Drinking & Dragons

User:Askewnotion/PCs/Durka/Personality Profile

From Drinking and Dragons
  • Full name: Durka-da'durkabakalakadaka
  • Birth date: Mid-fall, 8 years ago (young adult)
  • Birth order (eldest, second, youngest, etc.): 14th in a clutch of 109. 2nd born in the brood of his father. 6th born in the brood of his mother.
  • Parents (or Guardian) and parent’s occupations as well as additional family information: Father: Moisture farmer, Owinarvid. Mother: Diamond miner, Brewishadron
  • Major childhood influences, traumas, events, emotional wounds: Was born as a Child of the Utterdark with a mission to keep their land safe and under a shroud of darkness. He did not get the enjoy in the fun activities his youths did, such as learning to farm moisture and mine for gems.
  • Talents: The ability to escape from sight and was trained to be a skilled assassin.
  • Flaws, vulnerabilities: The sunlight is his bane. Though he is used to the desert heat, he often feels fatigued by the suns rays and find his ability to hide greatly hindered. He is often seen walking with a parasol to ward off some of the suns rays.
  • Strengths: His small size and slight build often give him the edge in many situations.
  • Religious affiliation/Patron Deity: He worships the Utterdark, which unknowingly to most everyone, is an aspect of Tharizdun.
  • Attitudes, personality type–introvert or extrovert, optimist or pessimist: Durka is more marially minded than most of his fellow kobolds. He has always enjoyed a good tale. Durka is very optimistic that he will be able to recover the gem.
  • Primary relationships, marital status and capacity for intimacy: He has no relationships in the traditional human sense. Before leaving, he was made to mate with many of the females of the tribe to try to propagate the unique tie he has to darkness.
  • Occupation: Trapsmith and sneak. Currently a member of the thieves guild at Great Fortress.
  • Education: He was trained in a variety of skills to help promote the saftey of the clan and to complete his mission, but not much beyond that.
  • Taste in clothes: He wears minimal clothes, as he finds them too confining. HE does wear armor when he knows he will be stepping in danger.
  • Food preferences: He loves raw fish. He also has a sweet tooth for sweet fruit.
  • Health habits: He grooms himself regularly, making sure that he does not shed scales since they would lead an obvious trail to him.
  • Recreation activities or hobbies: Only of his pleasures in life is mining, and wishes to one day retire from a life of adventure and quest to mine.
  • Pets: He used to have a fish named Nibbile. Upon kissing the fish, he learned how good they taste and that fish make better food than pets.
  • Favorite possessions: He beings nothing from his island with him, knowing that there will be no return if the gem is not recovered.
  • Mannerisms, expressions, gestures: Knowing that people can't see him in most situations, he is prone to making sarcastic faces.
  • Worst physical trait: His form is what most would consider "evil." Black scales, extra spikey, ect.,doesn't give a good first impression.
  • Best physical trait: His teeth. He keeps them very clean.
  • Reason he or she is motivated: To find the Gem of Utterdark to prevent a great beast from awakening from beneath the sands of his island.
  • 2 Enemies:
    • One: Burka'jonnajahadindifidel: Another kobold that was charged with seeking the Gem of Utterdark. Burka believes that Durak is not suited to do the job and believe that he has a greater destiny. Rumor is that he has killed many other shadow kobolds so that he would be chosen to go find the gem. Chances are, if Durka is on the right path, Burka may just want to get the informaiton and kill him.
    • Two: Jonas "The Clamp" Clampel: A member of the Great Fortress theives guild. He does not like having any non-human in the guild, calling all non-humans "a taint to their noble profession."
  • 2 Friends:
    • One: Griffen Keller: A member of the Order of Eternal Recitation. Durka ran into him telling a story and was entranced. Upon talking, Griffen said that there was another on the island that practices the oral tradition of story and history and to seek him out. If Durka were to act as a body guard for that member, he would be reimbursed some time in the future with information about the location of his gem if the order were to stumble upon any.
    • Two: Burrow: A kobold of some renown that came from Druka's island. He has made quite a name for himself as a merchant of both mysterious and rare. Burrow was friends with Durka's father while they were youths, and Burrow has taken it upon himself to look after Durka in his father's leave. Little is known of why he change his name to Burrow.
  • Reactions under stress: His natural instinct is to hide and regroup.
  • Lifestyle (poor, moderate, rich, luxury): He is used to living a simple, though fulfilling, lifestyle.
  • Goals, long and short term: His long term goal that he wishes was a shorterm goal is to recover the Gem of Utterdark. He also wishes to gain some prestigue, and maybe see if the outside world is more engaging than the mines back home, though he does love his caves.
  • One sentence character summary: Ultra sneak that is more invisible than invisible.