Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 17:06, 25 June 2015 by >Mqs

To Be Claimed

  • Das Korvut: ??? [MW]
  • Das Korvut: ??? [MW]
  • Divine Scroll, Protection from energy [3@5] 375 Gold Piece
  • SELL: Chainmail 150 Gold Piece
  • SELL: Shield, Heavy [Wooden] 7 Gold Piece
  • SELL: Warhammer 12 Gold Piece
  • Arrows [Adamantine] (3) (61gp ea)
  • Cloak resistance +1 +1 resistance bonus to saving throws 1000 Gold Piece


  • 4800gp (coins, gems, trash gear)
  • Javelin of Lightning 1500 Gold Piece PRD


New, to be cut with Vhiski
  • Chainmail Armor [MW] 300 Gold Piece
  • Pot, Protection from Arrows [2@3] 300 Gold Piece
  • Pot, Spider climb [2@3] 300 Gold Piece
  • Pot, Jump [1@1] 50 Gold Piece
  • Oil, Rope trick [2@3] 300 Gold Piece
  • Oil, Shillelagh [1@1] 50 Gold Piece
  • Amulet of Natural Armor +1 2000 Gold Piece
  • The giant helm itself...
  • The giant crab itself...
  • All those small crabs...
  • Mysterious set of jars

Shared Wealth 1322 Gold Piece


All scrolls are arcane and minimum caster level unless marked otherwise.

  • Feather Token, Swan Boat 450 Gold Piece PRD
  • Marvelous Pigments 4000 Gold Piece PRD
  • Scroll, Whispering Wind [2@3] 150 Gold Piece


  • Robe of Bones (0 charges remaining)


  • Reasonable quantities of food and water, cooking, camping gear
  • Jerky the Goblin Dog
    • Being trained by Daviren Hosk and in the care of Gorvi

Plot (no intrinsic value)

  • Option purchasing Chopper's Isle for 2,000 GP
  • Tsuto's journal
  • Goblin-drawn (ie, badly) map from nearby woods to cathedral through town.
  • Everyone has permission to borrow mounts from Hosk, paid for by Aldern Foxglove -- "but you break it, you bought it"
  • Open invitation and directions to Foxglove Manor
  • Book (Pictures of lamashtu written in an unknown language) -- 100gp value
  • Dented crown of Thistletop Goblin Tribe 20 Gold Piece
  • Pouch of artifacts from people around Sandpoint, not labelled (hair, nail clippings, used handkerchiefs, the like)
  • Nualia's notes

Donated to Town

  • Holy Symbol [Sarenrae, gold] 100 Gold Piece
  • Holy Symbol [Lamashtu, obsidian] 10 Gold Piece
  • Holy Symbol [Lamashtu, silver with garnet eyes] 40 Gold Piece
  • Holy Symbol [Lamashtu, gold] 100 Gold Piece -- Nualia's
  • Rusty knife -- The Chopper's murder weapon