From Drinking and Dragons
- Weapons
Quarterstaff 600
(+1/+1/1d6/1d6/×2/4#/B/double, monk/simple/simple 2h)
+1 Vicious Ranseur -- Artisan in patterns of Runelord Alaznist 400
(+1/2d4+1+2d6+(1d6 self))/x3/12#/P/disarm, reach/martial 2h)
Dagger 302
(+1/1d4/19–20/×2/10'/1#/PS/simple light)
- Dagger [Silver] 22
(1d4-1/19–20/×2/10'/1#/PS/simple light)
- Crossbow, Heavy 50
- Bolt [Silver] ×4 2.1
- Bolt [Cold Iron] ×5 0.2
- Bolt [Silver] ×4 2.1
- Defensive
Chain Shirt [Mithral] 1,100
(+4...4 armor bonus AC/4+2...6 max dex/-2+1+3...0 ACP/6.25#/light/20-10...10% failure)
+1 Ring of Protection 2,000
(+1 deflection bonus to AC)
+1 Cloak of Resistance 1,000
(+1 resistance bonus to saving throws)
+2 Amulet of Natural Armor 8,000
+2 natural bonus to AC)
- Misc
Ring of Feather Fall 2,200
- Magical Donkey (purchased, with coupon, for 1,500 GP)
+2 Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 Intelligence (Skill: Perception)
Chamomile Coif 500
- 1/day, speak command word while wearing, and fall asleep for an uninterrupted 8 hours. Removing or taking damage wakes.
- "Far Away Tea" ×2
- Like this, but a tea instead of incense. And for the Reach Spell instead of maximize. Applies to any prepared caster (not just divine).
- Offense
Wand, Acid Arrow Lvl 2CL 3 90
×43 Wand is also:
Club 300
Wand, Ray of Enfeeblement Lvl 1CL 2 (48) 15
Wand, Magic Missile Lvl 1CL 1 (38) 15
Wand, Chill Touch Lvl 1CL 1 ×15 15
Wand, Enervation Lvl 4CL 7 420
×9 3780 total
Oil, Magic Weapon Lvl 1CL 1 ×1 50
Oil, Shillelagh Lvl 1CL 1 50
Potion, Magic Fang Lvl 1CL 1 50
Scroll, Cone of Cold Lvl 5CL 9 1,125
Scroll, Hold Monster Lvl 5CL 9 1,125
Scroll, Telekenesis Lvl 5CL 9 1,125
Scroll, Stinking Cloud Lvl 3CL 5 375
Scroll, Explosive Runes Lvl 3CL 5 375
Scroll, Acid Arrow Lvl 2CL 3 150
Scroll, Burning Hands Lvl 1CL 1 25
Scroll, Sleep Lvl 1CL 1 25
- Defense
Wand, False Life Lvl 2CL 3 ×29 90
Potion, CLW Lvl 1CL 1 ×4 50
Potion, Blur Lvl 2CL 3 ×1 300
Scroll, Wall of Ice Lvl 4CL 7 700
Scroll, Mirror Image Lvl 2CL 3 150
Scroll, See Invisibility Lvl 2CL 3 150
Scroll, Mirror Image Lvl 2CL 3 150
Scroll, Expeditious Retreat Lvl 1CL 1 25
Scroll, Mage Armor Lvl 1CL 1 25
- Utility
Wand, Animate Rope Lvl 1CL 1 15
Wand, Enlarge Person Lvl 1CL 1 15
Potion, Endure Elements Lvl 1CL 1 50
Potion, Charm Person Lvl 1CL 1 50
Potion, Spider Climb Lvl 2CL 3 300
Scroll, Comprehend Languages Lvl 1CL 1 25
Scroll, Tiny Hut Lvl 3CL 5 375
Wand, Silent Image Lvl 1CL 1 ×5 15
Wand, Expeditious Excavation Lvl 1CL 1 ×31 15
Wand is itself a trowel and counts as a focus for this spell if learned.
Wondrous, Chime of Opening ×5 300
1d20+11 to open locks, etc; dispels hold portal, arcane lock, etc CL <15.
Recap Rewards
- Session 3: Submit recap to get: Madame Mvashti will brew you a tea that will effectively be Augury, once, with a 10 minute "brewing" time. (Counts as a potion.)
- Session 6: Submit recap to get: Reroll a fortitude save against poison.
- Session 7: Submit recap to get: Extra Trait from DM's offering & extra non-core spell (or similar) from DM's offering.
- Session 8: Submit recap to get: You can gain the benefits of the Blind Fight feat for 1 round.
- Session 10: Submit recap to get: The sudden death of Haneet to Caizarlu's phantasmal killer lingers on your mind. Next time you would die, you are instead at -(CON/2), not stable. If the cause of death is something else (e.g., constitution damage), you remain at the minimum not to die by that effect.<-- 11, 12, 13 were non-individual -->
- Session 14: Submit recap to get: One attack roll against a giant is an automatic hit and threat, requires confirmation.<-- 15 was party -->
- Session 16: Submit recap to get: Get a +5 competence bonus to a single swim check.
- Session 17: Submit recap to get: Shadow Conjuration, once ever as an SLA with no material components. Filled by those who noticed your interaction with the devil.
- Session 18: Submit recap to get: A lesser blessing from Myriana, depending on the outcome of the chapter and if promises are kept.
- Backpack
- Bedroll
- Belt Pouch
- Bullseye Lantern
- Cold-Weather Outfit
- Everburning torch -- a cloak clasp 110
- Flint and Steel
- Ink, ounce
- Inkpen ×4
- Tankard [Clay]
- Mirror [Metal, Small] ×2 10
- Oil, pint flask ×3
- Paper ×5
- Parchment ×10
- Prism (non-magical)
- Rope [Silk, 50']
- Sewing Needle ×2 0.5
- Soap
- Spell Component Pouch ×2 5
- Artisan's Tools (Books) - Thassilonian Manuscript
- 1,100 GP worth of regional and continental maps. If kept, +4 competence bonus to Knowledge (Geography) checks if an hour is spent consulting them.
- Misc random artifacts from Thistletop dungeons
Spell Books
Copying Spells: 1 hour and DC 15 + Spell Level (Failure -> Wait a week). 1 page & hour per spell level. Spell level squared * 10 GP. ^ Mark spells already learned/known from other spell books. ~ Mark spells known by Spell Mastery that can be prepared without spellbook..
Calum's Spellbook #1 (recalculate/100 pages full) recalculate 
- Zero-level
- Acid Splash
- Arcane Mark
- Bleed
- Dancing Lights
- Daze
- Detect Magic
- Detect Poison
- Disrupt Undead
- Flare
- Ghost Sound
- Light
- Mage Hand
- Mending ~[bonus]
- Message
- Open/Close
- Prestidigitation
- Ray of Frost
- Read Magic
- Resistance
- Slap
- Touch of Fatigue
- First Level
- Animate Rope ~
- Burning Hands
- Chill Touch
- Color Spray
- Comprehend Languages
- Detect Secret Doors
- Enlarge Person
- Expeditous Retreat
- Floating Disk
- Grease
- Identify
- Mage Armor
- Magic Missile
- Obscuring Mist
- Ray Enfeeblement
- Sleep
- Stenchcoin
- Second Level
- Acid Arrow
- Bull's Strength
- Cat's Grace
- Confound Languages
- Fox's Cunning
- Invisibility
- Locate Object
- Minor Image
- Mirror Image
- Scorching Ray
- See Invisibility
- Shatter
- Spider Climb
- Summon Monster 2
- Web
- Wood Shape ~
- Third Level
- Fireball
- Fly
- Haste
- Keen Edge
- Lightning Bolt
- Ray of Exhaustion
- Stone Shape ~
- Fourth Level
- Dimension Door
- Improved Invisibility
- Minor Creation ~
- Stoneskin (250
per casting)
- Wall of Ice
Artifice Domain Spells
- All known and by Spell Mastery. No spell book.
- 1st—animate rope, 2nd—wood shape, 3rd—stone shape, 4th—minor creation, 5th—fabricate, 6th—major creation, 7th—wall of iron, 8th—statue, 9th—prismatic sphere.
Caizarlu's Spellbook 1,215 
- 4: Enervation, Phantasmal Killer, Reduce Person (Mass)
- 3: Displacement, Ray of Exhaustion^, Stinking Cloud, Vampiric Touch
- 2: Acid Arrow^, Blindness/Deafness, Command Undead, Mirror Image^, Web^
- 1: Cause Fear, Chill Touch^, Mage Armor^, Magic Missile^, Obscuring Mist^, Ray of Enfeeblement^
Ironbriar's Found Spellbook 735 
- 3: Blink, Haste^, Lightning Bolt^, Shrink Item
- 2: Cat's Grace^, Fox's Cunning^, Scorching Ray^, Spider Climb^, Web^
- 1: Chill Touch, Enlarge Person^, Grease^, Mage Armor^, Magic Missile^, Shocking Grasp
Barl's Spellbook
- 4: Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Contagion, Enervation, Fear
- 3: Fireball^, Fly^, Gentle Repose, Halt Undead, Ray of Exhaustion^, Vampiric Touch
- 2: Blindness/Deafness, Command Undead, False Life, Ghoul Touch, Scare, Spectral Hand
- 1: Cause Fear, Chill Touch^, Magic Missile^, Ray of Enfeeblement^
Non-Core Spells
- School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level alchemist 2, bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
- Casting Time 1 standard action
- Components V, S, M (a drop of alcohol)
- Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
- Target 20 ft. radius burst, centered on one creature
- Duration 1 hr./level
- Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes
- Sometimes simply called babble, this enchantment temporarily replaces each affected creatures' previously known languages with new languages. For the duration of this spell, the target cannot read or comprehend their previous languages. Randomly assign a new language (or multiple languages, if applicable) to each creature affected by this enchantment separately. Any effort the target makes to communicate (written or spoken) will instead be in this new language. The affected creature can only read this language if he/she was previously literate. This spell has no effect on telepathic communication, or the vocalizations of creatures that lack a spoken language.
Creatures under the effect of confound languages cannot benefit from the comprehend languages spell.
- School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
- Casting Time 1 standard action
- Components V, S, M (a bit of rotten meat)
- Range touch
- Target one coin
- Duration permanent
- Saving Throw Fortitude negates (object); SR none
- This rather unpleasant spell is more annoying than deadly, and it must be cast on a coin of any valuation. This stenchcoin is scentless until it is disturbed, for example, by being placed into a container or otherwise moved from its resting place. At this point, it excretes a foul odor similar to a combination of skunk and rotting meat. The scent permeates other nearby coins (if the stenchcoin is in a coin pile, a purse with other coins, etc.) and fill any closed container. After 1 hr., the stench fills a regular bag or backpack, and after 4 hrs. it fills an extra-dimensional space such as a bag of holding or a handy haversack. If the container is open after that point, anyone within 5 ft. of the container must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for one round.
- Dealing with the stenchcoin requires finding it. As othercoins absorb scent, this process requires a DC 20 + caster level Perception check and 1 min. of work per 10 coins examined. As the scent spreads among all nearby coins, using detect magic on a stenchcoin in a pile of other coins will only indicate the 5-ft. square where the stenchcoin resides. If the stenchcoin is not with only coins, detect magic works as normal. Once found and discarded, the smell fades over several hours and can no longer cause nausea.
- School conjuration [force]; Level sorcerer/wizard 0
- Casting Time 1 standard action
- Components V, S
- Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
- Effect one stinging slap
- Duration instantaneous
- Saving Throw none; SR no
- You create a stinging slap against a single target. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target. The slap deals 1d6 hp nonlethal bludgeoning damage.