Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 11:45, 18 August 2015 by >Mqs

To Be Claimed

  • 0 Gold Piece
  • 0 Gold Piece
  • 0 Gold Piece
  • 0 Gold Piece
  • 0 Gold Piece
  • 0 Gold Piece
  • 0 Gold Piece
  • 0 Gold Piece


  • 0 Gold Piece


  • OilOil, Keen Edge ×2 750 Gold Piece
  • PotionPotion, Blur [2@3] ×2 300 Gold Piece
  • PotionPotion, Eagle's Splendor ×2 300 Gold Piece
  • PotionPotion, CMW 300 Gold Piece
  • PotionPotion, Gaseous Form 750 Gold Piece
  • ScrollScroll, Explosive Runes 375 Gold Piece
  • ScrollScroll, Wall of Ice 700 Gold Piece
  • WandWand, Chill Touch ×15 15 Gold Piece
  • WandWand, Chill Touch ×15 15 Gold Piece
  • WandWand, False Life ×29 90 Gold Piece
  • WandWand, Identify ×15 15 Gold Piece
  • WandWand, Invisibility ×5 90 Gold Piece
  • Ornate brass key from the ghast at Hambley Farmstead
  • Hambley Farmstead: 340 Gold Piece 34 bags of 100 silver pieces each, hidden in the floorboards of the farmer's bedroom.

Shared Wealth negative 143 Gold Piece

  • 1,010 Gold Piece still owed on Haneet's Raise Dead. (NPC spellcasting costs of Raise Dead, Restoration, Restoration.) Material components of restoration already paid.


All scrolls are arcane and minimum caster level unless marked otherwise.

  • Feather Token, Swan Boat 450 Gold Piece PRD
  • Marvelous Pigments 4000 Gold Piece PRD
  • Scroll, Whispering Wind [2@3] 150 Gold Piece
  • Oil, Rope trick [2@3] 300 Gold Piece
  • Mysterious set of jars from Crab Island


  • Robe of Bones (0 charges remaining)


  • Reasonable quantities of food and water, cooking, camping gear

Plot (no intrinsic value)

  • Option purchasing Chopper's Isle for 2,000 GP
  • Tsuto's journal
  • Goblin-drawn (ie, badly) map from nearby woods to cathedral through town.
  • Everyone has permission to borrow mounts from Hosk, paid for by Aldern Foxglove -- "but you break it, you bought it"
  • Open invitation and directions to Foxglove Manor
  • Book (Pictures of lamashtu written in an unknown language) -- 100gp value
  • Dented crown of Thistletop Goblin Tribe 20 Gold Piece
  • Pouch of artifacts from people around Sandpoint, not labelled (hair, nail clippings, used handkerchiefs, the like)
  • Nualia's notes

Donated to Town

  • Holy Symbol [Sarenrae, gold] 100 Gold Piece
  • Holy Symbol [Lamashtu, obsidian] 10 Gold Piece
  • Holy Symbol [Lamashtu, silver with garnet eyes] 40 Gold Piece
  • Holy Symbol [Lamashtu, gold] 100 Gold Piece -- Nualia's
  • Rusty knife -- The Chopper's murder weapon