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1gp@ for late entrance into the city. (Caitlyn paid for herself and Dook.)  
1gp@ for late entrance into the city. (Caitlyn paid for herself and Dook.)  

A boy stole a sunrod of Jamison. Named Leto. Mother is dead. Mr. Waddock hired him to test us out. Leads us to a tradehouse, knock 3, then 1 and he'll let us in. Ogren with HUGE hammer. Full value of cargo for info on church search. Need exploded shells back too.  
A boy stole a sunrod of Jamison. Named [[Leto]]. Mother is dead. Mr. Waddock hired him to test us out. Leads us to a tradehouse, knock 3, then 1 and he'll let us in. Ogren with HUGE hammer. Full value of cargo for info on church search. Need exploded shells back too.  

'''Find the grenade'''<br>
'''Find the grenade'''<br>

Revision as of 07:07, 7 October 2005

10/6 Session
Dinner with hot 17 YO creepy chick in white and Dumas. Alexia, neice of Dumas. She spends most of her time reading, but there is probably more to it than that.

Breaking into the Sunbright Estates
Party hides in bushes while Dook goes for the tomb. Rose bush has some silk cloth that is white. Note: Dook is pooooooooooor with locks. Tomb is made of marble and the door is shattered from the inside out.

1gp@ for late entrance into the city. (Caitlyn paid for herself and Dook.)

A boy stole a sunrod of Jamison. Named Leto. Mother is dead. Mr. Waddock hired him to test us out. Leads us to a tradehouse, knock 3, then 1 and he'll let us in. Ogren with HUGE hammer. Full value of cargo for info on church search. Need exploded shells back too.

Find the grenade
Leave through the West gate and through the most optimal route, great city guide. Travel a couple of hours into the swamp. Wacko Druid with connections to Gertens family. Has a huge rat companion. We capture a single gobber after the combat.

Small ShtSword (10gp@ 1#), small hide armor (15gp, 12.5#) 5gp@ (9gp to slush find.)

Mud is the guy they sell stuff to. Uses ice spells. Mud has the grenades.

Led to a swampy village. Three huts. They know Leto. Adopted Mother Anna. Dhunia, revere that god. Mud is a gobber. Fallen Leaf is the crazy Druid. Anna has made pastries for Fallen Leaf.

Encounter Fallen Leaf, he didn't want to talk. We fought. 3rd level caster. We got the grenades. Two bags of 10 grenades each. (Leto used a grenade from HIS OWN pack.) Tent. Take the horse to Anna. Tent is trapped with fire. Bedroll, lantern, bag (3 little vials, big vial, baggie (herbs), and a box (camoflauge, single use MW hide kit).

Total gear: 2 small shortswords (20gp/2#), 2 small hide armor (30gp/25#), 9gp to slush fund, tent (10gp/20#), -1gp to enter the city.

GP gained per PC: 5 gp and 600 XP

Slush Fund: 8 gp

End at Gunners, no answer.

9/22 Session

Corvis = big city. Watching a caravan (hired). 25 gp payment at the end of the journey.

Widower's wood. Günner Waddock (NPC), 5 wagons and pack horses. Vigo (human)

While traveling we wait to let a train to pass, then camp overnight. The next day we are jumped by swamp gobbers (15) using a fog machine. Loot 12 small daggers, 1 dart, fog machine. (-5 gp for transportation of fog machine). Three gobbers fled, with one pack horse and one sack of cargo.

Corvis, city of ghosts. Dense stone structures. Bridges and arches everywhere. Father Dumas at church of Morrow. Dirtier Venice, very swampy. New buildings built on the old. Dragons Tongue river passes through it. Black Stone Arches are nearby. 40 sp admission to the city. The fare to enter the city is one silver piece per leg.

Church of Morrow is on island. Dumas lives on top. Graveyard on the premises where lies important people and the lead Witch from the Corvis coven scandal. Five witches were tried and killed for the crimes in the widower's wood. Lead witch is buried on the grounds to keep her secure. Exact scandal is unknown. Father Pandor Dumas answers door, bows curtly and intro's as High Prelate of Corvis and pillar of the community. He is fortyish with gray hair and bald with side tufts, wearing simple robes and wearing EXPENSIVE holy symbol. Günner charges 50 gp for the supplies, more than the previously agreed price, Dumas hands him gems and Günner rejects the gems demanding cash. (Given 25gp payment)

Carried boxes to 3rd basement.

University is the most famous university in all Immoren.

Encountered troops, tried to find a person named Ammal to give letter.

Dinner with Dumas, Tirotin says grace. Invited to rectory. Hires us to investigate grave robbers and offered room and board in compensation. Watch said that nothing was amiss (they interviewed the families). Slip of paper: Cygnarian,

  • Sylva and Monsonata family, city of Corvis northern graveyard.
  • Gotack family farm outside eastern gate of city.
    • Go here 2nd. Small farm near eastern gate of city (outside). 3 room shack and farm vegetables and not too large of a lot. Woman outside is batilda Gotack. Bernie Gotack, head of household. Hagger Gotack is missing (body), died of natural causes, body missing a week ago, body stolen from farmland. Family hog upset all night, woudln't eat. Under apple tree, no apples. Hagger, jr. the 4 year old. Said that he saw grandpa walking like living dead in his dreams. Never spoke with the watch and only mentioned to Duams at service last week. Need his food, they're starving. Hole filled back in, lots of footprints, shovel is still dirty. Wouldn't allow Jamison to enter the house because he was carrying a weapon of an evil something or other.
  • Sunbright family, Sunbright estates, southern Corvis.
    • Over an hour south. Mansion in rich district (suburbs) and is ready for the Long Night festival. Butler answers door. Family crest, merchant family and pedigree. Elger looks bereaved. Who's remains taken: Radnor Sunbright, 3 weeks ago, tomb was damaged, died 8 years ago and was a cousin, cause of death illness. Not permitted to see tomb, not noble. Gate is closed behind us.
  • Hopless and Burkett family, eastern boneyard, just outside gate.
  • Fullet family just north of city. (7 bodies total over a month, the last was three days ago.)

Reason for scandal was Ulfas Borlach, head magistrate led investigator, prosecutor, judge, and executioner. (The trial was by jury. But people even went so far as to accuse them of being hand-picked.) There were 5 witches that seemed to be commonfolk but the crimes were indesputable. Folk were whipped into a furior by Borlach

Watch prepared for the rowdy crowds the Longest Night festival always brings. LNight festival:Triannual winter solstice, numberless day leap day. 3day celebration. Morrow frowns upon this party/halloween thing.

Explored into the 5th basement, different building and rats.

Caitlyn was being watched by hottie in white, with pale skin and dark hair, looks 17. Waved and no response.

Woke up 10 minutes before services, eastern orthodox.

Prince Leto overthrow brother and is now on the throne. Claimed that Vinter III is not dead but is unseen.

Selling bellows. Alchemists at Univ or Engines East (Steam jacks).

Engines East Steam Jack=magical mech. Mech at gates waves at us. First room is DMV. Gobber there tinkering with a pistol. Evaluates the smoke machine. Offers 58 gps and a sweep job and we accept. Dook gets to fire a pistol (for 10gp). Hits the brick we threw.