LRC:Items of Note
From Drinking and Dragons
Rings of Power
- Ring of Time
- Symbol: Hourglass
- Formerly in Netsuo Nishi's possession.
- Ring of the Waves
- Symbol: An ocean's wave
- Formerly in the possession of Dookette.
- Ring of Chaos
- Symbol: Swirling color in a circle
- Formerly Lori Harpell's. A part of the ring's power may have been invested into Delirium and Meriae Harpell while Lori was carrying them to term.
- Ring of the Mind
- Symbol: Silhouette of a humanoid head
- Ring of Fire and Earth
- Symbol: Volcano
- Ring of the Elves
- Symbol: Maple leaf
- Formerly in the possession of Harlann McInnis
- Ring of Kelemvor
- Symbol: Skull
- Formerly in the possession of Edvard Brightfist, the Hand of Kelemvor
- Ring of the Planes
- Symbol: Cosmology map
- Formerly in the possession of Talen
- Ring of Reversal
- Symbol: Yin/Yang
- In the possession of Jones Henrysson who will not release it.
- Unknown Ring
- Symbol: Unknown
- Levistus used this ring to draw out Talen's spellcasting ability.
Boxes of Orden
- Box of Arcanis
- The Box of Arcanis is a 5x5x5 silver box that glows softly of it's own illumination.
- Box of the Mind
- The Box of the Mind is a 5x5x5 box made of green crystal. Those who touch it hear whispers of what those around them are thinking, but not saying.
- Box of Nature
- The Box of Nature is a 5x5x5 wooden box that has a gold inlay pattern of leaves and trees. As the season changes, so does the pattern on the box. Elvish runes write complicated magical algorithms to an unknown end.
- Box of the Void
- The Box of the Void is a small 5x5x5 box that is made of a material that absorbs light. Any runes or markings that may have previously been carved into the box have the been removed, the sides are super smooth, nearly frictionless.
- Adamantine Spider Brooches (2)
- This small spider brooch allows teleportation on the island in locations where an ancient warding prevents teleportation.
- One was found on the skeleton of an elven wizard in the tunnel above the Rabbit Hole.
- Another was found in embedded in the ceiling of the Muir cave, before it became the Muir Hole.
- Box of the Void Creation Instructions
- These are instructions for the creation of the artifact, the Box of the Void. They were found in a cryptex in the Rabbit Hole. The pass phrase for the cryptex was "Mondar". It is mostly written in an old form of elvish and a strange script that cannot be deciphered.
- Rabbit Hole Summoning Circle
- This may contain an unknown evil. More detail can be found here.