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Ardent 1 (ECL 1)
Alignment: N | Size: M
Patron Deity:
Abilities Assumes 30 point buy
Str 14 +2 | Dex 10 +0 | Con 16 +3 | Int 12 +1 | Wis 16 +3 | Cha 8 -1


AC: 10 / Touch: 10, Flatfooted: 10
(+0 Dex)

HP: 9 / HD: 1d6+3

Initiative: +0 / Speed: 20'

Fort: 3 / Reflex: 0 / Will: 5

+2 vs Spells and spell-like abilities
+2 vs poison


  • Unarmed +2 / 1d3+2 / 20x2 / b
  • Touch +2 / Ranged Touch +0

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Base Attack: +0


  • A1: Ectopic Form (Alabaster Aerial) (CPsi, p51)
    Can create astral constructs that can fly at a speed of 20 feet (average). A 4th level astral construct has a speed of 30 feet and a 7th level astral construct has a speed of 40 feet.
  • 1st: Skill Focus: Craft(Sculpting) (PHB, p100)
    You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving that skill.


Languages: Common, Dwarven, Giant

Special Abilities


  • Mantles: The first two mantles an ardent selects are her primary mantles. All others gained are secondary mantles. Primary mantles represent the two philosophies the ardent feels most strongly about and champions above all others. An ardent must maintain at least as many powers in her primary mantles as she takes in her secondary mantles, reflecting that personal allegiance. An ardent cannot choose a power from a secondary mantle if doing so would give her more powers known from that secondary mantle than she knows from either of her primary mantles.

An ardent can choose to swap the priority of two mantles-making one primary and one secondary-at 8th level, and again at 15th level. As an ardent gains experience, her worldview changes. Many find themselves more devoted to different concepts later in their careers. If an ardent knows fewer powers from a newly designated primary mantle, she must take powers known exclusively from that mantle at each of the next few levels until she has learned more powers from that mantle than the rest of the mantles she has.

  • 1 (Primary)- Creation
  • 1 (Primary)- Mental Power


ML: 1
Power Points: 4
Close 25, medium 110, long 440

Known Powers

1 - Astral Construct, Mind Thrust