Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 10:19, 14 July 2009 by >Askewnotion

Slush Notes

NOTE: Please strike your name when you claim an item or gold from the list and add it to your logsheet so that we know you have taken your share. If there are deductions in the Slush GP, please note what for. This is just for tight bookkeeping.

1176.43 GP

Unclaimed Goods


Weapons and Armor


Non-material Goods and Services

  • Favor of the Church of Hurrian in Enpebyn: Divine spellcasting cost are waived for the PC (sans Bill since he dropped Starlet) in the city of Enpebyn, though costly material components will still need to be furnished.


Session 5

  • Items sold for 195.5 and added to slush.
  • Light Warhorse is open for discussion.
  • MW Lance goes to Kweto is he wishes it. Otherwise, each PC gets 44.29 GP.

Sessions 1-3

  • 980.93 GP to each character that is not Kweto
  • Mauritius, Jayvin, Utu
  • 660.87 GP and 2 MW shortswords for Kweto.