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== Proposed Spell ==
== Proposed Spell ==

Is this good at Cleric 2 or should it be Cleric 1? Anything else that you feel needs changed? Too powerful/underpowered?<br>
=== Martyr's Fortification ===
=== Martyr's Fortification ===

Revision as of 22:44, 19 April 2008

Asking for a vote from the party. Would everyone perfer either a healbot cleric subtype to give Daryl a break from saving our butts all the time or would the group perfer more of an offensive cleric that would be a strong ranged attacker? Any input would be great.

I have no objection to either. In either case, I don't always have to have my two 4th level cleric spells be "delay death" and "panacea". Go cleric 7/fighter 2 (3?) if you want, or whatever. -Daryl

Combat Clerics are good with Divine Metamagic and Persistent Spell, but thats ridiculously strong. Actually, Clerics are already pretty strong even without the divine metamagic cheese, but if you want to put fighter in there, leave at level 4 for the weapon specialization. Very useful for archers. -J.R.

Actually, just came up with a very interesting divine build. 4th level cleric spells without taking a level of cleric or divine champion. No longer an archer/ranged build, but it is a reasonably good (and highly mobile) healer and glass cannon. --Askewnotion 21:30, 13 March 2008 (EDT)

Being wacky, I don't think we need a healbot. Yinz should get hurt less often! Go Bard! Triple yoi! that play had to hurt the big wolfdale, looks like the yoining weeze is don a man. ---> Michael


I'll bite, what is the build that gives you 4th level cleric spells without a level in cleric? (Favored Soul is too obvious of a guess.) --Wizardoest 11:23, 14 March 2008 (EDT)

How about Lawful Neutral with evil tendencies?

I very much like the build and it seems like a very interesting character, but I have to say that I would prefer if your character was formerly evil (to meet the prereq's for Ur-Priest). I'm not asking for the character to be redemptive, but if he is EVIL, he will not last long with the party. Remember, the Warriors of the Morning Breeze does have a paladin in it's ranks. ;-)
--Wizardoest 15:32, 16 March 2008 (EDT)

If you'll let LN, that would work too. I thought if I went neutral than I would lose spellcasting ability. In that case LN with slightly sadistic outlook on life is good. --Askewnotion 16:27, 16 March 2008 (EDT)

By being LN you cannot gain any further levels of Ur-Priest. Since you are advancing as a Sacred Fist this shouldn't be an issue. --Wizardoest 16:41, 16 March 2008 (EDT)

Sounds like a deal to me. --Askewnotion 16:46, 16 March 2008 (EDT)

Done with Cleric Spells?

I now have access to 5th level cleric spells (assuming I get an upgrade to my wis modifier for the bonus slot). The origin of this build was to help with the healing. I was thinking of moving on from here to concentrate on the arcane arts for buffing and a bit of variety. Is anyone greatly objected to this? --Askewnotion 16:07, 18 April 2008 (EDT)

Proposed Spell

Is this good at Cleric 2 or should it be Cleric 1? Anything else that you feel needs changed? Too powerful/underpowered?

Martyr's Fortification

Level: Cleric 2, Sorcerer/wizard 2
Components: V, S, F/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No

The subject of this spell gains a +1 Armor bonus per every 4 caster levels (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level). Also, the caster of this spell my choose to lose up to 1 HP per caster level. For every HP sacrificed by the caster grants the target of martyr's fortification 1 temporary HP for the duration of the spell.

Focus: Bandage with the casters blood on it.