Drinking & Dragons

User talk:Mqs

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 10:35, 28 September 2005 by >Mqs

Randy: Would the Heartwarden PrC from FR Faiths and Pantheons fit into the campaign? I'm thinking of possibly switching to sorceror(ess)

Ryan: Pending allowance of a modified Fighter Variant: Thug. I think it would fit Tolmek's character more. [Class description.] We discussed a few things regarding your revision of fighters for IK and how those should affect this class.

  • Things I'm fine giving up: No choice of strong reflex save.
  • Things I'd like to keep: extra 1 point in a craft skill.
  • Possible edition to the variant: Instead of losing the feat at first level, grant urban tracking as a bonus feat at 1st. I mean come on. Ranger lite.