Drinking & Dragons

Difference between revisions of "ROR:PC/SLUSH"

From Drinking and Dragons
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* {{GP|0}}
* {{GP|0}}
* Gloves of Arrow Snaring -- Tokki 4000


Revision as of 09:24, 14 February 2016

To Be Claimed

  • 0 Gold Piece
  • +1 amulet of natural armor -- Calum 2000
  • 0 Gold Piece
  • +1 amulet of natural armor -- Haneet 2000
  • 0 Gold Piece
  • 0 Gold Piece
  • 0 Gold Piece
  • belt of giant strength +2 -- Karaz 4000
  • +1 ring of protection -- Karaz 2000
  • 0 Gold Piece


  • 8,638.2 Gold Piece
  • Grauls: If all sold: 7,590 Gold Piece
    • MW Thieve's Tools 100 Gold Piece ×3
    • MW Leather 160 Gold Piece
    • MW Handaxe 306 Gold Piece ×3
    • MW Ogre Hook 324 Gold Piece ×4
    • +1 Large spear 2,304 Gold Piece
    • +1 Large Ogre Hook 2,324 Gold Piece
    • +1 Ogre Hook 2,324 Gold Piece
    • +1 Huge Cold-Iron Scythe [was a trap] 4,390 Gold Piece
    • +1 Hide 1,165 Gold Piece


  • OilOil, Arcane Mark Lvl 1CL 1 25 Gold Piece
  • PotionPotion, Stabilize Lvl 1CL 1 25 Gold Piece
  • PotionPotion, CMW Lvl 2CL 3 300 Gold Piece
  • PotionPotion, CSW Lvl 3CL 5 750 Gold Piece ×2
  • ScrollScroll, Burning Hands Lvl 1CL 1 25 Gold Piece ×2
  • ScrollScroll, Mage Armor Lvl 1CL 1 25 Gold Piece
  • ScrollScroll, Acid Arrow Lvl 2CL 3 150 Gold Piece
  • ScrollScroll, Mirror Image Lvl 2CL 3 150 Gold Piece
  • WandWand, Animate Rope Lvl 1CL 1 750 Gold Piece ×26
  • WandWand, Enlarge Person Lvl 1CL 1 750 Gold Piece
  • "Far Away Tea" ×4
    • Like this, but a tea instead of incense. And for the Reach Spell instead of maximize. Applies to any prepared caster (not just divine).

Shared Wealth 5,770 Gold Piece

  • all debts paid


  • Wondrous ItemWondrous, Marvelous Pigments 4000 Gold Piece PRD
  • WandWand, Identify Lvl 1CL 1 ×15 15 Gold Piece
  • Wondrous ItemWondrous, Book of Helpful Hints ×37 10 Gold Piece
    • As you page through this book, it fills with helpful hints, encouraging words, tidbits of knowledge, and useful life hacks. You can read up to 5 pages per task, each page read granting a cumulative +1 competence bonus to a skill check. Once read, a page vanishes from the book. Effectively, this is a Wand of Guidance swapped to an 'anyone can use it' Wondrous item.
  • ScrollScroll, Whispering Wind Lvl 2CL 3 150 Gold Piece
  • OilOil, Rope trick Lvl 2CL 3 300 Gold Piece



  • Donkey 8 Gold Piece
    • Feed: 1.5 Gold Piece/month for donkey
  • Reasonable quantities of food and water, cooking, camping gear
  • Ladder, 10'
  • Rope [Hemp, 150']
  • Saddle, Riding
  • Saddlebags
  • Shovel
  • Block and tackle
  • Rope [Hemp, 50']
  • Torch
  • Hammer
  • Tool: Knowledge (History) Masterwork 150 Gold Piece +2 on knowledge checks related to Varisian history when time taken to consult

Plot (no intrinsic value)

  • Option purchasing Chopper's Isle: 2,000 Gold Piece
  • Tsuto's journal
  • Goblin-drawn (ie, badly) map from nearby woods to cathedral through town.
  • Book (Pictures of lamashtu written in an unknown language) 100 Gold Piece
  • Dented crown of Thistletop Goblin Tribe 20 Gold Piece
  • Pouch of artifacts from people around Sandpoint, not labelled (hair, nail clippings, used handkerchiefs, the like)
  • Nualia's notes
  • Misc. Keys to/from Misgivings
  • Deeds to Foxglove Townhouse and Misgivings
    • Key: Tarnished iron key set with a round opal 100 Gold Piece
    • Key: Bronze with unusually long tang, with a head resembling an animal with mouth agape.
  • Foxglove Balance sheets
  • Ironbriar's ledger