From Drinking and Dragons
Character Generation
See Rise:Chargen.
When something deviates from what is written, it is documented at Alterations.
House Rules
- Aspects
- Characters, objects, locations, and scenes may have aspects. Aspects are better defined at Aspects
- Monsters/Opponents
- Come in three flavors—minions, regular, and boss.
- Minions are battlefield fodder and typically have 1hp per HD.
- Regular opponents have a typical range of hit points, from what is printed to maximum. (Sometimes less.)
- Bosses are tough fights and they are modified as-needed. Frequently they may bend, but not break, the rules. This may include making them gestalt-style characters.
- Critical Hit and Fumble Decks
- These decks will be used in lieu of the usual rules for critical hits and fumbles.
- Save or Die Spells and Effects
- "Save or Die" refers to spells and abilities that with a single failed saving throw removes a character or entity from play. Generally these make the game less fun, so they will be used rarely.
- In many circumstances alternate rules will be implemented to make the spell or ability usable in play. For example the spell Flesh to Stone may be modified so that on a failed save the target permanently loses 2d4 Dex and gains 1d4 points of Natural Armor until 0 Dex results in them being turned into a statue.
- All such changes are documented at Alterations.
Table Conventions
- Initiative will be done via Web app and rolled each round.
- This app is written by the GM and can be found at http://www.drinkinganddragons.com/init/.
- Rolling Dice
- Higher is always better. Better is in the eyes of the player rolling the dice.
- Declaring Hit Point Damage
- A character may declare themselves full (no damage), bloodied (less than half), dying, and dead. Refrain from declaring hit point totals.