Drinking & Dragons

Difference between revisions of "User:Askewnotion/PCs/Kotetsu Hirata"

From Drinking and Dragons
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Rough Guide for Ease of Transition upon death.

: Elf or Half Elf
:: ''Envoy'' Racial Trait
:: ''Monster Hunter'' Setting Trait
: Str: 1st
: Dex: 3rd (at least 13)
: Con: 2nd
: Int: 4th
: Wis: 6th
: Cha: 5th (at least 12)
Skills assume int of 12
: '''1 Fighter-1'''
::Power Attack
:::+1 Climb, Swim, Handle Animal
: '''2 Oracle-1'''
::Battle Mystery
::Weapon Master (Elven Thinblade)
:: 0 - Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Read Magic
:: 1 - Protection from Evil, Divine Favor
:::+1 Perception, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Acrobatics
: '''3 Oracle-2'''
:: 0 - Create Water
:: 1 - Enlarge Person
:::+1 Perception, Handle Animal, Climb, Swim, Acrobatics
: '''4 Oracle-3'''
::Battlefield Clarity
:: 1 - Entropic Shield
:::+1 Perception, Handle Animal, Climb, Acrobatics, Spellcraft
: '''5 Oracle-4'''
:: 0 - Stabilize
:: 2 - Resist Energy, Fog Cloud
:::+1 Perception, Ride, Handle Animal, Acrobatics, Diplomacy
: '''6 Fighter-2'''
:::+1 Sense Motive, Climb, Acrobatics
: '''7 Fighter-3'''
:::+1 Swim, Perception, Survival
: '''8 Fighter-4'''
::Weapon Specialization
:::+1 Climb, Acrobatics, Handle Animal
: '''9 Fighter-5'''
::Improved Critical: Thinblade
:::+1 Ride, Intimidate, Sense Motive
: '''10 Fighter-6'''
::Critical Focus
:::+1 Swim, Perception, Survival
: '''11 Fighter-7'''
:::+1 Climb, Acrobatics, Handle Animal
: '''12 Fighter-8'''
::Bleeding Critical
:::+1 Ride, Intimidate, Sense Motive
: '''13 Fighter-9'''
::Staggering Critical
:::+1 Swim, Perception, Survival
: '''14 Fighter-10'''
:::+1 Climb, Acrobatics, Handle Animal
: '''15 Fighter-11'''
::Greater Weapon Focus: Thinblade
:::+1 Ride, Intimidate, Sense Motive
: '''16 Fighter-12'''
::Blinding Critical
:::+1 Swim, Perception, Survival
: '''17 Fighter-13'''
::Penetrating Strike
:::+1 Climb, Acrobatics, Handle Animal
: '''18 Fighter-14'''
::Critical Mastery
:::+1 Ride, Intimidate, Sense Motive
Full Paladin
Full Paladin
Line 87: Line 6:
::Step Up
::Step Up
::Scribe Scroll
::Extra Channel
::Extra Channel
Line 100: Line 19:
::Stunning Critical
::Stunning Critical
Ameiko Kaijitsu, now in charge of the Kaijitsu estate and the Glassworks, has many new responsibilities. Additionally, she now has concerns for the well-being of her workshop and the rest of Sandpoint. To help her with this added need for security, she sent a summons back to the estates of her homeland. In response, a retinue was sent to her aid. Notably, there were three warriors from an order known as the Phoenix Guard.
Kotetsu Hirata, one of the Phoenix Guard, was given a special orders by Ameiko. He is to accompany the Sandpoint heroes and act as their guardian and moral compass as he will be released from his servitude. After talking with Madame Mvashti about securing the Glassworks, it was apparent that the group lacks in collective honor in how they searched her house due to the questionable thieving tendencies (they also seem to share a disdain for doors, which may just be a Western thing in her eyes).
Kotetsu looks forward to exploring the new continent and honoring his family name through great deeds. Perhaps this new land will let him carve out a suitable dominion of his own in which he could rule justly and with the wisdom he has gained from his time with the Kaijitsu family. This must wait, though, as his charge is to help the Sandpoint heroes until this goblin and Runelord business is taken care of.

Latest revision as of 13:12, 24 April 2015

Full Paladin

Power Attack
Step Up
Scribe Scroll
Extra Channel
Improved Critical
Critical Focus
Staggering Critical
Blinding Critical
Stunning Critical

Ameiko Kaijitsu, now in charge of the Kaijitsu estate and the Glassworks, has many new responsibilities. Additionally, she now has concerns for the well-being of her workshop and the rest of Sandpoint. To help her with this added need for security, she sent a summons back to the estates of her homeland. In response, a retinue was sent to her aid. Notably, there were three warriors from an order known as the Phoenix Guard.

Kotetsu Hirata, one of the Phoenix Guard, was given a special orders by Ameiko. He is to accompany the Sandpoint heroes and act as their guardian and moral compass as he will be released from his servitude. After talking with Madame Mvashti about securing the Glassworks, it was apparent that the group lacks in collective honor in how they searched her house due to the questionable thieving tendencies (they also seem to share a disdain for doors, which may just be a Western thing in her eyes).

Kotetsu looks forward to exploring the new continent and honoring his family name through great deeds. Perhaps this new land will let him carve out a suitable dominion of his own in which he could rule justly and with the wisdom he has gained from his time with the Kaijitsu family. This must wait, though, as his charge is to help the Sandpoint heroes until this goblin and Runelord business is taken care of.