Water {{Check}}
:[[d20:spells/detectmagic.htm|Detect Magic]]
:Beastland Ferocity {{Check}}
:[[d20:spells/detectpoison.htm|Detect Poison]]
:Beget Bogun {{Check}}
:Blade of Blood
:[[d20:spells/inflictminorwounds.htm|Inflict Minor Wounds]]
:[[d20:spells/purifyfoodanddrink.htm|Purify Food and Drink]]
:[[d20:spells/readmagic.htm|Read Magic]]
* Ethereal Chamber - I cannot see this dropped as low as an orison, and even 1st is pushing it, despite it being an ethereal spell.
== 1st Level ==
Animal Friendship
:[[d20:spells/blesswater.htm|Bless Water]]
:[[d20:spells/calmanimals.htm|Calm Animals]]
:[[d20:spells/cursewater.htm|Curse Water]]
:[[d20:spells/detectevil.htm|Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law]]
:[[d20:spells/detectundead.htm|Detect Undead]]
:[[d20:spells/endureelements.htm|Endure Elements]]
:[[d20:spells/entropicshield.htm|Entropic Shield]]
:[[d20:spells/inflictlightwounds.htm|Inflict Light Wounds]]
:[[d20:spells/hidefromundead.htm|Hide from Undead]]
:[[d20:spells/obscuringmist.htm|Obscuring Mist]]
:[[d20:spells/protectionfromevil.htm|Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law]]
:[[d20:spells/shieldoffaith.htm|Shield of Faith]]
:[[d20:spells/speakwithanimals.htm|Speak with Animals]]
:[[d20:spells/summonnaturesally.htm|Summon Natures Ally I]]
Weapon Bless
* Anarchic Water {{Check}}
* Axiomatic Water {{Check}}
* Beastland Ferocity {{Check}}
* Beget Bogun {{Check}}
* Blade of Blood
* Blood Wind
* Blessed Aim {{Check}}
* Camouflage {{Check}}
* Conviction {{Check}}
* Delay Disease {{Check}}
* Dispel Ward {{Check}}
* Distract
* Ectoplasmic Armor {{Check}}
* Enrage Animal {{Check}}
* Hawkeye {{Check}}
* Healthful Rest {{Check}}
* Horrible Taste {{Check}}
* Incite
* Inhibit
* Ironguts {{Check}}
* Invest Light Protection
* Nightshield
* Omen of Peril {{Check}}
* Remove Scent {{Check}}
* Resist Planar Alignment {{Check}}
* Resurgence {{Check}}
* Shock and Awe
* Sign
* Spell Flower {{X}}
* Spirit Worm {{Check}}
* Vigor, lesser {{Check}}
* Vision of Glory
* Wood Wose {{Check}}
== 2nd Level ==
Ancestral Vengeance
:[[d20:spells/animalmessenger.htm|Animal Messenger]]
:[[d20:spells/bullsstrength.htm|Bull's Strength]]
:[[d20:spells/calmemotions.htm|Calm Emotions]]
Commune with Lesser Spirit
Create Spring
:[[d20:spells/curemoderatewounds.htm|Cure Moderate Wounds]]
:[[d20:spells/delaypoison.htm|Delay Poison]]
:[[d20:spells/houltouch.htm|Ghoul Touch]]
:[[d20:spells/holdperson.htm|Hold Person]]
:[[d20:spells/inflictmoderatewounds.htm|Inflict Moderate Wounds]]
Invisibility to Spirits
Know Motivation
:[[d20:spells/restorationlesser.htm|Lesser Restoration]]
Protection from Spirits
:[[d20:spells/removeparalysis.htm|Remove Paralysis]]
:[[d20:spells/speakwithplants.htm|Speak with Plants]]
:[[d20:spells/summonnaturesally.htm|Summon Nature's Ally II]]
* Align Weapon {{Check}}
* Eagle's Splendor {{Check}}
* Owl's Wisdom {{Check}}
* Animilistic Power {{Check}}
* Avoid Planar Effects {{Check}}
* Belker Claws
* Black Karma Curse
* Brambles {{X}}
* Close Wounds {{Check}}
* Curse of Ill Fortune
* Decomposition {{Check}}
* Discern Shapechanger {{Check}}
* Earthen Grace {{Check}}
* Ectoplasmic Feedback {{Check}}
* Embrace the Wild
* Entice Gift {{Check}}
* Ethereal Mount {{Check}}
* Foundation of Stone {{Check}}
* Ghost Touch Armor {{Check}}
* Ghoul Glyph {{Check}}
* Healing Lorecall {{Check}}
* Healing Sting {{Check}}
* Infernal Wound {{Check}}
* Mark of the Outcast {{Check}}
* One with the Land {{Check}}
* Protection from Negative Energy {{Check}}
* Protection from Positive Energy {{Check}}
* Share Husk {{Check}}
* Shroud of Undeath {{Check}}
* Spawn Screen {{Check}}
* Spell immunity, lesser
* Stabilize {{Check}}
* Train Animal {{Check}}
* Wave of Grief {{Check}}
== 3rd Level ==
:[[d20:spells/bestowcurse.htm|Bestow Curse]]
:[[d20:spells/cureseriouswounds.htm|Cure Serious Wounds]]
Detect Curse
:[[d20:spells/dispelmagic.htm|Dispel Magic]]
:[[d20:spells/inflictseriouswounds.htm|Inflict Serious Wounds]]
Invisibility to Enemies
:[[d20:spells/locateobject.htm|Locate Object]]
:[[d20:spells/magiccircleagainstevil.htm|Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law]]
:[[d20:spells/magicvestment.htm|Magic Vestment]]
Mental Strength
Mental Weakness
Possess Animal
:[[d20:spells/protectionfromenergy.htm|Protection from Energy]]
:[[d20:spells/removeblindnessdeafness.htm|Remove Blindness/Deafness]]
:[[d20:spells/removecurse.htm|Remove Curse]]
:[[d20:spells/removedisease.htm|Remove Disease]]
:[[d20:spells/speakwithdead.htm|Speak with Dead]]
:[[d20:spells/summonnaturesally.htm|Summon Nature's Ally III]]
* Aid, mass {{Check}}
* Align Weapon, mass {{Check}}
* Anarchic Storm {{Check}}
* Attune Form {{Check}}
* Axiomatic Storm {{Check}}
* Chain of Eyes
* Circle Dance {{Check}}
* Cloak of Bravery
* Conviction, mass {{Check}}
* Corpse Candle {{Check}}
* Energy Vortex
* Energy Vulnerability
* Eradicate Earth
* Etherealness, swift {{Check}}
* Ethereal Breath {{X}} - the breath spells are Sorcerer only.
* Favorable Sacrifice {{Check}}
* Ghost Touch Weapon {{Check}}
* Grace {{Check}}
* Hesitate
* Holy Storm {{Check}}
* Incorporeal Enhancement {{Check}}
* Infestation of Maggots
* Jagged Tooth
* Junglerazor {{Check}}
* Mantle of Chaos/Evil/Good/Law {{Check}}
* Miser's Envy
* Nature's Balance {{Check}}
* Primal Form {{Check}}
* Resist Energy, mass {{Check}}
* Rejuvenation Corpse
* Resurgence, mass {{Check}}
* Safety {{Check}}
* Spark of Life {{Check}}
* Spikes {{X}}
* Spirit Jaws {{Check}}
* Spiritual Chariot
* Summon Undead (Ghoul only) {{Check}} - see below
* Suppress Glyph {{Check}}
* Tremor {{Check}}
* Unholy Storm {{Check}}
* Vigor {{Check}}
* Vigor, mass lesser {{Check}}
* Weapon of Energy
* Weapon of Impact
== 4th Level ==
:[[d20:spells/airwalk.htm|Air Walk]]
:[[d20:spells/chaoshammer.htm|Chaos Hammer]]
:[[d20:spells/curecriticalwounds.htm|Cure Critical Wounds]]
:[[d20:spells/discernlies.htm|Discern Lies]]
Discern Shapechanger
Dream Sight
:[[d20:spells/holysmite.htm|Holy Smite]]
:[[d20:spells/inflictcriticalwounds.htm|Inflict Critical Wounds]]
Lesser Spirit Ally
:[[d20:spells/neutralizepoison.htm|Neutralize Poison]]
:[[d20:spells/orderswrath.htm|Order's Wrath]]
Snake Barrier
:[[d20:spells/spellimmunity.htm|Spell Immunity]]
:[[d20:spells/summonnaturesally.htm|Summon Nature's Ally IV]]
:[[d20:spells/unholyblight.htm|Unholy Blight]]
* Giant Vermin {{Check}}
== 5th Level ==
Blood of Fire
:[[d20:spells/breakenchantment.htm|Break Enchantment]]
:[[d20:spells/curelightwoundsmass.htm|Cure Light Wounds, Mass]]
Commune with Greater Spirit
:[[d20:spells/controlwinds.htm|Control Winds]]
:[[d20:spells/dispelevil.htm|Dispel Chaos/Evil/Good/Law]]
:[[d20:spells/etherealjaunt.htm|Ethereal Jaunt]]
:[[d20:spells/inflictlightwoundsmass.htm|Inflict Light Wounds, Mass]]
:[[d20:spells/raisedead.htm|Raise Dead]]
:[[d20:spells/slayliving.htm|Slay Living]]
:[[d20:spells/summonnaturesally.htm|Summon Nature's Ally V]]
:[[d20:spells/trueseeing.htm|True Seeing]]
* Baleful Polymorph {{Check}}
* Disrupting Weapon {{Check}}
* Heal Animal Companion {{Check}}
* Symbol of Sleep
* Rejuvination Cacoon {{Check}}
== 6th Level ==
:[[d20:spells/animateobjects.htm|Animate Objects]]
:[[d20:spells/findthepath.htm|Find the Path]]
Force Shapechange
:[[d20:spells/dispelmagicgreater.htm|Greater Dispel Magic]]
:[[d20:spells/planeshift.htm|Plane Shift]]
Spirit Ally
:[[d20:spells/summonnaturesally.htm|Summon Nature's Ally VI]]
:[[d20:spells/windwalk.htm|Wind Walk]]
:[[d20:spells/bullsstrengthmass.htm|Bull's Strength, mass]]
:[[d20:spells/curemoderatewoundsmass.htm|Cure Moderate Wounds, mass]]
:[[d20:spells/eaglesspendormass.htm|Eagle's Splendor, mass]]
:[[d20:spells/inflictmoderatewoundsmass.htm|Inflict Moderate Wounds, mass]]
:[[d20:spells/owlswisdommass.htm|Owl's Wisdom, mass]]
:[[d20:spells/symbolofpersuasion.htm|Symbol of Persuasion]]
:[[d20:spells/undeathtodeath.htm|Undeath to Death]]
* Bull's Strength, mass {{Check}}
* Cure Moderate Wounds, mass {{Check}}
* Eagle's Splendor, mass {{Check}}
* Inflict Moderate Wounds, mass {{Check}}
* Owl's Wisdom, mass {{Check}}
* Symbol of Persuasion
* Undeath to Death {{Check}}
== 7th Level ==
:[[d20:spells/controlweather.htm|Control Weather]]
:[[d20:spells/restorationgreater.htm|Greater Restoration]]
:[[d20:spells/scryinggreater.htm|Greater Scrying]]
:[[d20:spells/holyword.htm|Holy Word]]
:[[d20:spells/summonnaturesally.htm|Summon Nature's Ally VII]]
:[[d20:spells/wordofchaos.htm|Word of Chaos]]
:[[d20:spells/cureseriouswoundsmass.htm|Cure Serious Wounds, mass]]
:[[d20:spells/inflictseriouswoundsmass.htm|Inflict Serious Wounds, mass]]
:[[d20:spells/symbolofstunning.htm|Symbol of Stunning]]
* Cure Serious Wounds, mass {{Check}}
* Inflict Serious Wounds, mass {{Check}}
* Symbol of Stunning
* Animilistic Power, mass - source?
== 8th Level ==
:[[d20:spells/antimagicfield.htm|Antimagic Field]]
:[[d20:spells/cloakofchaos.htm|Cloak of Chaos]]
:[[d20:spells/discernlocation.htm|Discern Location]]
Greater Spirit Ally
:[[d20:spells/holyaura.htm|Holy Aura]]
:[[d20:spells/healmass.htm|Mass Heal]]
:[[d20:spells/shieldoflaw.htm|Shield of Law]]
:[[d20:spells/summonnaturesally.htm|Summon Nature's Ally VIII]]
:[[d20:spells/unholyaura.htm|Unholy Aura]]
:[[d20:spells/curecriticalwoundsmass.htm|Cure Critical Wounds, mass]]
:[[d20:spells/inflictcriticalwoundsmass.htm|Inflict Critical Wounds, mass]]
:[[d20:spells/spellimmunitygreater.htm|Spell Immunity, greater]]
Dimensional Lock
* Cure Critical Wounds, mass {{Check}}
* Inflict Critical Wounds, mass
* Spell Immunity, greater
== 9th Level ==
:[[d20:spells/astralprojection.htm|Astral Projection]]
:[[d20:spells/soulbind.htm|Soul Bind]]
:[[d20:spells/summonnaturesally.htm|Summon Nature's Ally IX]]
:[[d20:spells/resurrectiontrue.htm|True Resurrection]]
== Special spells ==
=== Summon undead ===
# not available.
# not available.
# Ghoul.
# Ghast or ghoul ×2
# Wight or ghast ×2 or ghoul ×4
:The {{Check}}s above mean that it's approved to be added at the list.  I did not evaluate any level changes unless marked as such.  --[[User:Mqs|Mqs]] 14* 12, 9 October 2009 (UTC)
::Those not checked don't necessarily mean non-approved, but it does mean I didn't immediately recognize the spell and feel that it should be added. --[[User:Mqs|Mqs]] 14* 23, 9 October 2009 (UTC)
:::I added Giant Vermin and Rejuvenation Cocoon to the list. --[[User:Mqs|Mqs]] 14* 34, 9 October 2009 (UTC)
This is a bulk upload. Some duplication of the above. Needs wrapping. Also added 0&9lvl from OA, other PHB from Dr or request.--[[User:Arz|Arz]] 16:17, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
0th Level
:Ethereal Chamber
Dawn drd0
Naturewatch drd0
1st Level
:Blade of Blood
:Invest Light Protection
:Anarchic Water
:Axiomatic Water
:Beastland Ferocity
:Beget Bogun
:Blood Wind
:Blood Wind
:Blessed Aim {{Check}}
:Blessed Aim
:Camouflage {{Check}}
:Conviction {{Check}}
:Delay Disease {{Check}}
:Delay Disease
:Dispel Ward {{Check}}
:Dispel Ward
:Ectoplasmic Armor {{Check}}
:Ectoplasmic Armor
:Enrage Animal {{Check}}
:Enrage Animal
:Hawkeye {{Check}}
:Healthful Rest {{Check}}
:Healthful Rest
:Horrible Taste {{Check}}
:Horrible Taste
:Invest Light Protection
:Omen of Peril
:Omen of Peril
Line 30: Line 405:
:Resist Planar Alignment
:Resist Planar Alignment
:Shock and Awe
:Shock and Awe
:Spell Flower
:Spell Flower
:Spirit Worm
:Spirit Worm
:Vigor, lesser
:Vigor, lesser
:Vision of Glory
:Vision of Glory
:Wood Wose
:Wood Wose
Aspect of the Wolf Drd1
Branch to Branch Drd1
Breath of the Jungle DRD1
Buoyant Lifting Drd1
Clear Mind Pal1
Cold Fire clr1 drd1
Crabwalk brd1 drd1
Find Temple pal1
Grave Strike clr1
Light of Lunia clr1 sor/wiz1
Low-Light Vision dr1 sor/wiz1
Moon Lust clr1
Nimbus of Light clr1
Portal Beacon clr1 sor/wiz1
Ram's Might drd1
Rapid Burrowing drd1
Slow Burn drd1 sor/wiz1
Snake's Swiftness drd1 sor/wiz2
Snowshoes clr1 drd1
Updraft clr1 drd1
Wings of the Sea all1
Winter Chill drd1
Wall of Smoke drd1 sor/wiz1
Vine Strike drd1
Traveler's Mount drd1
Thunderhead drd1sor/wiz1
Surefooted Stride drd1
Fist of Stone sor/wiz1
Cloudburst drd1
Claws of the Bear drd1
Climb Walls drd1
Buzzing Bee sor/wiz1
Beast Claws drd1
Babau Slime drd1 sor/wiz1
*2nd Level
*2nd Level
;Align Weapon
Hold Animal
;Eagle's Splendor
Reduce animal
;Owl's Wisdom
Resist Energy
:Animilistic Power
:Animilistic Power
:Black Karma Curse
:Avoid Planar Effects
:Avoid Planar Effects
:Belker Claws
:Belker Claws
:Black Karma Curse
:Close Wounds
:Close Wounds
:Curse of Ill Fortune
:Curse of Ill Fortune
:Discern Shapechanger
:Discern Shapechanger
:Earthen Grace
:Earthen Grace
:Ectoplasmic Feedback
:Ectoplasmic Feedback
:Embrace the Wild
:Embrace the Wild
:Entice Gift
:Entice Gift
:Ethereal Mount
:Foundation of Stone
:Foundation of Stone
:Ghost Touch Armor
:Ghost Touch Armor
Line 60: Line 475:
:Healing Lorecall
:Healing Lorecall
:Healing Sting
:Healing Sting
:Infernal Wound
:Infernal Wound
:Mark of the Outcast
:Mark of the Outcast
:One with the Land
:One with the Land
Line 72: Line 487:
:Train Animal
:Train Animal
:Wave of Grief
:Wave of Grief
Align Fang Drd2
Aura Against Flame Clr2 Drd1
Balancing Lorecall Drd2 Sor/Wiz 2
Countermoon drd2
Curse of Impending Blades brd2 rng2 sor/wiz2
Disguise Undead sor/wiz2
Divine Insight clr2
Divine Interdiction clr2
Divine Protection clr2
Easy Trail drd2
Frost Breath all2
Ghoul Light hunger1
Inky Cloud clr2 sor/wiz2
Light of Mercuria clr2 sor/wiz2
Living Undeath clr2
Master Air drd2
Moonbeam moon2
Mountain Stance drd2 sor/wiz2
Nature's Favor drd2
Quick March clr2
Rebuke sor/wiz2
Reveille brd2
Scent drd2
Snake's Swiftness, Mass drd2 sor/wiz3
Summon Elysian Thrush clr2
Veil of Shadow clr2 sor/wiz2
Wracking Touch drd2 sor/wiz2
Winter's Embrace drd2
Wings of Air drd2 sor/wiz2
Tiger's Tooth drd2
Swim drd2 sor/wiz2
Stone Bones clr2 sor/wiz2
Fuse Arms clr2 sor/wiz2
Gembomb gnome2 trade2
Fins to Feet drd2 sor/wiz2
Earthbind drd2 sor/wiz2
Earthfast drd2
Dark Way clr2 sor/wiz2
Cloud Wings drd2
Body of the Sun drd2 sor/wiz2
Bonefiddle brd2 sor/wiz2
Burrow drd2
Blinding Spittle drd2
Blood Frenzy drd2
Bite of the Wererat drd2 sor/wiz3
Belker Claws sor/wiz2
Binding Winds drd2
Balor Nimbus clr2 sor/wiz2
Battle Hymn brd2 sor/wiz4
;Aid, mass
Dominate Animals
;Align Weapon, mass
Water Breathing
Wind Wall
:Energy Vulnerability
:Etherealness, swift
:Invest Moderate Protection
:Anarchic Storm
:Anarchic Storm
:Attune Form
:Attune Form
Line 83: Line 557:
:Conviction, mass
:Conviction, mass
:Corpse Candle
:Corpse Candle
:Energy Vortex
:Energy Vortex
:Energy Vulnerability
:Eradicate Earth
:Eradicate Earth
:Ethereal Mount
:Etherealness, swift
:Ethereal Breath
:Favorable Sacrifice
:Favorable Sacrifice
:Ghost Touch Weapon
:Ghost Touch Weapon
:Holy Storm
:Holy Storm
:Incorporeal Enhancement
:Incorporeal Enhancement
:Infestation of Maggots
:Infestation of Maggots
:Jagged Tooth
:Jagged Tooth
:Mantle of Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
:Mantle of Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
:Miser's Envy
:Miser's Envy
:Nature's Balance
:Nature's Balance
:Primal Form
:Primal Form
Line 107: Line 578:
:Spark of Life
:Spark of Life
:Spirit Jaws
:Spirit Jaws
:Spiritual Chariot
:Summon Undead(Ghoul only)
:Summon Undead(Ghoul only)
:Suppress Glyph
:Suppress Glyph
:Unholy Storm
:Unholy Storm
:Vigor, mass lesser
:Vigor, mass lesser
:Weapon of Energy
:Weapon of Energy
:Weapon of Impact
:Weapon of Impact
Air Breathing all3
Align Fang, Mass Drd3
Analyze Portal Brd/Sor/Wiz 3, Portal 2
Awaken Sin Clr3
Blindsight Clr3 Drd 3
Bottle of Smoke Drd3
Corona of Cold clr3 drd3
Curse of Impending Blades, Mass brd3 rng3 sor/wiz3
Downdraft clr3 drd3
Girallon's Blessing all3
Jungle's Rapture drd3 sor/wiz3
Know Opponent clr3
Know Vulnerabilities clr3
Light of Venya clr3 sor/wiz3
Nature's Rampart drd3
Nauseating Breath clr3 sor/wiz3
Quillfire drd3
Safe Clearing rng3
Shield of Warding clr3
Sink clr3 drd3
Skull Watch clr3 sor/wiz3
Slashing Darkness clr3
Snakebite drd3
Snowshoes, Mass clr3 drd3
Spell Vulnerability clr4 sor/wiz3
Standing Wave drd3
Wall of Light clr3 sor/wiz3
Weather Eye drd3
Vine Mine drd3
Thunderous Roar drd3
Thornskin drd3
Sonorous Hum clr3 sor/wiz3
Lion's Charge drd3
Interplanar Message clr3
Heatstroke drd3
Forestfold drd3
Dehydrate drd3
Clutch of Orcus clr3
Creaking Cacophony drd3
Charge of the Triceratops drd3
Checkmate's Light clr3
Capricious Zephyr drd3 sor/wiz3
Bite of the Werewolf drd3 sor/wiz4
Blade of Pain and Fear clr sor/wiz3
Antidragon Aura clr3 sor/wiz3
Antiplant Shell
Command Plants
Death Ward
Dimensional Anchor
Freedom of Movement
Repel Vermin
Assay Spell Resistance Clr/Sor/Wiz4
Astral Hospice Clr4
Blindsight, Greater Clr 4 Drd4
Contagious Touch drd4
Contingent Energy Resistance clr4 drd4 sor/wiz5
Delay Death clr4
Ghoul Gesture hunger3
Hypothermia clr4 drd3
Jaws of the Wolf drd4
Last Breath drd4
Lay of the Land drd4
Life Ward clr4
Magic Fang, Superior dd4
Make Manifest clr4 sor/wiz6
Miasma of Entropy drd4 sor/wiz5
Moon Bolt clr4 drd4
Negative Energy Aura clr4
Panacea clr4 drd5
Planar Exchange, Lesser clr4
Planar Tolerance clr4 drd4 sor/wiz5
Poison Vines drd4
Positive Energy Aura clr4
Ray of Deanimation sor/wiz4
Rebuke, Greater sor/wiz4
Recitation clr4
Resistance, Greater all4
Revenance clr4
Righteous Aura pal4
Sheltered Vitality clr4 drd4
Shield of Faith, Mass clr4
Starvation drd4
Summon Elementite Swarm drd4
Undead Bane Weapon clr4
Wall of Chaos/Evil/Good/Law clr4 sor/wiz4
Wall of Sand clr4 drd5 sor/wiz4
Wrack clr4 sor/wiz5
Wood Rot drd4
Wings of Air, Greater drd4sor/wiz4
Wild Runner drd4
Wind at Back drd4
Wall of Water drd4 sor/wiz4
Vortex of Teeth drd4 sor/wiz4
Swim, Mass drd4
Surefooted Stride, Mass drd4
Sudden Stalagmite drd4
Summon Undead IV
Rushing Waters drd4
Perinarch, Planar drd4 sor/wiz4
Murderous Mist drd4
Land Womb drd4
Languor drd4
Essence of the Raptor drd4
Eye of the Hurricane drd4
Burrow, Mass drd4
Bite of the Wereboar drd4 sor/wiz5
Backlash sor/wiz4
Armor of Darkness dark4
Arc of Lightning drd4 sor/wiz5

;Baleful Polymorph
;Disrupting Weapon
Insect Plague
;Heal Animal Companion
Wall of Thorns
;Symbol of Sleep
Contagion, Mass clr5 drd5 sor/wiz6
Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass clr5
Dance of the Unicorn drd5 purification5
Death Throes clr5 sor/wiz5
Dire Hunger drd5
Divine Agility clr5
Echo Skull drd5
Incorporeal Nova clr5 sor/wiz6
Life's Grace clr5
Memory Rot drd5
Owl's Insight drd5
Phantom Stag drd5
Plant Body drd5
Poison Thorns drd5
Rejuvenation Cocoon drd5
Revive Undead sor/wiz5
Revivify clr5
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful clr5
Sanctuary, Mass clr5
Sirine's Grace brd4 drd5
Spiritwall sor/wiz5
Stone Shape, Greater all5
Subvert Planar Essence clr5 sor/wiz6
Vigor, Greater clr5 drd5
Wall of Dispel Magic clr5 sor/wiz5
Zone of Respite clr5 sor/wiz5
Zone of Revelation clr5
Wind Tunnel drd5
Triadspell clr5
Symbol of Spell Loss clr5 sor/wiz5
Summon Undead V -Hopping Vampire?
Quill Blast drd5
Hide from Dragons brd5 sor/wiz7
Inferno drd5
Graymantle sor/wiz5
Fireward drd5
Cloak of the Sea drd5 sor/wiz6
Bite of the Weretiger drd5 sor/wiz6
Aura of Evasion clr5 sor/wiz6
Anticold Sphere drd5 sor/wiz5

;Bull's Strength, mass
;Cure Moderate Wounds, mass
;Eagle's Splendor, mass
Word of Recall
;Inflict Moderate Wounds, mass
;Owl's Wisdom, mass
;Symbol of Persuasion
Barghest's Feast Clr6 Sor/Wiz 7
;Undeath to Death
Bolt of Glory Clr 6 Glory 6
Cold Snap clr6 drd5
Cometfall clr6 drd6
Curse of Lycanthropy pestilence6
Dinosaur Stampede drd6
Dream Casting sor/wiz6
Energy Immunity clr6 drd6 sor/wiz7
Extract Water Elemental drd6 sor/wiz6
Ghost Trap clr6 sor/wiz7
Ghoul Gauntlet hunger5 sor/wiz6
Hide the Path clr6 drd6
Ice Flowers clr6 drd5
Lucent Lance clr6 sor/wiz5
Make Manifest, Mass clr6 sor/wiz8
Mantle of the Icy Soul clr6 drd5
Miasma drd6
Nixie's Grace brd6
Planar Exchange clr6
Rejection clr6
Resistance, Superior all6
Revive Outsider clr6
Sarcophagus of Stone clr6
Subvert Planar Essence clr5 sor/wiz6
Summon Greater Elemental drd6
Vigorous Circle clr6 drd6
Tortoise Shell drd6
Tidal Surge drd6
Stonehold drd6
Stone Body clr6 sor/wiz6
Spider Plague clr6
Opalescent Glare clr6 sor/wiz6
Freeze drd6
Enveloping Cocoon drd6
Drown drd6
Blood Sirocco drd6
Bite of the Werebear drd6sor/wiz7
Aura of Terror sor/wiz6

;Cure Serious Wounds, mass
;Inflict Serious Wounds, mass
;Symbol of Stunning
:Animilistic Power, mass
:Animilistic Power, mass
Aura of Vitality Drd7Brain Spider Clr 7 Mind 7
Brain Spider Clr 7 Mind 7
Bestow Curse, Greater Clr7 Sor/Wiz 8
Brilliant Blade Clr 7 Drd7 SOr/Wiz 6
Elemental Body sor/wiz7
Evil Glare clr7 sor/wiz7
Field of Ghouls hunger7
Fortunate Fate clr7
Holy Star clr7
Master Earth drd7
Planar Bubble clr7 sor/wiz7
Plane Shift, Greater clr7 sor/wiz8
Radiant Assault clr7 sor/wiz7
Rebuke, Final sor/wiz7
Restoration, Mass clr7
Slime Wave clr7 drd7
Spell Resistance, Mass clr7
Storm of Elemental Fury drd7
Word of Balance drd7
Withering Palm clr7
Waterspout drd7
Symphonic Nightmare clr7 sor/wiz7
Swamp Lung drd7
Storm Tower drd7
Cloud-Walkers drd7
Blood to Water clr7

;Cure Critical Wounds, mass
;Inflict Critical Wounds, mass
;Spell Immunity, greater
Dimensional Lock
Brilliant Aura Clr 8 Drd8 Sor/Wiz 7
Cocoon Drd8
Death Ward, Mass clr8 drd9
Fierce Pride of the Beastlands clr8 sor/wiz8
General of Undeath clr8
Ghostform sor/wiz8
Phantom Wolf drd8
Planar Exchange, Greater clr8
Red Tide drd8
Stormrage clr8 drd8
Veil of Undeath clr8 sor/wiz8
Wall of Greater Dispel Magic clr8 sor/wiz8
Unyielding Roots drd8
Lion's Roar clr8
Heat Drain clr8
Dead Fall drd8
Bodak's Glare clr8
Bite of the King glut8 hunger8

Moonfire moon9
Nature's Avatar drd9
Phantom Bear drd9
Plague of Undead clr9 sor/wiz9
Summon Elemental Monolith all9
Undeath's Eternal Foe clr9
Undermaster drd9 sor/wiz9
Vile Death clr9 sor/wiz9
Whirlwind, Greater drd9
Tsunami drd9
Transmute Rock to Lava drd9 sor/wiz9
Perinarch drd9 sor/wiz9
Obedient Avalanche sor/wiz9
Drown, Mass drd9
Cast in Stone drd9

::The {{Check}}s above mean that it's approved to be added at the list.  I did not evaluate any level changes unless marked as such.  --[[User:Mqs|Mqs]] 14:12, 9 October 2009 (UTC)
On/Similar to (@diff lvl?):
Deific Vengeance
Discern Shapechanger
Dream Sight
Chain of Eyes

Latest revision as of 04:50, 21 January 2012

0th Level

Cure Minor Wounds
Detect Disease
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Inflict Minor Wounds
Purify Food and Drink
Read Magic
  • Ethereal Chamber - I cannot see this dropped as low as an orison, and even 1st is pushing it, despite it being an ethereal spell.

1st Level


Animal Friendship Attraction

Bless Water
Calm Animals
Curse Water
Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
Detect Undead
Endure Elements
Entropic Shield
Inflict Light Wounds
Hide from Undead
Obscuring Mist
Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
Shield of Faith
Speak with Animals
Summon Natures Ally I

Trance Weapon Bless

  • Anarchic Water
  • Axiomatic Water
  • Beastland Ferocity
  • Beget Bogun
  • Blade of Blood
  • Blood Wind
  • Blessed Aim
  • Camouflage
  • Conviction
  • Delay Disease
  • Dispel Ward
  • Distract
  • Ectoplasmic Armor
  • Enrage Animal
  • Hawkeye
  • Healthful Rest
  • Horrible Taste
  • Incite
  • Inhibit
  • Ironguts
  • Invest Light Protection
  • Nightshield
  • Omen of Peril
  • Remove Scent
  • Resist Planar Alignment
  • Resurgence
  • Shock and Awe
  • Sign
  • Spell Flower
  • Spirit Worm
  • Vigor, lesser
  • Vision of Glory
  • Wood Wose

2nd Level


Ancestral Vengeance

Animal Messenger
Bull's Strength
Calm Emotions

Commune with Lesser Spirit Create Spring

Cure Moderate Wounds
Delay Poison
Ghoul Touch
Hold Person
Inflict Moderate Wounds

Invisibility to Spirits Know Motivation

Lesser Restoration

Protection from Spirits Rebuke

Remove Paralysis
Speak with Plants
Summon Nature's Ally II


  • Align Weapon
  • Eagle's Splendor
  • Owl's Wisdom
  • Animilistic Power
  • Avoid Planar Effects
  • Belker Claws
  • Black Karma Curse
  • Brambles
  • Close Wounds
  • Curse of Ill Fortune
  • Decomposition
  • Discern Shapechanger
  • Earthen Grace
  • Ectoplasmic Feedback
  • Embrace the Wild
  • Entice Gift
  • Ethereal Mount
  • Foundation of Stone
  • Ghost Touch Armor
  • Ghoul Glyph
  • Healing Lorecall
  • Healing Sting
  • Infernal Wound
  • Mark of the Outcast
  • One with the Land
  • Protection from Negative Energy
  • Protection from Positive Energy
  • Share Husk
  • Shroud of Undeath
  • Spawn Screen
  • Spell immunity, lesser
  • Stabilize
  • Train Animal
  • Wave of Grief

3rd Level

Bestow Curse


Cure Serious Wounds

Detect Curse

Dispel Magic
Inflict Serious Wounds

Invisibility to Enemies

Locate Object
Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
Magic Vestment

Mental Strength Mental Weakness Possess Animal

Protection from Energy
Remove Blindness/Deafness
Remove Curse
Remove Disease
Speak with Dead


Summon Nature's Ally III
  • Aid, mass
  • Align Weapon, mass
  • Anarchic Storm
  • Attune Form
  • Axiomatic Storm
  • Chain of Eyes
  • Circle Dance
  • Cloak of Bravery
  • Conviction, mass
  • Corpse Candle
  • Energy Vortex
  • Energy Vulnerability
  • Eradicate Earth
  • Etherealness, swift
  • Ethereal Breath - the breath spells are Sorcerer only.
  • Favorable Sacrifice
  • Ghost Touch Weapon
  • Grace
  • Hesitate
  • Holy Storm
  • Incorporeal Enhancement
  • Infestation of Maggots
  • Jagged Tooth
  • Junglerazor
  • Mantle of Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
  • Miser's Envy
  • Nature's Balance
  • Primal Form
  • Resist Energy, mass
  • Rejuvenation Corpse
  • Resurgence, mass
  • Safety
  • Spark of Life
  • Spikes
  • Spirit Jaws
  • Spiritual Chariot
  • Summon Undead (Ghoul only) - see below
  • Suppress Glyph
  • Tremor
  • Unholy Storm
  • Vigor
  • Vigor, mass lesser
  • Weapon of Energy
  • Weapon of Impact

4th Level

Air Walk
Chaos Hammer
Cure Critical Wounds
Discern Lies

Discern Shapechanger


Dream Sight

Holy Smite
Inflict Critical Wounds

Lesser Spirit Ally

Neutralize Poison
Order's Wrath



Snake Barrier

Spell Immunity
Summon Nature's Ally IV


Unholy Blight
  • Giant Vermin

5th Level




Blood of Fire

Break Enchantment
Cure Light Wounds, Mass

Commune with Greater Spirit

Control Winds
Dispel Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
Ethereal Jaunt
Inflict Light Wounds, Mass


Raise Dead
Slay Living
Summon Nature's Ally V
True Seeing
  • Baleful Polymorph
  • Disrupting Weapon
  • Heal Animal Companion
  • Symbol of Sleep
  • Rejuvination Cacoon

6th Level

Animate Objects
Find the Path

Force Shapechange

Greater Dispel Magic
Plane Shift

Spirit Ally

Summon Nature's Ally VI


Wind Walk
Bull's Strength, mass
Cure Moderate Wounds, mass
Eagle's Splendor, mass
Inflict Moderate Wounds, mass
Owl's Wisdom, mass
Symbol of Persuasion
Undeath to Death
  • Bull's Strength, mass
  • Cure Moderate Wounds, mass
  • Eagle's Splendor, mass
  • Inflict Moderate Wounds, mass
  • Owl's Wisdom, mass
  • Symbol of Persuasion
  • Undeath to Death

7th Level

Control Weather
Greater Restoration
Greater Scrying
Holy Word
Summon Nature's Ally VII
Word of Chaos
Cure Serious Wounds, mass
Inflict Serious Wounds, mass
Symbol of Stunning
  • Cure Serious Wounds, mass
  • Inflict Serious Wounds, mass
  • Symbol of Stunning
  • Animilistic Power, mass - source?

8th Level

Antimagic Field
Cloak of Chaos


Discern Location

Greater Spirit Ally

Holy Aura
Mass Heal
Shield of Law
Summon Nature's Ally VIII
Unholy Aura
Cure Critical Wounds, mass
Inflict Critical Wounds, mass
Spell Immunity, greater

Dimensional Lock

  • Cure Critical Wounds, mass
  • Inflict Critical Wounds, mass
  • Spell Immunity, greater

9th Level

Astral Projection
Soul Bind
Summon Nature's Ally IX
True Resurrection

Special spells

Summon undead

  1. not available.
  2. not available.
  3. Ghoul.
  4. Ghast or ghoul ×2
  5. Wight or ghast ×2 or ghoul ×4
The s above mean that it's approved to be added at the list. I did not evaluate any level changes unless marked as such. --Mqs 14* 12, 9 October 2009 (UTC)
Those not checked don't necessarily mean non-approved, but it does mean I didn't immediately recognize the spell and feel that it should be added. --Mqs 14* 23, 9 October 2009 (UTC)
I added Giant Vermin and Rejuvenation Cocoon to the list. --Mqs 14* 34, 9 October 2009 (UTC)


This is a bulk upload. Some duplication of the above. Needs wrapping. Also added 0&9lvl from OA, other PHB from Dr or request.--Arz 16:17, 29 April 2010 (UTC) 0th Level

Ethereal Chamber

Dawn drd0 Naturewatch drd0

1st Level


:Blade of Blood :Invest Light Protection

Anarchic Water
Axiomatic Water
Beastland Ferocity
Beget Bogun
Blood Wind
Blessed Aim


Delay Disease

:Dispel Ward :Distract

Ectoplasmic Armor
Enrage Animal


Healthful Rest

:Horrible Taste

Omen of Peril
Remove Scent
Resist Planar Alignment

:Shock and Awe

Spell Flower

:Spirit Worm

Vigor, lesser
Vision of Glory
Wood Wose

+ Aspect of the Wolf Drd1 Branch to Branch Drd1 Breath of the Jungle DRD1 Buoyant Lifting Drd1 Clear Mind Pal1 Cold Fire clr1 drd1 Crabwalk brd1 drd1 Find Temple pal1 Grave Strike clr1 Light of Lunia clr1 sor/wiz1 Low-Light Vision dr1 sor/wiz1 Moon Lust clr1 Nimbus of Light clr1 Portal Beacon clr1 sor/wiz1 Ram's Might drd1 Rapid Burrowing drd1 Slow Burn drd1 sor/wiz1 Snake's Swiftness drd1 sor/wiz2 Snowshoes clr1 drd1 Updraft clr1 drd1 Wings of the Sea all1 Winter Chill drd1 ? Wall of Smoke drd1 sor/wiz1 Vine Strike drd1 Traveler's Mount drd1 Thunderhead drd1sor/wiz1 Surefooted Stride drd1 Fist of Stone sor/wiz1 Cloudburst drd1 Claws of the Bear drd1 Climb Walls drd1 Buzzing Bee sor/wiz1 Beast Claws drd1 Babau Slime drd1 sor/wiz1

  • 2nd Level

Hold Animal Reduce animal Resist Energy

Animilistic Power

:Black Karma Curse

Avoid Planar Effects

:Belker Claws

Close Wounds
Curse of Ill Fortune


Discern Shapechanger
Earthen Grace
Ectoplasmic Feedback
Embrace the Wild

:Entice Gift

Foundation of Stone
Ghost Touch Armor
Ghoul Glyph
Healing Lorecall
Healing Sting

:Infernal Wound

Mark of the Outcast
One with the Land
Protection from Negative Energy
Protection from Positive Energy
Share Husk
Shroud of Undeath
Spawn Screen
Spell immunity, lesser
Train Animal
Wave of Grief

+ Align Fang Drd2 Aura Against Flame Clr2 Drd1 Balancing Lorecall Drd2 Sor/Wiz 2 Countermoon drd2 Curse of Impending Blades brd2 rng2 sor/wiz2 Disguise Undead sor/wiz2 Divine Insight clr2 Divine Interdiction clr2 Divine Protection clr2 Easy Trail drd2 Frost Breath all2 Ghoul Light hunger1 Inky Cloud clr2 sor/wiz2 Light of Mercuria clr2 sor/wiz2 Living Undeath clr2 Master Air drd2 Moonbeam moon2 Mountain Stance drd2 sor/wiz2 Nature's Favor drd2 Quick March clr2 Rebuke sor/wiz2 Reveille brd2 Scent drd2 Snake's Swiftness, Mass drd2 sor/wiz3 Summon Elysian Thrush clr2 Veil of Shadow clr2 sor/wiz2 Wracking Touch drd2 sor/wiz2 ? Winter's Embrace drd2 Wings of Air drd2 sor/wiz2 Tiger's Tooth drd2 Swim drd2 sor/wiz2 Stone Bones clr2 sor/wiz2 Fuse Arms clr2 sor/wiz2 Gembomb gnome2 trade2 Fins to Feet drd2 sor/wiz2 Earthbind drd2 sor/wiz2 Earthfast drd2 Dark Way clr2 sor/wiz2 Cloud Wings drd2 Body of the Sun drd2 sor/wiz2 Bonefiddle brd2 sor/wiz2 Burrow drd2 Blinding Spittle drd2 Blood Frenzy drd2 Bite of the Wererat drd2 sor/wiz3 Belker Claws sor/wiz2 Binding Winds drd2 Balor Nimbus clr2 sor/wiz2 Battle Hymn brd2 sor/wiz4

  • 3rd

Dominate Animals Water Breathing Wind Wall


:Energy Vulnerability

Etherealness, swift


Invest Moderate Protection
Anarchic Storm
Attune Form
Axiomatic Storm
Chain of Eyes
Circle Dance
Cloak of Bravery
Conviction, mass
Corpse Candle

:Energy Vortex :Eradicate Earth

Ethereal Mount
Favorable Sacrifice
Ghost Touch Weapon
Holy Storm
Incorporeal Enhancement
Infestation of Maggots

:Jagged Tooth

Mantle of Chaos/Evil/Good/Law

:Miser's Envy

Nature's Balance
Primal Form
Resist Energy, mass
Rejuvinitive Corpse
Resurgence, mass
Spark of Life

:Spirit Jaws :Summon Undead(Ghoul only) :Suppress Glyph

Unholy Storm
Vigor, mass lesser

:Weapon of Energy :Weapon of Impact + Air Breathing all3 Align Fang, Mass Drd3 Analyze Portal Brd/Sor/Wiz 3, Portal 2 Awaken Sin Clr3 Blindsight Clr3 Drd 3 Bottle of Smoke Drd3 Corona of Cold clr3 drd3 Curse of Impending Blades, Mass brd3 rng3 sor/wiz3 Downdraft clr3 drd3 Girallon's Blessing all3 Jungle's Rapture drd3 sor/wiz3 Know Opponent clr3 Know Vulnerabilities clr3 Light of Venya clr3 sor/wiz3 Nature's Rampart drd3 Nauseating Breath clr3 sor/wiz3 Quillfire drd3 Safe Clearing rng3 Shield of Warding clr3 Sink clr3 drd3 Skull Watch clr3 sor/wiz3 Slashing Darkness clr3 Snakebite drd3 Snowshoes, Mass clr3 drd3 Spell Vulnerability clr4 sor/wiz3 Standing Wave drd3 Wall of Light clr3 sor/wiz3 Weather Eye drd3 ? Vine Mine drd3 Thunderous Roar drd3 Thornskin drd3 Sonorous Hum clr3 sor/wiz3 Lion's Charge drd3 Interplanar Message clr3 Heatstroke drd3 Forestfold drd3 Dehydrate drd3 Clutch of Orcus clr3 Creaking Cacophony drd3 Charge of the Triceratops drd3 Checkmate's Light clr3 Capricious Zephyr drd3 sor/wiz3 Bite of the Werewolf drd3 sor/wiz4 Blade of Pain and Fear clr sor/wiz3 Antidragon Aura clr3 sor/wiz3

  • 4th

Antiplant Shell Command Plants Death Ward Dimensional Anchor Freedom of Movement Repel Vermin


+ Assay Spell Resistance Clr/Sor/Wiz4 Astral Hospice Clr4 Blindsight, Greater Clr 4 Drd4 Contagious Touch drd4 Contingent Energy Resistance clr4 drd4 sor/wiz5 Delay Death clr4 Ghoul Gesture hunger3 Hypothermia clr4 drd3 Jaws of the Wolf drd4 Last Breath drd4 Lay of the Land drd4 Life Ward clr4 Magic Fang, Superior dd4 Make Manifest clr4 sor/wiz6 Miasma of Entropy drd4 sor/wiz5 Moon Bolt clr4 drd4 Negative Energy Aura clr4 Panacea clr4 drd5 Planar Exchange, Lesser clr4 Planar Tolerance clr4 drd4 sor/wiz5 Poison Vines drd4 Positive Energy Aura clr4 Ray of Deanimation sor/wiz4 Rebuke, Greater sor/wiz4 Recitation clr4 Resistance, Greater all4 Revenance clr4 Righteous Aura pal4 Sheltered Vitality clr4 drd4 Shield of Faith, Mass clr4 Starvation drd4 Summon Elementite Swarm drd4 Undead Bane Weapon clr4 Wall of Chaos/Evil/Good/Law clr4 sor/wiz4 Wall of Sand clr4 drd5 sor/wiz4 Wrack clr4 sor/wiz5 ? Wood Rot drd4 Wings of Air, Greater drd4sor/wiz4 Wild Runner drd4 Wind at Back drd4 Wall of Water drd4 sor/wiz4 Vortex of Teeth drd4 sor/wiz4 Swim, Mass drd4 Surefooted Stride, Mass drd4 Sudden Stalagmite drd4 Summon Undead IV Rushing Waters drd4 Perinarch, Planar drd4 sor/wiz4 Murderous Mist drd4 Land Womb drd4 Languor drd4 Essence of the Raptor drd4 Eye of the Hurricane drd4 Burrow, Mass drd4 Bite of the Wereboar drd4 sor/wiz5 Backlash sor/wiz4 Armor of Darkness dark4 Arc of Lightning drd4 sor/wiz5

  • 5th

Insect Plague Wall of Thorns


+ Contagion, Mass clr5 drd5 sor/wiz6 Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass clr5 Dance of the Unicorn drd5 purification5 Death Throes clr5 sor/wiz5 Dire Hunger drd5 Divine Agility clr5 Echo Skull drd5 Incorporeal Nova clr5 sor/wiz6 Life's Grace clr5 Memory Rot drd5 Owl's Insight drd5 Phantom Stag drd5 Plant Body drd5 Poison Thorns drd5 Rejuvenation Cocoon drd5 Revive Undead sor/wiz5 Revivify clr5 Righteous Wrath of the Faithful clr5 Sanctuary, Mass clr5 Sirine's Grace brd4 drd5 Spiritwall sor/wiz5 Stone Shape, Greater all5 Subvert Planar Essence clr5 sor/wiz6 Vigor, Greater clr5 drd5 Wall of Dispel Magic clr5 sor/wiz5 Zone of Respite clr5 sor/wiz5 Zone of Revelation clr5 ? Wind Tunnel drd5 Triadspell clr5 Symbol of Spell Loss clr5 sor/wiz5 Summon Undead V -Hopping Vampire? Quill Blast drd5 Hide from Dragons brd5 sor/wiz7 Inferno drd5 Graymantle sor/wiz5 Fireward drd5 Cloak of the Sea drd5 sor/wiz6 Bite of the Weretiger drd5 sor/wiz6 Aura of Evasion clr5 sor/wiz6 Anticold Sphere drd5 sor/wiz5

  • 6th

Forbidance Word of Recall


+ Barghest's Feast Clr6 Sor/Wiz 7 Bolt of Glory Clr 6 Glory 6 Cold Snap clr6 drd5 Cometfall clr6 drd6 Curse of Lycanthropy pestilence6 Dinosaur Stampede drd6 Dream Casting sor/wiz6 Energy Immunity clr6 drd6 sor/wiz7 Extract Water Elemental drd6 sor/wiz6 Ghost Trap clr6 sor/wiz7 Ghoul Gauntlet hunger5 sor/wiz6 Hide the Path clr6 drd6 Ice Flowers clr6 drd5 Lucent Lance clr6 sor/wiz5 Make Manifest, Mass clr6 sor/wiz8 Mantle of the Icy Soul clr6 drd5 Miasma drd6 Nixie's Grace brd6 Planar Exchange clr6 Rejection clr6 Resistance, Superior all6 Revive Outsider clr6 Sarcophagus of Stone clr6 Subvert Planar Essence clr5 sor/wiz6 Summon Greater Elemental drd6 Vigorous Circle clr6 drd6 ? Tortoise Shell drd6 Tidal Surge drd6 Stonehold drd6 Stone Body clr6 sor/wiz6 Spider Plague clr6 Opalescent Glare clr6 sor/wiz6 Freeze drd6 Enveloping Cocoon drd6 Drown drd6 Blood Sirocco drd6 Bite of the Werebear drd6sor/wiz7 Aura of Terror sor/wiz6

  • 7th
Animilistic Power, mass

+ Aura of Vitality Drd7Brain Spider Clr 7 Mind 7 Brain Spider Clr 7 Mind 7 Bestow Curse, Greater Clr7 Sor/Wiz 8 Brilliant Blade Clr 7 Drd7 SOr/Wiz 6 Elemental Body sor/wiz7 Evil Glare clr7 sor/wiz7 Field of Ghouls hunger7 Fortunate Fate clr7 Holy Star clr7 Master Earth drd7 Planar Bubble clr7 sor/wiz7 Plane Shift, Greater clr7 sor/wiz8 Radiant Assault clr7 sor/wiz7 Rebuke, Final sor/wiz7 Restoration, Mass clr7 Slime Wave clr7 drd7 Spell Resistance, Mass clr7 Storm of Elemental Fury drd7 Word of Balance drd7 ? Withering Palm clr7 Waterspout drd7 Symphonic Nightmare clr7 sor/wiz7 Swamp Lung drd7 Storm Tower drd7 Cloud-Walkers drd7 Blood to Water clr7

  • 8th

Dimensional Lock


+ Brilliant Aura Clr 8 Drd8 Sor/Wiz 7 Cocoon Drd8 Death Ward, Mass clr8 drd9 Fierce Pride of the Beastlands clr8 sor/wiz8 General of Undeath clr8 Ghostform sor/wiz8 Phantom Wolf drd8 Planar Exchange, Greater clr8 Red Tide drd8 Stormrage clr8 drd8 Veil of Undeath clr8 sor/wiz8 Wall of Greater Dispel Magic clr8 sor/wiz8 ? Unyielding Roots drd8 Lion's Roar clr8 Heat Drain clr8 Dead Fall drd8 Bodak's Glare clr8 Bite of the King glut8 hunger8

  • 9th

+ Moonfire moon9 Nature's Avatar drd9 Phantom Bear drd9 Plague of Undead clr9 sor/wiz9 Summon Elemental Monolith all9 Undeath's Eternal Foe clr9 Undermaster drd9 sor/wiz9 Vile Death clr9 sor/wiz9 Whirlwind, Greater drd9 ? Tsunami drd9 Transmute Rock to Lava drd9 sor/wiz9 Perinarch drd9 sor/wiz9 Obedient Avalanche sor/wiz9 Drown, Mass drd9 Cast in Stone drd9

On/Similar to (@diff lvl?): Deific Vengeance Castigate Discern Shapechanger Dream Sight Chain of Eyes