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== Caisse le Seau (Refresh: 3) ==
== Caisse le Seau (Refresh: 3) ==
Art: https://paizo.com/community/blog/v5748dyo5lg64?Meet-the-Iconics-Quinn

=== Aspects ===
=== Aspects ===

Revision as of 18:43, 30 March 2019

Caisse le Seau (Refresh: 3)



High Concept Expeditious Quartermaster. (add a military rank?)
Trouble Glass Eye
Aspect Always carry a spare.
+ Declaring not disarmed. Having another pistol at the ready for a 1-2 shot.
- Very uncomfortable when needing to have limited items. Beware rickety bridges.
Aspect That will buff out.
+ Can push equipment, environment, others beyond normal limits.
- Will test things to limits, often returning them in bad condition.
Aspect Creature Comforts? Bah!
+ Can sleep on a bare floor with poor conditions with no ill effects. Doesn't tire over long marching distances or bumpy roads. Deals fine with being tortured.
- That fancy dining set? Who needs all those forks and different glasses. I'll keep my boots on, thanks.


+5 Resources

+4 Physique

+3 Shoot +3 Athletics

+2 Contacts +2 Lore A&S +2 Weapons

+1 Burglary +1 Deceive +1 Provoke +1 Rapport +1 Will

+0 Empathy, Fight, Lore Myth, Stealth, Survival


Stunt 1: Catch! (Reload others' firearms and hand them things from pack in no time and perfect aim/toss [no roll/time to exchange items].)

Stunt 2: Gear up: +2 to overcome with resources

Stunt 3: Grenadier (Can make physical attack with Resources, but failure has a high chance of causing collateral damage.) Magnum (add extra weapon+1 to own shoot)

Stunt 4: Loadout (Can make mental attacks with Physique [/resources], by demonstrating equipment, like wearing spikey shoulderguards and brass knuckles

Stunt 5: https://fate-srd.com/fate-system-toolkit/gadgets-and-gear (hyuge backpack?) https://fate-srd.com/venture-city/item-summoning (NON-magical; resources) Taxpayer/Government Spending: Wealth and Favors refresh at 2/session. Or extra box.

Stunt 6: Liquid Courage (non-magical c.f. https://fate-srd.com/venture-city/healing; mega-stunt https://fate-srd.com/atomic-robo/mega-stunts)

Basic Healing: You can make a RESOURCES roll against Fair (+2) opposition to clear another character’s PHYSICAL OR MENTAL stress. A character may only benefit from your ability once per scene. Additionally, you can use RESOURCES to start healing any kind of PHYSICAL OR MENTAL consequence on another character. AS A MEGA-STUNT, THE GM GETS AN ADDITIONAL FATE POINT PER REFRESH. [allcaps are changes from RAW].

Wealth and Favors: Expense Account: The organization/guild/company who employs you is willing to cover purchases and loan useful tools to help you with your assignments. Gain a +2 for each Wealth and Favor box marked to Attack or Defense rolls for a scene and describe how the equipment helped you.
