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'''Favored Enemy''' Goblinoids
'''Favored Enemy''' Goblinoids
[[Category:Wizardoest:Character Build]]

Latest revision as of 07:47, 2 June 2016

BamBam Stonebreaker (ECL9)

Barbarian 1/Fighter 6/Ranger 1/Exotic Weapon Master 1
CG Medium dwarf
Init +0; Senses: Darkvision 60'; Listen +3; Spot -1

AC: 22 (18); Touch: 11; Flat-footed: 22
(+10 armor; +1 natural; +1 deflection)
HP: 125 (152)
Fort: +17 (20), Ref +5, Will +2 (4)

Speed: 30'
Melee: Dwarven Axe +17/12 (1d10+14+2d6 [1d6 to Bambam] magic / 20×3)
+2 or Cold Iron or Silver
Melee: Raging Dwarven Axe +20/15 (1d10+20+2d6 [1d6 to Bambam] magic / 20×3)
Melee: Spiked Gauntlet +14/9 (1d4+4 p / 20×2)
Melee: Longspear +14/9 (1d8+7 p / 20×3)
Ranged: Longbow +9/4 (1d8 p / 20×3)
Space: 5'; Reach: 5'; BAB: +9/4; Grapple: +14

Abilities Str 20 (26) | Dex 10 | Con 23 (29) | Int 10 | Wis 8 | Cha 6

  • Feats
    • 1: Weapon Focus (Dwarven Axe)
    • F1: Extra Rage
    • 3: Improved Toughness
    • F2: Power Attack
    • F4: Weapon Specialization
    • 6: Reckless Rage
    • F6: Endurance
    • 9: Diehard
  • Skills
    • Climb +1
    • Craft (Weapon) +5
    • Intimidate +0
    • Jump +2
    • Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +1
    • Listen +3
    • Ride +1
    • Survival +3

Items Dwarven Axe +2, vicious; Heavy Plate +1; Hide Shield; Vest of Resistance +1; Potions of Rage, Displacement, Bulls Strength, and Invisibility; Ring of Protection

Rage 3/day; +6 to Str and Con, +2 to Will, -4 AC

Favored Enemy Goblinoids