Drinking & Dragons

LRC:Jar Jar/Character Sheet

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< LRC:Jar Jar
Revision as of 19:14, 18 March 2009 by Wizardoest (talk | contribs)

I want your help building Jar Jar. He needs gear and spells. He has 1/2 his level in gold to spend. He may not have a Wis boost item. When picking out spells bear in mind that the person who will be playing him hasn't played D&D in a few years.

Thanks! --Randy (Talk) 14:35, 17 March 2009 (UTC)

Jar Jar (ECL14)

Barbarian 2/Cleric 12
NG Medium halfling
Init +2; Senses: Listen +8; Spot +8

AC: 19; Touch: 13; Flat-footed: 17
(+2 dex; +1 size; +6 chainmail)
HP: 121 (2d12+12d8+42)
Fort: +15, Ref +8, Will +12
+2 vs Fear effects

Speed: 35'
Melee: Touch +12
Melee: Battleaxe +12/7/2 (1d8 / ×3)
Ranged: Ray +14
Space: 5'; Reach: 5'; BAB: +11/6/1; Grapple: +11

Class Spells CL12 DC 10+lvl
Close 55' [11] Medium 220' Long Far
Domains Good, Protection

  • 6th Convert to 4d8+12 healing
    • empty
    • empty
    • domain
  • 5th Convert to 4d8+12 healing
    • empty
    • empty
    • empty
    • domain
  • 4th Convert to 4d8+12 healing
    • empty
    • empty
    • empty
    • domain
  • 3rd Convert to 3d8+12 healing
    • empty
    • empty
    • empty
    • empty
    • domain
  • 2nd Convert to 2d8+10 healing
    • empty
    • empty
    • empty
    • empty
    • domain
  • 1st Convert to 1d8+5 healing
    • empty
    • empty
    • empty
    • empty
    • empty
    • domain

Abilities Str 10 +0 | Dex 14 +2 | Con 16 +3 | Int 8 -1 | Wis 14 +2 | Cha 8 -1

  • Feats Power Attack, Dash, Lightning Reflexes, Empower, Heighten
  • Skills Intimidate +4, Survival +7, Climb +5

Items Chainshirt +2

Active abilities

Turn Undead 2/day, Roll d20-1. See turn undead chart in the Player's Handbook.

Rage 1/day, free action, +4 bonus to Strength (+2 to hit and damage with Battleaxe), a +4 bonus to Constitution (+28hp), and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. Cannot cast spells while raging.

Protection Domain 1/day, grant target touched a +12 bonus to their next saving throw. Duration 1 hour.

Passive Abilities

Good Domain You cast spells with the Good descriptor at +1 caster level.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Not flat-footed.