Drinking & Dragons

Disposable:The Hunting of the Crimson Lord/PCs/Frank

From Drinking and Dragons

"...count me in as a fighter of some sort. Prefer to be one of the good guys if all possible." -Frank (in email sent to Randy)

Hexblade 15

Hexblade 15
NG Medium human
Init +0; Senses: Listen +0; Spot +0

AC: 10; Touch: 10; Flat-footed: 10
(+0 dex; )
HP: 00 (0d0+0)
Fort: +5, Ref +5, Will +9

Speed: 30'
Melee: Touch +15
Ranged: Touch +15
Space: 5'; Reach: 5'; BAB:+15/10/5; Grapple: +0

Class Spells CL1 DC 10+lvl
Close 27.5 [5] Medium 110' Long 440'

  • 1st (0) Spells

Abilities Str 10 +0 | Dex 10 +0 | Con 10 +0 | Int 10 +0 | Wis 10 +0 | Cha 10 +0

  • Hu: Power Attack
  • 1: Dreadful Wrath
    When you charge, make a full attack, or cast a spell that either targets an enemy or includes an enemy in its area, you gain the frightful presence ability for that round. Each enemy with a 20-foot radius of your must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier) or be shaken for 1 minute. Regardless of its success or failure on the saving throw, any creature exposed to this effect is immune to your frightful presence for the next 24 hours. This is an extraordinary morale effect.
  • 3: Practiced Caster
  • H5: Skill Focus (Concentration)
  • 6: Obtain Familiar
  • 9: Improved Familiar (Winter Wolf)
  • H10: Spell Focus (X)
  • 12: Mounted Combat
  • 15: Brutal Strike
    If you use your Power Attack feat to increase your damage with a bludgeoning weapon, you can attempt a brutal strike. You must declare your intention before making your attack. If the attack hits and your opponent takes damage, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + your extra damage from the Power Attack feat on the attack) or be sickened for 1 round.
  • H15: Spell Focus, Greater (X)

Skills Skill

Items Gear

Ability Special