Drinking & Dragons

Difference between revisions of "RPM:PCs/Ehsan Mahakala"

From Drinking and Dragons
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;Exotic Mount
;Exotic Mount
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: While Sameen, you mount, is with you use Ride in place of Rapport, Empathy and Contacts.
: While Sameen, your mount, is with you use Ride in place of Rapport, Empathy and Contacts.
;Expense Account (Wealth/Favors)
;Expense Account (Wealth/Favors)

Revision as of 16:38, 20 June 2017

Comm Ehsan Transparent.png 10-09-2016Ehsan.png

Ehsan Hakim Qamar Jamad al-Mahakala Refresh 3


High Concept: Former Duskshot Archer for the Order of Wurud
Detail: When she lived back in her homeland, Ehsan achieved the highest rank for archers within the royal militia of Mahakala. She held her position for 5 years before leaving her homeland.
Invoke: Any shoot, ride, and athletics.
Compel: The standards with to which Ehsan has been held to in the Order of Wurud are much higher than those used by the RPM. The sight of an officer slacking off offends her and she cannot help by give him a lecture, possibly putting her in position to be disciplined by those above her.
Trouble: Soft spot for women.
Invoke: Ehsan is used to talking with women and can recognize when they are more open to conversation. She can more deftly navigate her conversations with women and guide them towards certain things.
Compel: Ehsan sees a woman who is distraught after the loss of her son. She cannot help but feel the need to hear the woman's plight and kill the bandits who took him from her.
Aspect: Homesick princess avoiding her problems.
Detail: Ehsan left her homeland approximately two years ago. While still close with her sisters, her relationship to her homeland is becoming more strained the longer she stays away. She often feels like a stranger in a strange land, despite her time spent in Lisway.
Invoke: Ehsan can recall upon information shared to her by some of her sisters to gain better insight into particular subjects. She could also try to use her weight as Kirkushian royalty in order to make things go more her way in situations with the upper class.
Compel: Due to her closeness with her family, Ehsan could be put at a disadvantage when encountering those who mean to threaten her those she is close too. She could also be urgently called upon by a family member, provided they be within reasonable distance.
Aspect: Sponsorship from Orion Pandis.
Detail: Experimental arrows are now running dry and despite her many attempts at formally joining the Royal Pride, issues with paperwork inside the bureaucracy have kept Ehsan from formally joining. Orion Pandis, the Secundus of the Salters Guild, has taken a bit of a shine to Ehsan and wishes to see her inducted into the guild and so has taken it upon himself to personally vouch for the archer until her membership is made official.
Invoke: While intimidating the bartender for information you make it known that you have the backing of ornery old Orion Pandis.
Compel: While everyone else is investigating leads, you have to show up for a review board as part of the admittance process into the RPM.
Aspect: Familiar with horses, not so much with guns.
Origin: Ehsan is from the country of Kirkush, where horses originate. As a member of the royal family and honored member of the royal militia, she is well familiar with horses and how to best utilize them in combat. Kirkush is not, however, familiar with the use of gunpowder and it's utilization as they have only begun trading for this 20 years ago, when their ports became more relaxed.
Invoke: Her knowledge of horses is unusual in this land, and can give her an advantage when dealing with nobility and the upper class due to her familiarity and connections to her homeland.
Compel: Her unfamiliarity with guns leaves her completely inept with them, and could easily make her look a fool among modern military. It could also put herself and others in dangerous situations if she were to ever pick one up.

Game Aspect: Is this the end of the Revolution?
Game Aspect: Zusdarad the Bullfire is coming to destroy Lisway


  • +4 Shoot
  • +3 Ride; Athletics
  • +2 Survival; Stealth; Resources; Physique
  • +1 Rapport; Lore (Arts & Sciences); Weapons; Contacts; Empathy

Stunts and Extras

Thorn in the Flesh (Bow)
Aspect: Defender of the Palace
Invoke: Ehsan is used to navigating within palaces and large buildings. As such she can more easily orient herself within these structures, even if she has never set foot within one before.
Compel: As someone who is military minded and familiar with leading, Ehsan can be forced by her superiors or those in need to lead combat forces (much to her disapproval).
Flaw: I must uphold the high honor this bow represents.
Invoke: Ehsan holds herself to a higher standard because of this bow and what it represents. She can relate to those who have a personal code or those of similar orders and gain a rapport with them.
Compel: Her honor holds her to a higher standard. If caught doing more deplorable acts she could gain a point of stress.
Stunt: Recognizable by Sight
Use your Shoot skill in place of Contacts when dealing with individuals knowledgeable with martial weapons or military organizations.
A Soldier's Will
As part of your training as a soldier, you may use Athletics instead of Will to defend against mental magical attacks.
Exotic Mount
While Sameen, your mount, is with you use Ride in place of Rapport, Empathy and Contacts.
Expense Account (Wealth/Favors)
The organization/guild/company who employs you is willing to cover purchases and loan useful tools to help you with your assignments. Gain a +2 for each Wealth and Favor box marked to Attack or Defense rolls for a scene and describe how the equipment helped you.

Stress and Consequences

Physical 1 2
Mental 1 2
Mild 2 empty
Moderate 4 empty
Severe 6 empty
Extreme 8 empty, may only be used between major milestones and REPLACES one of your current aspects.


Wealth and Favors

You may check off a Wealth and Favor box to help solve a situation where money or connections could help. You gain a +2 bonus or a reroll to your roll. In some situations, these boxes may be used to absorb stress, if it makes narrative sense. Additionally, some extraordinary Resources rolls may require the use of this box.

To clear a checked box you will either have to return a favor or find additional wealth. This may be as simple as an Overcome roll of +4 for each box (rolled separately). It may require finding treasure in a monster's lair to replenish your wealth or be a plot point in the narrative as you do a favor for someone you owe.

Unused Stunts

Mounted Combatant
While mounted you may move up to three zones without consequence instead of one.
Archer's Grace
Power: Basic Super Agility
Description: You are preternaturally graceful, and gain +2 to Athletics when leaping, balancing, or otherwise demonstrating your agility. In addition, you have a prodigious leap: leaping up to a second-story window or from rooftop to rooftop across a wide alleyway is a simple task that, without further complication, requires no Athletics roll.
Drawback: XXXX
Invoke: XXXX
Compel: XXXX
Collateral: XXXX
Description: XXXX
Enhancement: Uncanny Dodge
Description: If you can see a projectile coming, you can get out of its way with some clever gymnastics. You gain +2 to defense rolls when dodging ranged attacks.
Death from Above (Thorn in the Flesh)
Once per session you may shoot a hail of arrows at your foes, allowing you to attack all enemies in a zone.
