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    1. 2 Pheonix Pu

Swordsage 9

I share two qualities with the pheonix
  • I am immortal! Rumors of my death are quickly forgotten.
  • All my enemies turn to ash.

Alignment: LN | Size: M | Type: Humanoid(Orc)
Sex: Male | Height: 5'4" | Weight: 211# | Hair: Black | Eyes: Yellow
Patron Deity: Dark Six
Abilities Str 16 +3 | Dex 14 +2 | Con 14 +2 | Int 10 +0 | Wis 18 +4 | Cha 6 -2


AC 23, touch 18, flat-footed 20 (+5 armor, +1 deflection, +2 dex, +1 dodge, +4 wis)
HP 74 (HD:9d8+18)
Init +4
Speed 30'
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +13
Action Points 7


  • Falchion +10 | 2d4+11 | Crit 19-20/*2 | S | Range 0' | .25 lbs.
    Special: Magic, +1 fire, +1bm, +wis, skirmish
  • Short Sword +10 | 1d6+7 | Crit 19-20/*2 | P | Range 0' | 4 lbs.
    Special: +wis, skirmish
  • Unarmed Strike +10 | 1d3+7 | Crit 20/*2 | B | Range 0' | 0 lbs.
    Special: +wis, skirmish

Base Attack +6 | Grapple +9 (+6 BAB, +3 Str)


  • 1st: Desert Wind Dodge (ToB 29) : Move 10ft, +1 AC, +1 fire damage

• Weapon Focus (PH 102) (Falchion, Sword, Short, Unarmed Strike) : +1 bonus on attack rolls with selected weapon.

  • 3rd: Blade Meditation (ToB 28) (Desert Wind) : +1 damage on strikes, +2 on skill checks, +1 save DC with discipline-related

weapons, skills, and maneuvers.

  • 6th: Desert Fire (ToB 29) : +1d6 skirmish damage when using desert wind strike.
  • 9th: Scorching Sirocco (ToB 35) : Allows the use of three tactical options.


• +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
• Base land speed of 30 feet.
• Darkvision 60 feet.
• Orc Blood: can use items keyed towards orcs
• Favored Class: Barbarian


Appraise +0 (0 ranks)
Balance +4 (0 ranks) [+2syn]
Bluff -2 (0 ranks)
Climb +3 (0 ranks)
Concentration +2 (0 ranks)
Craft () +0 (0 ranks)
Diplomacy +2 (0 ranks) [+4syn]
Disguise -2 (0 ranks)
Escape Artist +2
Forgery +0 (0 ranks)
Gather Information -2
Heal +4 (0 ranks)
Hide +19 (12 ranks) [+5comp]
Intimidate -2 (0 ranks)
Jump +10 (5 ranks) [+2syn]
Knowledge (local) +1 (1 ranks)
Knowledge (nature) +1 (1 ranks)
Knowledge (nobility) +5 (5 ranks)
Listen +4 (0 ranks)
Martial Lore +12 (12 ranks)
Move Silently +19 (12 ranks) [+5comp]
Perform -2 (0 ranks)
Ride +2 (0 ranks)
Search +0 (0 ranks)
Sense Motive +16 (12 ranks)
Spot +9 (0 ranks) [+5comp]
Survival +4 (0 ranks)
Swim +3 (0 ranks)
Tumble +18 (12 ranks) [+2syn] [+2bm]
Use Rope +2 (0 ranks)

Languages: Common, Orc


• Proficient in light armor
• Proficient with all simple and martial weapons.
• Evasion(Ex): On a successful Reflex save against a magical attack, you take no damage.
• Quick to act (Ex): Initiative bonus +2.
• Discipline Focus: (Desert Wind; Shadow Hand; Setting Sun)
¤ Weapon Focus (Ex): Pick a discipline you have at least one maneuver in. Each time you have Discipline focus, gain weapon

focus for discipline related weapons, +2 Martial Lore checks for discipline that has discipline focus (does not stack).

¤ Insightful Strike (Ex): Pick a discipline you have at least one maneuver in each time you have Discipline focus, add

wisdom mod to damage whenever you execute a discipline strike, +2 Martial Lore checks for discipline that has discipline focus (does not stack)

¤ Defensive Stance (Ex): Pick a discipline you have at least one maneuver in each time you have Discipline focus, +2 bonus

on saving throws when in discipline stance, +2 Martial Lore checks for discipline that has discipline focus (does not stack)

• Sense Magic (Su): After focusing for 10 minutes and succeeding on a caster level check, you can determine the magical

properties of a weapon or suit of armor.


  • Burning Brand (Desert Wind) (Boost Level 2) (Pg 52) : Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
  • Death Mark (Desert Wind) (Strike Level 3) (Pg 52) : Enemy takes extra fire damage and explodes in a fiery spread.
  • Dragon's Flame (Desert Wind) (Strike Level 5) (Pg 53) : Cone deals 6d6 fire dmage.
  • Fire Riposte (Desert Wind) (Counter Level 2) (Pg 53) : Counter foe's attack with fiery touch that deals 4d6 damage.
  • Firesnake (Desert Wind) (Strike Level 4) (Pg 53) : Streams of fire twists around corners.
  • Counter Charge (Setting Sun) (Counter Level 1) (Pg 71) : Ruin charge attack, force charging foe to move away from you.
  • Shadow Garrote (Shadow Hand) (Strike Level 3) (Pg 78) : Ranged touch attack deals 5d6 points of damage.
  • Flame's Blessing (Desert Wind) (Stance Level 1) (Pg 53) : Gain fire resistance based on Tumble ranks.
  • Shifting Defense (Setting Sun) (Stance Level 5) (Pg 73) : 5-ft. step with each missed attack against you.
  • Assassin's Stance (Shadow Hand) (Stance Level 3) (Pg 75) : Gain sneak attack +2d6.
  • Child of Shadow (Shadow Hand) (Stance Level 1) (Pg 76) : You gain concealment as long as you move.
  • Blistering Flourish (Desert Wind) (Strike Level 1) (Pg 52) : Dazzle creatures around you.
  • Burning Blade (Desert Wind) (Boost Level 1) (Pg 52) : Deal 1d6 fire +1/initiator level.
  • Wind Stride (Desert Wind) (Boost Level 1) (Pg 56) : +10-ft. bonus to speed.
  • Fan the Flames (Desert Wind) (Strike Level 3) (Pg 53) : Ranged touch attack deals 6d6 fire damage.
  • Hatchling's Flame (Desert Wind) (Strike Level 2) (Pg 54) : Cone deals 2d6 fire damage.
  • Comet Throw (Setting Sun) (Strike Level 4) (Pg 71) : Grab foe, throw him using leverage, strength.
  • Hand of Death (Shadow Hand) (Strike Level 4) (Pg 77) : Touch renders foe paralyzed for 1d3 rounds.


  • Ring of Feather Falling
  • Ring of Protection +1
  • Gloves of Arrow Snaring
  • Eyes of the Eagle
  • Cloak of Elvenkind
  • Golembane Scarab
  • Boots of Elvenkind
  • Mithril Chainshirt +1
  • Falcion +1
Potions - Expeditious Retreat, Fist of Stone, Shield

Crawling Swamp Rice

one coarsely chopped onion
two minced cloves of garlic
one chopped bell pepper
one stick finely diced celery
shotglass of bacon drippings
one-quarter the meat of a sow's leg, from knee to ankle, cured and cubed
handful of minced parsley
one crumbled bay leaf
one large pinch of crumbled thyme
one large pinch cayenne pepper
small handful of salt
three crushed tomatoes, thickened down to a thin paste
one large tomato, diced.
pint of cold water
pint of rice
three raw par'chuul'va, shelled, devined, and diced[1]
Set a large kettle-not iron: bronze is more pleasing to the Dragon Below!-over a moderate flame.
Sauté the onion, garlic, bell pepper and celery in the bacon drippings for 8 to 10 minutes until they are limp and golden. Add the parsley, sow's leg, bay leaf, thyme & cayenne pepper.
Sauté, stirring often, for several minutes. Add the salt, diced tomato and its juice, thickened tomatoes, and water.
Simmer the kettle, uncovered, for a few more minutes, breaking up any large clumps of tomatoes. Raise or lower the kettle from the fire so that the mixture simmers gently.
Stir in the rice, cover the kettle, and boil for the better part of an hour.
Add the par'chuul'va, turning them into the mixture.
Cover the kettle and simmer until the par'chuul'va are cooked through, the rice is done, and almost all of the liquid has been absorbed.
Add additional salt and cayenne pepper to taste.
Serves one of the People, or five s'na'grthak[2].

[1] Par'chuul'va ("stupid little chuuls", in Orcish) are tiny aberrations found in shallow fresh water throughout the Crawling Swamp. They resemble very small (15 cm.) chuuls. If these are unavailable-or if your guests object to consuming aberrations-crayfish may be substituted.
[2] S'na'grthak ("weak-but-smart", in Orcish): polite orc term for the common races.